Beautiful Blues 10/18/10

MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey fitness buddies,

Here's the chart for our new week. We have new people and I'm excited about that!


I have alot of activities planned this week as well as playing volleyball sunday morning. But most important I am going to be careful so that I don't get another injury. I think adding more sleep will also help me get motivated to workout in the morning.

What are you doing this week blues?


  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    bumping for later
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Yeay for all those loses this week! Go Blues!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    The chart is looking awesome, Everyone is doing great!!

    My goal this week is to work in some vegies into my eating. I have realized I have not been eating them like I should. I also want to join a co-op by us to get more fruits and vegies-- but hubby thinks that we won't eat what we get so I need to prove that we will. I saw a recipe for roasted kale where you just put oil and salt and pepper on it and then cook at 450 until it is crisp like a chip. It sounded good. I think I will try it this week. Any other vegie ideas?? I need to spend some time in that produce aisle!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    My goals for this coming week are to get all my water in and pay better attention to what I eat.
    I am also going to workout atleastg 4 times I need to get better at that and I want to be a runner again
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Hello everyone.

    Hope you're enjoying your weekend. Beautiful weather here in NC. Doing well with eating, just seem hungry all the time! Need to find filling, low cal/fat foods instead of using up a lot of calories/fat at once. Exercise still okay - hard to get in with the baby. Husband still working about 12-16 hours a day. Thankfully, my older daughter has been helpful. I've got a test Monday - it's hard stuff. All about research in the educational field. No chance to really study with the baby. My husband is coming home early tomorrow so I can get in a couple of uninterrupted hours.

    Great goals...
    Mine are also eating more fresh fruits and veggies and less processed foods. Also, increasing the intensity of my workouts is a goal. Been walking a lot, but want to start back on the elliptical and doing pilates.

    Have fun this weekend. I'll probably be studying most of it. It's my last week home full-time with the baby. Keep me in your thoughts. I am having a hard time emotionally with this. Just thought I'd check in. Take care.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Hubby and I not feeling great today sowe spent the day chillin around the house watching movies and eating lasagna. Will spend most of tomorrow chopping wood in the yard and getting a great workout doing it. Now I am going to watch the blind side for the second time today while hubby sleeps
  • My goal is to try to drink more than 8 glasses of water every day, and keep up my exercise minutes. Good luck everyone!!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hello all,

    Had a very exciting day today at church and my sister is in the hospital getting ready to have a baby- she will be induced on monday. I was at church praying for her and praying for hubby's medica exams to come out good. Just sending alot of good vibes their way.

    Debnu- the co-op sounds great and I have thought about doing that. They also have farmer's markets here but some are a bit far away.

    ainslieglen- those are some great goals!

    smadag- Hope you and hubby feel better and I'm sending good thoughts your way.

    cah0806- It's great you're getting some time to yourself to study. Wish you the best on your exams. I know what you mean with going back to work after baby, I just started a new job 3 months ago. I have a pic of my daughter on my work desk and everything that I do at work, I always think of her, and how proud she would be of me. I know your baby will be proud of you.

    Tomorrow we have a volleyball tournament and I'm excited about that. I'll count that as my workout for the day. Then I'm visiting my sister at the hospital, and doing an assignment for school.

    Love you all and take care,

  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    Hi Blues,

    Sorry I missed the weigh in yet again. I have finished my first ultimate tournament :smile: . It was a great time but my body is really sore now. I don't think I've eaten so much food on a weekend in such a long time. Apparently my body is telling me that it is hungry. Oh and who knew that you could get burnt in October in Canada when it's not even that hot out.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Spent the day with the inlaws :ohwell: so I didn't get anything done today. Tomorrow I start the C25K program and hubby and I have a ton of fire wood to cut plus I have to clean the house and look for a job.

