40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Good Morning!

    Friday check-in.....I can't say this has been my best week only because I've been fighting this cold. But my eating has been really clean (no sweets, treats, alcohol, eating out, etc). And I have worked out each day. So I'm not really sure why I feel this week hasn't been great! :huh: I tried on some of my smaller slacks and jeans yesterday (my size 0s) and they fit!!!! I'm excited about that. I want to shed a little bit more of this move and Christmas fat, but right now I'm really happy with where I'm at. The endurance based workouts combined with a clean diet have really made an impact over the past four weeks.

    Shirley, welcome! Post whenever you get a chance. We usually do check-ins (as singfree mentioned) on Friday. We'd love to hear more about you.

    zebras, so sorry to hear about the snow. Hopefully you made it home safely. I think of you every time the news people point out how horrible the winter has been in CT. You certainly have been hit with it, haven't you?

    Robin, your new workout regime sounds great! Jumping rope is about the best cardio workout out there. Are you able to do it in your house? I've thought about trying to add it, my our ceilings aren't high enough for that so I'd have to do it outside. And I'm shy about exercising in front of my neighbors, so.....:blushing: I hope you are pleased with adding some resistance training to your regime. I know it really helps me maintain my body shape even when I'm doing doing well at maintaining my weight.

    tron, I'm SOOOO happy to hear your daughter made it home safely. How wonderful to be able to spend a day with your daughters and your mother. Sounds perfect! I've heard about alkaline, but I don't remember what I heard about it. Let us know if you notice any difference because I'm curious.

    singfree, glad you didn't get hit with this storm. Sounds like this new workout plan is really making a difference. I bet you really like it when it comes to leaning out because the extra muscle should help you lean out faster. And, of course, you'll have more muscle to show off! :wink: I hope you enjoy your weekend with your grandson! What a great example you and your wife are of people who stay active in life!

    kbefit, don't be discouraged!!!!! You've been sick, so don't beat yourself up for NOT losing. Instead, congratulate yourself for NOT gaining!! Because that in and of itself is a true accomplishment when you've been sick. Give your body a chance to adjust back to exercise as well. You'll retain some fluids as you start up again, and that's perfectly normal. Just remember to drink plenty of fluids as well, and that should help flush out the system. But you've done great through a long illness with medication involved! Again, you're to be congratulated for that so don't beat yourself up!

    Off to do a total body resistance workout. I already got in an Insanity workout this morning, so that's good. Still not feeling 100% but feeling better than yesterday.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Friday check in, and as I have the day off, I've even got time to check in!!!! *waves to everyone*

    Well it has been one heck of a winter here in the Beantown area, with another 10 inches of snow dumped on us yesterday. Wheee hee hee!!! Quite the workout to shovel it all. My driveway is at an angle because my garage is under my house, so I have to shovel snow up AND over the retaining wall on either side. So. Much. Fun.

    Winter is really interfering with my workout schedule. :grumble: There are only so many hours in the day and if I spend an hour or more shoveling well there goes my workout time. Booooo!

    Had an excellent workout with the trainer this morning. Boxing moves really wear me out. I don't know if I'm getting any better at ducking and weaving, it seems I'm throwing a lot of wild punches. And today the trainer tried to show me a superman punch which for some reason I could not do at all. Practice I guess.

    Weight today was down low, like before Christmas, but it varies wildly these days, between 2 4 lbs during the week.:noway: I loved Texassipian's story of the two scales. Quite the lesson there.

    Still working to get a flatter stomach and tighter abs, but it is tough! Eating has been much cleaner the last few weeks, compared to Christmas, so hope to start seeing more evidence in the mirror and in the way my clothes fit.

