40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    jimmie, welcome! Losing weight is never easy. The key is to make sure you are eating fewer calories than your body is using during the day. If you set up your user on MFP to include your gender, height, weight and weight loss goals, MFP should have calculated how many calories a day you should be eating to lose 1-2 pounds a week. If you have specific questions regarding how to count calories, please ask. And if you have questions about how exercise fits into that, please ask. And if you have questions on how MFP calculates how many calories you should be eating, ask that as well. But the real deal, regardless of age, for losing weight is simply to take in less energy from food (calories) than your body is using during the day. Again, please ask some specific questions and we'll be able to help!!! It isn't hopeless at all.

    singfree, sorry to hear about your commute. I'm debating right now whether I'm going to attempt the trip into the Pentagon. I've decided to make it later if nothing else. We have quite a bit of ice out, and I definitely don't want to be on the roads during rush hour. But I'm hoping I can make it in sometime today. Your soup sounds perfect.....especially on a day like today!

    Nothing new to report here. I got in a good workout this morning already (in anticipation for being gone all day). My eating remains very clean. And I ordered my materials for studying for becoming a personal trainer!! I'm looking forward to beginning the learning process.

    I hope you all have a good day. For those caught up in this yucky weather in the NE, please be safe!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning--just wanted to say hi. I haven't had much computer time over the last few days....the weekend, then my son was off yesterday for MLK day, now he's home again for a snow day...another one!! Lots of indoor projects. And being an only child he ALWAYS wants me around to be his audience without much reprieve.

    Eating is on track--and exercise so far (yesterday was a rest day, so that doesn't say much for my ambition :)).

    Will pop in tomorrow or the next day when I have a little more time.

    Enjoy the day everyone--stay safe and out of the snow and sleet!
  • pepper06
    well, we did an overnight to Cooperstown. The kids were able to go w/us and we had a nice time....except it was 0 degrees.....it realllly hurt to be out. We did go sledding as we cld not ice skate on the pond(they had pumps going in the water, so it wld not freeze). It hurt to be out. We ate at a cafe in town which was very good-I had soup and salad. Like you Sing I love soup:happy:

    On the way home we pulled off and ordered pizzas. Well, now my husband, son and dau have food poisoning today. My son's is not as bad as theirs-which is odd as my dau and I hd a sep pizza, but she tk 1 slice of theirs picked off their saugage mushroom so it wld be plain, and she is so sick. My son had the meat pizza and usually is the one w/the sensitive stomach, but he is nt as sick . I am glad I stuck to the chick / brocolli pizza.

    Boy, accidents all over the place w..the bad weather this morning....and more snow to come they say for the wk.

    I started my morning out w/ the treadmill and eggbeater.....so far so good.

    I think I am going to get some homemade soup out of the freezer-its a good day for it!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    OK Sing................the rest of us may not be as faithful about logging in as often as you do, but we still love the thread!! Don't give up on us.......please???? :laugh: :laugh:

    Since I'm here, might as well do a very late check-in:blushing: (or very early check-in for this week). Doing pretty well about eliminating the extra goodies from my life, mostly by removing the sweet temptations from the house!! Made a huge batch of black bean and corn salsa yesterday; most of it got munched with the neighbors as dinner last night, along with a little homemade queso. More in my lunchbag for today and chicken w/Rotel and enchilada sauce in the crockpot for tonight. Really trying hard to make dinner a healthy eat every night AND satisfy my hubby's unhealthy and junk food addictions. He thinks I'm part of a conspiracy against beef producers if he gets chicken more than 3 times a week!!:laugh:

    Only made it to Curves once last week (darn snow storms messed up my schedule), onto the ET twice over the weekend and my workout bag is in the car for Curves on the way home. I was quite pleased with my ET workout yesterday - made it over 30 minutes on the highest intensity I've ever set, and it DIDN'T kill my knees!! :happy: I think maybe finally figuring out my new iPod helped - I eliminated a bunch of slower songs from my workout playlist. I know it's kind of silly, but I feel so proud of myself every time I figure out how to do something in my iTunes or my iPod by myself!! I'm definitely a "read the instruction book" girl, and I get so frustrated with trying to figure out online help :grumble:

    Looks like we're in for more snow tomorrow - oh goodie :noway: :noway: . I'm SO ready for spring :flowerforyou:
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Morning fellow fitness fanatics!!!! I don't have a lot of time, but thought I would check in. Hour and a half commute this morning because of darn snow! And the roads were TERRIBLE, much worse than last Wednesday when we got a foot and a half of snow. :grumble:

    Quick question for anyone/everyone please...