    Hope yall had a great weekend check in tomorrow if my body doesn't pass out before I get to my computer :drinker:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Monday...I had my yard sale on Saturday and did pretty good. I made a little over $100 and got my office cleaned out. Granted a lot of it is in my car waiting to be donated today, but at least I can see the walls in my office lol. We had our family picnic at the Pink Beds on Sunday and I ate way too much food. Then we took a 5 mile hike and walked for about three hours. I thought I would be heavier this morning but I'm not so the hiking must have helped. I have Zumba today at bootcamp, which is not my favorite. I spend most of my time trying to get the moves rather than exercising. We have cardio every day this week. We will be doing kick boxing one day, which I think I might enjoy. Tomorrow they are coming to put on our new metal roof. I am so excited to get it done. Hope you all have a great day.

    Thanks for the chart. This week I have to DRINK MY WATER!!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good morning all,

    Wow, had a great volleyball practice yesterday with church friends. We played volleyball tournaments all day against other teams for 5 hours. My legs are sore and feeling good. Very excited about my first nephew that is going to be born hopefully today. Planning on organizing my schedules better to make my life easier when it comes to exercising and planning meals.

    Have a great day all!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    It sounds like everyone had a great weekend. We had fun on Saturday going to the movie Secretariat. It was a fantastic movie--one I didn't mind taking my kids to (although it is kinda hard to discretely explain what a stud fee is to a 7 year old) And of course I cried--impossible to not do with pregnancy hormones!

    Yesterday my hubby and I came down with the stomach flu--I lost 5 lbs in 24 hours. That is not how I would recommend it though. We are in recovery mode today, and completely surprised that the kids seem uneffected so far.

    Have a great week--and here is to healthy choices!
  • Hey Ladies!
    Tammy invited me to join, and I would love too. I need some new motivation!!! ;) Thanks Tammy. Hi Christy!!!

    Haven't had a chance to read everything I need to do to get started here. My starting weight was 177, currently I am at 164. For the last few months I have just stayed the same or up/down 1 lb. I need to get with it. My goal weight is 150. I turn 50 in September of next year so would like to be at goal by then!!! :) 14 lbs in a year! I CAN DO THAT!!!! I just need to get with it! Let me know if I need to do something else!!! ;)

  • have taken time to read about what everyone is doing. This is an exciting group!!! So who do we report our weigh in's too or how does that work for the chart?

    I am hoping to get with it this week. The last couple of weeks have been H*LL!!!!! I am band booster president and we had our regional competition last week. Then we had to wait for results to see if we qualified for state. NOPE! Darn it. We are in a re-building year with our music programs because the last director destroyed it badly!!!! The kids did great and have come a long way in just 9 weeks. Holy Cow!!!! that that part is over, maybe I can get back to my exercise and get my priorities back in line.

    My goals this week are to make it to Curves 4 times and to drink my water every day. Hope it helps! Oh yea....and to stay away from fast food!!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    Welcome Ann.

    It is great to have new people joining us.

    Our weigh in days are on Fridays and you send your weight to MayLan.

  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member have taken time to read about what everyone is doing. This is an exciting group!!! So who do we report our weigh in's too or how does that work for the chart?

    I am hoping to get with it this week. The last couple of weeks have been H*LL!!!!! I am band booster president and we had our regional competition last week. Then we had to wait for results to see if we qualified for state. NOPE! Darn it. We are in a re-building year with our music programs because the last director destroyed it badly!!!! The kids did great and have come a long way in just 9 weeks. Holy Cow!!!! that that part is over, maybe I can get back to my exercise and get my priorities back in line.

    My goals this week are to make it to Curves 4 times and to drink my water every day. Hope it helps! Oh yea....and to stay away from fast food!!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week!


    Hey Ann. Glad you joined us!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Totally forgot to send a check in on friday. Ran the 5k on Sat, walked 4 miles yesterday-rest day today....too much to do.

    Terrible headache-I think it's stress....SIGH!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Went running this am plus a lot of yard work and house work, think I am going to chill for the rest of the night. going to walk tomorrow plus maybe some weights, plus more wood chopping.

    Chrissy I think you need a day off with everything that has gone on the last couple days I say relax and take care of yourself and the family.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I think my headache was a cold coming back....been sneezing since midnight...not too happy but I'll dose up on Emergen-C

    Gonna run tonight-at least 2 miles - hopefully 5k we'll see how I am feeling by then. If this cold is anything like the last - I'll be out of commission for a few days +
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