    Even though I do not reply to you all individually, I"m reading and learning and I appreciate seeing everyone's efforts here. Keep up all the good work. This is an amazing group of people!!! Hugs to you alll!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    And welcome Shirley!!!!! Glad to have you in our group!!!!
  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    BTW welcome Shirley!!!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Happy Friday all!! Those of you that got dumped on with snow once again - I hope you're all warm, dry and safe!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    We've got a beautiful day going here in Kansas; supposed to hit 60 this afternoon. But........we have snow in the forecast starting Sunday, so this nice weather is just a typical late January teaser! :grumble: I know.........I shouldn't grumble because I've got it better than a lot of you! :laugh:

    It's not been a great week workout wise - some stupid flu bug hit me Tuesday afternoon, and I spent most of Wednesday sleeping. :sick: So...........didn't get a Zumba workout in and couldn't do it yesterday, as I had an appointment right after work. :frown: I plan to work out today after work, but then drive an hour with my youngest daughter to a Japanese steak house, which will mean a late but yummy dinner. Oh well......the elliptical will be there in the morning to burn off the dinner!:laugh: :laugh: I've been eating pretty clean all week and staying close to, if not under 1400 calories every day. Stomach doesn't seem quite as puffy, but that could just be wishful thinking!! I refuse to step on a scale; don't want to get more depressed over my situtation than I already am!! I AM SO FRUSTRATED!!!!!

    OK Sing, I apologize in advance for subjecting you to this next paragraph!! :laugh:
    I've been the perpetually frozen woman all of my life, so this is all new and strange to me!! My menopause symptoms seem to be increasing; in addition to my almost nightly hot feet flashes, the other night my hands got super hot and red at the same time as my feet! Weird...........the rest of my body can be normal or even cold, but anywhere between 7:00and 9:00pm my feet will start to get hot and I have to shed the socks. I can then watch my feet get bright pink and feel the heat radiating off of them!! Lasts an hour or so, then they thankfully cool down and return to their normal "frozen" state!! :laugh: I have noticed I'm waking up in the middle of the night with a night sweat, but at this point I haven't soaked clothes or sheets/pillows yet. Oh......the new joys of aging!!! I had a hysterectomy in 2007, but they left my ovaries, so I'm sure this is a part of the normal aging process. I take a daily soy supplement and black cohosh root also. Any suggestions from those of you who've been through this???
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    MK, no problem!! My wife's been through it and I know exactly what your experiencing. Take care!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!! Not much to report since I did check in several times this week. I stayed home today to relax with my son. He is just fine. He only had one episode in school with what seemed to be a 24hr virus but he didnt have any problems at the house. I think my eating was pretty good this week. It is not perfect but I am not really looking for perfection. :laugh: Not much exercise other than Zumba and a little bit of resistance trng earlier in the week.

    I am so sorry for all of you with all the snow, etc. Today has been a gorgeous day in San Antonio, sunny skies and in the mid 70's!!! Would you believe that??? People are in shorts and flip flops!!! We are very lucky in terms of winters are concerned. Summer can be brutally hot but I dont mind that either. :laugh:

    Stiring, help me understand what can be wrong when you did not have any junk food, didnt eat out, no alcohol, no sweets, getting a good sweat and wearing size 0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :noway: :laugh:

    MK, I hope you get your answers soon. I havent experienced any symptoms yet but I've heard not all women experience symptoms. I just cant wait to get my menopause. The doctor said it happens in the early 50's so I still have a few yrs for that. :grumble: I'm 47.

    Good to hear from a lot of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take care and stay warm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Good Morning!

    JuliaSoCal, if I recall, you are about my height (I think you're 5'0 or there abouts, right?), and I think you are sitting at a GREAT weight for your height. It isn't harmful to lose more at this point, but it certainly isn't necessary to lose more either. And you will probably find it easier to maintain at this weight. Transitioning into maintenance is, without a doubt, one of the toughest parts of weight loss. At least it was for me. What I'd recommend is adding 100 calories a day to your diet and holding it there for two weeks. If you are continuing to lose, then up it again for two weeks and continue this pattern until you stop losing. In other words, if you are eating 1400 calories, take it to 1500 this week and hold it for two weeks. Then take it to 1600 and hold it for two weeks and see if you are still losing. Your body will tell you when to stop upping your calories because you won't be losing anymore. Sorry to hear about the car!

    Thank you so much for this advice. I switch my goals her to maintain... but will not bump up that quick. I have been trying the extra 100 calories for the last few days, and so far so good...