    Dairy...for, against, limit the amount of? Please discuss! Thanks!!!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Cardi, I am FOR dairy!!! You read all kinds of articles, pro and con, so just let moderation be your guide. Unless you have a problem digesting dairy properly, I see no reason not to include it in a balanced diet. Benefits include: Good protein source, vitamins, essential fats, not to mention a quick and ready source of energy. Just my humble opinion!

    MK, I'm good at playing the "martyr" :smile: I can't give up on you lovely ladies...where would you find another....me? :happy:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Surprise! Another snowy morning in PA!!! I don't think the weather people were calling for it. Funny, when they predict a lot (and scare people), it usually snows little; when they don't mention anything, we always get some. I think they rely on computers too much to do the forecasting for them. They'll keep doing it because people like me watch them...:grumble: Of course, I don't have the Subaru today, just my trusty old Corolla.

    Enough bellyaching. How is everyone doing? I've been a fairly good boy this week with my diet. At least I am thinking about what I am eating. Having made a big vat of soup helps. Whenever I get hungry I heat up a small bowl of veg soup. I am feeling less bloated these days, partly from NOT eating so much junk food and because I've added a little bit more cardio to my exercise routine. I'm also trying to stay hydrated. I find it difficult to drink enough water in the winter. When it's warm outside, I drink plenty of fluids, but certainly not enough during the cold months.

    Did anyone watch the Biggest Loser last night? I can't believe those twins each gained 9 lbs! Something doesn't seem right here. How can a 300 lb man who exercises A LOT during the week and (presumably) eats a healthy diet conducive to weight loss...gain so much weight? I'm growing tired of stuff like this. I'm all for saving someone's life, and I know it makes for good television, but it's really beginning to turn people off. I should have watched the Australian Open. We get many channels of the tournament on DirecTV...maybe I'll finish my book instead.

    MK, do you have any exercise videos or equipment at home when you are snowed in? A few dumbbells or kettlebells is all you need to work out effectively. I don't use them, but exercise bands seem to work as well. Maybe some of the other ladies can attest to that. Good luck!

    Pepper, sorry to hear about the food poisoning. I've never had it, but I've seen it first-hand. Several years ago we were in NYC with some friends on New Year's eve to go to the Metropolitan Opera. The one man ate at a "Raw Bar" in Grand Central Station. Well, you know the rest of the story!!! He was violently ill and had to leave the opera early to go back to the hotel. He was not feeling well for several days.

    Stiring, did you get your study books yet? I will volunteer to be your "guinea pig". If you can motivate a stubborn German like me, you can motivate anyone!! :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    cardigirl, regarding dairy.....I agree with singfree, I think it is fine to eat/drink if you can digest it. I think low fat options are better in terms of weight loss and heart health (especially those prone to high cholesterol) but low fat options (in some cases, depending on the product) also have more sugars, so I think any dairy eaten needs to be done in consideration of those things. I think higher fat dairy products are fine if a person doesn't have cholesterol issues or doesn't need to lose weight. But the amount of fat does need to be considered when looking at the overall diet. I don't believe dairy is specifically harmful to health (as has been written) if eaten in moderation and a person is aware of their body (whether they are prone to high cholesterol) and not obese (and eating high fat dairy). That being said, I don't think diary is a necessity by a long shot (as it is too often advertised to be). I think all nutrients found in dairy products can be found elsewhere in other products that may not irritate stomachs as much or have the fat content. I usually eat a little cheese every day, but less than 100 calories worth. And I opt for the low fat option. I do it simply because I like it.

    mkwood, good job with the workouts. Don't you just love the iPod? I've had onen now for 7 years (well, I've actually had several of them over these seven years), and they really do help out with things like working out. Good job in figuring it out. Sounds like you're doing great! And :laugh: about your husband and chicken!!