    But no weigh in this morning. I have had a MAJOR headache since last night and am just trying to make it through the day. I feel better at the moment, so may weigh in tomorrow if I feel good.

    Hope all is well with everyone...

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Sorry I am late posting this morning, but I had to take my car to the repair shop this morning and just got to work a short time ago.

    I hope everyone had a good weekend! We had a wonderful time with our Grandson. He is a joy to have with us, but his non-stop activity makes us tired! Not really...he is one small bundle of energy and wants us to play with hin all the time. I suspect that his mother just puts him in front of the TV and doesn't pay very much attention to him.

    My eating was not too good over the weekend, but today is a new beginning. I will get to the gym today and also do a workout after work at home. I am on a push to increase my cardio somewhat in addition to keeping my high amount of strength training. The only change to my diet the next few weeks will be to limit junk food and maintain a good healthy diet. I'm still not concerning myself with calories. That will come when I go to a more cardio-based routine beginning in March.

    Gotta run, I have a lot to do here at work.

    Take care!
  • Hi everyone!
    I would like to join your group if I may, I am 45 years old and live in Ohio.
    I started my journey about a month ago with the help of this site.
    A New Year's resolution for a healthier and happier me. :smile:
    I have had some success and plan on going till I reach my goal.
    I am married, work fulltime, and have three teenage daughters.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    KimKelley, welcome!! Please jump right in and let us know more about yourself. Congratulations on the success you've had.

    Quick drive-by for me today because my cold took a very distinct turn for the worse yesterday. I don't remember the last time I've felt so poorly, to be honest. Today I'm laying around (literally), drinking lots of tea, watching bad TV shows and trying to stay warm. Needless to say, no workouts for me for a few days! But I'm okay with that. I think my body is telling me that I was pushing it WAY too hard. My eating hasn't been great, but I don't have much of an appetite either. Right now, I figure it is better to eat what sounds good to make sure I'm eating than worry about my calories.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • Thanks StiringWendel for the warm welcome. (Hope you feel better soon)
    Alittle bit about me:
    My name is Kim and I am 45 yrs old.
    I work fulltime as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner for a Hematology/Oncology/Transplant center.
    Really enjoy my job but it can be demanding and stressful at times. (Not good as I am a stress eater):ohwell:
    I am married to a wonderful man who is very supportive, we have been married for five years. We have three teenage daughters between us. When I met my husband I was in the best shape of my life and at my lowest weight since college. However with some health issues and a bad car accident I went back to poor eating habits and with not being able to exercise, = weight gain. But no excuses, I did this to myself and I can turn it around!!
    Now I am in a good place, no health issues and with the doctor's okay, I am ready to get back into shape and live healthier.
    I started on this site after a friend of mine recommmended it to me from Facebook.
    I love the ability to put down everything I eat and keep track of my exercise. Also the community is great.
    I have lost 11.5 lbs and I have 73.5 to go.:smile:

    Thanks for letting me join!
  • vero_1
    vero_1 Posts: 85 Member
    hi everyone! I'm 41 living in northern california :)
  • Hi vero_1. Welcome!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    kim and vero---welcome to the 40+ Club!!! We are here to help you in any way we can. Check back frequently and post often, even if it's just to say hello!
  • vero_1
    vero_1 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi Kim and singfree. Thank you for the welcome!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Snow, snow, beautiful snow...yeah, right...:grumble:

    It was snowing so hard on the way to work, I could hardly see the roadway. How many more years of this before I retire??? Too many! I found out (unofficially) that my position here at work is going to change. As you know, I've done a LOT of night shift lately, filling in for another supervisor. Well, he is retiring on Feb. 11, and it looks like I'm going to be doing his job permanently. I will still retain some of my current duties, but the really stressful ones (inventory) will go to someone else. I am assuming a nice raise would be appropriate...a new car in my future???? Actually, we are planning to buy a new car in the fall anyway.

    Today is lower body day at the gym and some cardio. After work will be P90X Plyo (and snow shoveling). I am in a good place with my strength training. The only downside right now is my shirts and sweaters are getting snug until I start leaning out with diet and cardio. I will be ready to begin that in another month. I've been pushing my muscles very hard and they will soon need a break.