    singfree, sorry to hear about the snow in your region. Looks like there might be more at the end of the week. I guess it is January, so probably should be expected. Most of our ice is gone, so I have no reason to complain right now. Good job on turning the eating around. It is amazing to me how quickly I feel 'back to normal' after cleaning up my diet. Regarding The Biggest Loser, I was pretty disappointed in the show last night as well. Granted, the guy is doing well at home, but to intentionally try to get off a show that so many people want to be on is just wrong and, as you said, doesn't make for good TV. I've been pretty disappointed in the show the past few seasons, and I was hoping this season was going to be different. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working out that way (despite the fact that I do like many more of the contestants this season than I did last year). I just wish there was more emphasis on health and proper fitness (by that, I mean fitness that doesn't look painful) and such. I used to learn from this show, but it seems to have stopped teaching as much. Oh, well. And, no, I haven't received my materials yet. I think they'll get here next week. I can't wait!

    All here is well. I got in a good Turbo Fire workout this morning, and will do some circuits later. My diet remains clean, which is good. And I easily wore a pair of jeans yesterday that was tight around the holidays. YAY! So I'm making progress.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Hey all, and thanks Stiring and Sing for weighing in on the dairy issue. I asked my trainer mostly because I mentioned having to go buy milk before the last snowstorm and all the other trainers' reaction was "MILK??!?!??!?" :laugh: My trainer is lactose intolerant so he does not eat much dairy at all, but he's not opposed to it in one's diet, as long as it's not a huge amount.

    I typically have half a cup with cereal in the morning, and then some days I also will have cottage cheese, or yogurt, and fruit. I LOVE cheese, but I don't eat it very often because of the high fat content. I think I agree that "all things in moderation" applies well here. Besides, I don't think I could go dairy free.

    Has anyone here tried soy milk, rice milk or almond milk? I 've thought about trying those just to see if I could stand the taste.

    Quote for today:

    “Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become.”

    Expecting some slushy snow today here in the Boston area, and then possibly 6 to 12 more inches of snow on Friday. Wheeeeeee! :grumble:
  • Texssippian
    Hi all! Regarding milk, if you are not drinking three glasses a day, (I don't), please make sure you are taking a calcium/vitamin D supplement. My doctor said that if you are on anti-reflux medicine, you should take calcium citrate instead of calcium carbonate. The stuff I take now has magnesium in it. I take it at night because it was making me nauseated in the morning.

    We are supposed to get cold weather tonight (20s for us is cold) and maybe some mix of freezing rain/sleet/snow. It makes the raods a complete mess!

    I am determined to get my husband to the gym tonight. We'll see how it goes...

    Sing and Stiring: thanks for keeping the thread going!

    Take care all!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry havent posted...I read the posts the other day but didnt have time to post...now I am at work so I dont have too much time. :grumble: Everything is going well, eating well but I am kinda bloated now...:noway: :laugh: I had a fantastic zumba workout last night, I even felt kinda winded but had so much energy. :noway: My hip doesnt hurt anymore, strange...cant wait for my follow up appt this Friday to find out about the MRI results. It is hard to get my extra workuots (resistance trng) mid week especially after I have intense Zumba classes. I was supposed to do lower body this morning and couldnt get up early enough to do it before getting ready for work.

    Sing, I wonder if the twins from BL were retaining water...that could explain the weight gain, dont you think?

    As far as milk is concerned, as a child I would only drink it with chocolate then when I got older I stopped drinking milk for years because I disliked the taste. I know how important calcium is to our bodies so now I have some with my oatmeal or cereal, coffee, eat yogurt, cottage cheese, and take calcium citrate daily. I can only drink fat free milk though, I still dont like the taste and dont like to drink it by itself. :grumble:

    I gotta go...:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Cardi, we use unsweetened vanilla almond milk in our cereal, and I sometimes use it to make a protein shake. The flavor is good, but not really like cow's milk. But at only 40 cals per cup, I'll take it.

    Alf, great to hear that you are not bothered by your hip! Hopefully the MRI will be good as well. I'm sure anything is possible, but I really got a strange vibe about the twin's weight gain. Too bad there is so much game playing and not enough serious commitment to losing weight and getting healthy. I was raised at a time when people did not buy fat free milk as a rule. My mom always bought regular milk. It took me a long time to get used to the taste of FF. Now when I drink regular, it's like drinking half and half!