    I hope everyone is safe and warm. Stiring, I hope you are feeling better. A few day's rest will do you good, too!

    Have a great day!
  • Good Morning!

    Well we are having freezing rain here in the Ohio Valley. Lovely.:grumble:
    My kids have a two hour delay so they are happy, however I had to make it to work this morning bright
    and early as usual. The roads were actually not too bad, but the temp is suppose to drop and then they will be a mess!
    I worked out with my co-worker at the gym last night, Elilptical , yoga, and some core work.
    Feel good this morning. Why? Not only did I work out last night and stay in my calorie limit but................................ my pants are loose!!! YAY!!:happy:
    I hope to get a workout in today at the gym. I can always treadmill at home and do my weight loss yoga DVD, if the roads are bad.
    Singfree: Congratulations on the job promotion! Hopefully it comes with a Phat raise and a new car!
    Stiring: Hope you are feeling better.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Good Morning!

    I'm doing a little better this morning. At least I can breathe, and I actually woke up with an appetite for the first time in over a week. :drinker: But I'm still planning on taking it really easy over the next couple of days because this cold is way down in my chest now, and I want it to go away once and for all.

    vero, welcome!!

    Kim, thanks for sharing some info with us. Congrats on taking control of your health. I know how hard it is to come back from illness and injury, so kudos to you for doing what you are. Great job on losing weight! Aren't loose pants just the best feeling in the world? Stay safe on the ice!

    singfree, does this job change mean you'll be going on permanent night shift? The rest of it all sounds good, but permanent night shift.....not so much. Enjoy the snow. :huh: Just think, as of today we can officially say that spring will hit next month!

    No snow here today. Just a little freezing rain but that is supposed to turn into rain later this morning when we warm above freezing. I'll take this over last week's storm, that's for sure.

    Enjoy your day!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning! Yes...I hear you, another snowy one. I just brought my son to school--I think they kept school open today because we are going to be hammered tonight and have the kids at home tomorrow...again! Another exciting day in the house with a super-active kid!

    Anyway, I was kind of laughing Sing when you mentioned your super-active grandson for the weekend. Just an FYI, My hubby is 56 and has to deal with the super-active crazy boy every day! Just think how that would change your life? Anyway, keeps you young too (I hope!). Oh, and Sing, congrats on the change in your job!

    Stiring I'm sorry you have been sick---but thankfully you are on the mend. Hope you have a few more relaxing days to beat this thing. You must be going crazy not exercising!

    Kim--congrats on losing the 11 lbs! You will love MFP. It's so eye-opening in those 1st few weeks when you take charge and really see the metrics of what you are eating, and how quickly you can make changes for the better. Look forward to hearing more from you.

    Hi Vero--welcome! tell us a little about yourself!

    Alf, so glad you are still able to at least keep up w/the Zumba. Hope your son is feeling better too....

    Things here are about the same. I'm on day 5 today of the 30 day shred. I love doing it--and have been then just working on the elliptical for 20-25 minutes after that. I feel so liberated from a full boring hour of elliptical....why did I not jump on this sooner? Only issue is that with the shred and the jump roping last week my knee feels a little off. I of course want to keep going today but need to keep an eye to make sure I don't make this worse. Stiring---yes! I can jump rope in the house--my rope is a little long right now, I think I need to shorten it--but I just need to watch for a ceiling fan but can clear the rest. I was laughing thinking about being outside in my snowpants, 2 coats, huge gloves, hat, hood and boots jumping rope. I probably weigh 5-8 lbs more with all the stuff on so wouldn't be able to jump too high. Funny thought.

    Also, I'm super pleased my husband has been doing great using MFP for the last week---he is learning so much. It's great to FINALLY see him understand what I have been doing for the last year and a 1/2. Yesterday he measured our yummy dinner out and was so disappointed his calories were such that he couldn't have more. So today he said he was going to bring his snowshoes at lunch and take a hike. See how quickly the mindset changes when extra calories are on the mind?? I love it.

    Have a great snowy week everyone!
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