    Tex, good luck with hubby at the gym tonight!
  • pepper06
    well-I did take drastic measures to loose weight this week-I guess-I also had the food poisoning....hit me about noon yesterday.
    Rules: don't get a pizza if they tell you ready in 10min. don't get pizza from Arizona pizza in Lee MA. temp is gone, slight headache and little sore.

    sing-I was watching the Biggest Looser last night when I fell asleep, so I did not see the ending. Very wierd how they are on the show and they gained! Something def wrong there. I would think if they were drinking allot of water which they wld nd to do for the exercises-they wld be going to the bathroom enough thus they shld be loosing water weight. Thought it was interesting how they could predict peoples life spans-did you find that interesting?

    oh-with my diet and weigt loss chgs-my Dr agreed to let me go off the small dose of chol med for a few months. Will prob hv to go bk on, but want to see what the number reflect in my nxt labs.

    Our driveway is a sheet of ice.....even the grass is frozen!

    well, I am off to have a cup of homemade veg. soup, so have a nice warm day.
  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    OK I think I need to start posting again! Day 6 of my antibiotic and I have to say I am feeling better. I still have a slight cough though and it's making me CRAZY!!!! This morning I decided that I'd had enough rest and decided to do 30 min. on the elliptical, however I kept coughing through the workout so I had to stop at 22 min. I need to think of something to do tomorrow. My usual workouts are swimming, aqua aerobics, treadmill, elliptical, and sometimes yoga. I think I need something new and fun. I also am bad at weights. I enjoy lifting them but I always end up hurting my left shoulder so I think I'm doing something wrong.

    As far as dairy goes...I love it. Can't live w/o my skim milk. I like chocolate soy milk to but it has more fat and calories.

    I saw the Biggest Loser too...can't decided if those men are telling the truth or not. The guy that left really seemed to want to leave. That show is like a train wreck for me...I get so irritated sometimes and yet I find myself still coming back to look!

    Oh well...hope everyone is having a good week!!!
  • DoubleO7
    Hello MFP 40+ club :happy: I just started today and i truly LOVE this program :heart:

    Cheers to good health :wink:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Pepper, what I find interesting is how Dr. H. finds a "new" way to scare these poor people straight! I really think calculations like "date of death" are irresponsible, to say the least!
  • altushe
    altushe Posts: 57 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Cardigirl: I don't eat much dairy, but not because of all the hype against it - just don't like to drink my calories (i.e., milk) and it's hard to find cheeses that are salt-free as I only eat foods that are salt-free or low sodium due to sodium sensitivity (for many years), Now I can't even stand the taste of salt and even stay away from foods naturally high in sodium like celery. Anyway, I do eat and LOVE Fage non-fat plain greek yogurt.

    Question for the group...Has anyone had an increased appetite on maintenance? While it seems I was never hungry during weight loss, it seems that no sooner do I increase my maintenance calories, does my body become accustomed to the new higher level and I feel hungry on more calories than I was the previous week on fewer. What to do... No changes in workout or anything else that could explain.

    Other than being hungrier and nearly wiping out on the icy sidewalks of NYC this week, things are going OK...Will check-in again tomorrow when I have more time...
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Bracing for yet another round of snow predicted tonight for the Northeast. We're supposed to get 3-4 inches of the white stuff. Thankfully, most of the snowstorms around here this winter were not too bad. Since we live away from the coast, we usually miss the really heavy snows. PennDOT must not think that anyone goes to work before 7 am. I rarely see a plow truck out on the roads when I'm on the road at 5:15 am. Ever since we had a terrible ice storm several years ago and many cars were stranded on I-78 (only 20 miles from me) for 5 days before they could all get cleared out, the former Governor insisted that they keep the interstate roads clear at all costs, forsaking the secondary roads.

    Sorry about the morning rant! Actually, I'm rather happy today. My health is good, my family loves me and I have steady employment. Lots to be thankful for!! I find myself daydreaming and looking at "retirement" type websites. I'm going to be 57 in June and it's time to start looking seriously about retiring in a few years. So many pros and cons to retiring before my full retirement age of 66. I have a number of family and friends who've retired early...they all have smiles on their faces...I wonder why????:happy:

    In a way I'm glad it's going to snow tinight rather than tomorrow. We are taking several other couples to the Evergreen German Club tomorrow night for some music, dancing and Gemütlichkeit. Our favorite Austrian musician, Walt Groller, will be playing. This place gives me my German "fix" when I can't actually be in the old country. Actually, for those on the east coast, Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, VA has a huge German Oktoberfest pavillion, which is EXACTLY like the kind you would see in München...complete with lederhosen!

    It's lower body day at the gym. I usually do 3 sets each of 6 different exercises, then finish with some cardio. I think i will dust off my Plyo cd from P90X tonight and give that a try. I can't do high impact stuff too often because my left knee gets sore. I'm not sure if I will be able to get to the gym tomorrow. It all depends on the snow situation.

    altushe, if you are experiencing hunger and increasing calories, try playing around with the amounts of protein/carb/fat that you are eating. You might find that by increasing one of those, you possibly might be able to curb your appetite. If I do a lot of cardio, which I am NOT currently doing very much, I find that at times I am famished. Everyone is different and you will find the right balance to satisfy you. Have you recently gained muscle mass in addition to weight loss? If so, you might not even now be eating enough. When I am exercising hard and doing biking, I can easily afford to eat 3000+ cals in a day. If you have a good heart rate monitor, you could get a better handle on how much you should be eating per day.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    alf, good to hear your hip is feeling better. Please let us know the results of your appointment tomorrow. I hope it is all good news!

    pepper, so sorry to hear about the food poisoning. Take it easy for a little while. It may take some time to fully recover.

    kbefit, sorry to hear you are still suffering from your sickness. As I said before, make sure you are fully recovered before trying cardio. Maybe try some yoga, go for a walk, etc. But don't really push it too hard until that cough is gone. You'll only make yourself worse if you do! I know it is hard to do that, but listen to that body of yours!

    DoubleO7, welcome!!!

    altushe, probably not surprisingly to you, I've had the same reaction to increasing calories. I find that my body's natural reaction to any change in my diet is to be hungry. If I were you, I'd just stick it through for a couple of weeks, and your body will probably go back to normal. But I suffer the same thing, especially if I add something like a snack in my day. I eat three meals a day, and get by just fine with the 5 or so hours in between meals. But since I know you really aren't supposed to go that long between meals, I've tried adding snacks, and it just makes me famished for my next meal. Go figure. So, once again, you are not alone. But my body usually adapts to it within a few weeks.

    singfree, be careful with the snow! We're only supposed to get about an inch. This is turning out to be a very easy winter (so far). It's hard to believe it is nearing the end of January, and I've only had to shovel once! Not bad! The German club sounds great. Of course, my dear husband is in Germany right now which has me ALL kinds of jealous. He's eating dinner at a winery tonight. :grumble: Maybe next year I'll try to go with him. It's such an easy trip from here. His being there has made me quite homesick for Europe.

    All here is well. I got in a good long steady state cardio this morning, and will do a little HiiT and yoga later today. The eating is all good still, which makes me happy.

    Enjoy the day!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Friday check-in. Stiring, it might be just the two of us checking in. A pretty good week for me. Not great, but good. I'm on the right track with diet and exercise. I'm getting stronger by the day. I can notice this especially when I feel that there is less room in the shoulders of my shirts & pullovers. My shoulders, arms and back muscles are getting a bit of muscle back on them. My core is much stonger too. I still have a bit of fat to deal with, but that will come off in time. Right now I am concentrating on decent nutrition and working the muscles hard. My cardio is fairly limited, but I am ending each session with some steady-state cardio (high intensity to get a good sweat going). In about 2 months I am going to concentrate on fat loss, which is not a priority for me right now. That should put me in good shape for April when i get the bike out and start enjoying exercising outdoors.

    Another snowy blast last night...3-4 inches, but it's all over. As predicted, not much plowing by our PennDOT guys. Remind me again why we pay taxes? The town that I live in has done a great job already, but the main roads are terrible. Is your state as bad at plowing as in PA? Oh well, I'm thinking about the Bier & Schnitzels tonight at the German Club. Stiring, you will have to tell me about your husband's dinner at the winery. That sounds great! My wife would love it, too, because she doesn't drink beer (gasp!!). I married a French-Canadian gal. You better have him promise you a vacation to Deutschland in the near future!

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!