I went from morbidly obese to 6 pack abs! Ask me Anything



  • revmorris
    revmorris Posts: 2 Member
    For cardio should I do HIIT or long slow walks 3-4 miles to burn fat???
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Mapes84 wrote: »
    vismal wrote: »
    @mapes84 You are actually in a pretty decent place right now. You what appears to be a decent muscular base that just needs a little fat loss to be revealed. I would certainly advise tracking macros as well as calories if you have physique or strength goals. I would attempt to lose 10 lbs, then see how things look. You might need to lose another 5-10 after that depending on how lean you want to be. I'd drop the circuit training and do a 5x5 for sure. HIIT I'd limit to once or twice a week as it can interfere with recovery. How many calories are you currently eating and how accurate is your tracking? Are you weighing all you foods?

    Thanks so much for the response! Generally I am shooting for a 500 calorie deficit- I got the fitbit that does HR monitoring last month, so I have been using TDEE to work those numbers out. Generally it ends up being 1500-1800 depending on my activity level that day (with the exception of the last two weeks, which have been laughably bad- birthdays and out of town guests, man). I recently got a digital scale, so I have shifted from sloppy measuring (cups/spoons) to something more precise. I'm think maybe if I start adhering to IIFYM, it might be better if I just shoot for the recommended calories from the IIFYM calculator (which was 1512), and not eat back exercise calories? Thoughts? In addition to HIIT 1-2 week and 5 x 5, should I be doing steady state cardio a few times a week? I am an on-again off-again runner- off right now, but before too long it will be on-again, because I am registered for a half later this year. So that could be a curveball with the whole how many calories is ideal thing. Thanks again!
    While I'm a fan of IIFYM, I hate the IIFYM calculator. I hate the whole IIFYM website. They are trying to come off like they invented IIFYM, but it's actually been around for decades. It was just called flexible dieting. They didn't even come up with the acronym. Someone on another forum much like this one did. The people who own that site are just profiting off the acronym. I feel like their calculator usually has people eating too much protein, and sometimes not enough fat. As to the calculation of macros, I posted a video a few pages back on how I'd do it. If you do a 5x5 I'd limit cardio to 3 sessions max, including hiit. You can split up HIIT and LISS any way you want, but 3 total sessions seems like enough. Too much cardio, especially high intensity, can interfere with your progression on the 5x5. When you start training for endurance events, I'd consider removing the HIIT all together.
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    kerryp4648 wrote: »
    It's my first week dieting, and here is my progress pic!! I've lost 6lbs this week, have you any tips on a toned stomach? Any stomach routines you have that work well?
    The only way to have a toned stomach is to lose fat all over. You cannot spot reduce fat at all. A stomach routine is also unnecessary. You should train your abdominal muscles in the same fashion you train everything else. Train them 2-3 times a week with some kind of progressive overload. People would never do 100 reps of bench press ever single day so I don't know why they ever started doing 100 sit ups every day. Just do something like weighed cable crunches 4x12, or planks 3x a week if you don't have weights/cable machines available. Increase the intensity as time goes on.
    I just now found this post. AMAZING WORK!!! I guess my question would be this; did you have man boobs when you started? If so, what kind of exercises could I do to lose them and get that "leafy chest" look?
    Same kind of thing here, you cannot spot reduce chest fat. Simply get lean all over and your man boobs will shrink. I will say that the only exception with man boobs is if it's not just fat but actual gynocomastia. If you have gynocomastia then you have actual breast tissue that will not go completely away by becoming lean. There isn't much you can do until you figure out if that's what your dealing with so the best bet is to just get lean and see if they go away. As far as exercises, any decent beginners lifting program will have you do plenty of work for your chest. No need to get any fancier then bench press here.
    revmorris wrote: »
    For cardio should I do HIIT or long slow walks 3-4 miles to burn fat???
    Either, both, or none! Both will burn calories. HIIT will burn more calories in a shorter session but can effect recovery. Walking takes longer but you can go for much longer before recovery becomes an issue. You could also completely control calories through diet and just not do cardio. I feel like the best option for most people will be a little of both but it's going to depend on the individual and their goals/recovery.

  • bryce0000
    bryce0000 Posts: 21 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hey vismal just checking in again, thanks for answering my questions earlier. I have to tell you I "rolled the dice" on eating TDEE - 20% which seemed absurdly high for me (2450 cals for me at 39 yrs, 6'3", 275 lbs)... mainly because some goofball dr told me to eat 1500 cals to lose. I found 1500 cals a day for my size to be unmaintainable and depressing and it basically made me give up.

    But your videos and testimonial inspired me at the end of last year. I just want to say thank you very much.

    TDEE - 20% for 81 days now.
    18.5 lbs lost total weight
    2-3 lbs muscle gained
    20-22 lbs fat lost
    3.5" waist inches lost
    5% body fat lost

    I chart things... it's what I do. Fairly linear waist loss... about 1/4" inch every six days.

    No reason to stop now this is too easy, especially after attempting low carb, paleo, 1500 cals a day, and all that other goofy stuff.

    Thank you so much. I'll see you in another 5% if not before then.
  • getnfit2day
    getnfit2day Posts: 20 Member
    Your story is amazing. Congrats on your success. I have a question for you; I started my weight loss journey a little over a year ago. I began a boot camp class, started walking and using myfitnesspal. I lost 53 pounds in 90 days but I was busting my butt, not cheating. Over the year I lost a total of 63 pounds, but have gained about 20 pounds back. I have recently started back (March 9th) motivated and dedicated to getting the weight I have gained back, plus I want to lose another 70 pounds. For me, it's really not about the number, but just being healthy and looking better.

    I have read a lot of these comments (not all) but what's your best advice for getting rid of stomach fat and the right exercises and/or weights to do to help with the skin flab once you lose. My mid section is my biggest problem!

    I have been going to gym and walking on treadmill at high inclines burning anywhere from 650 to 795 calories an hour doing so, along with doing other things, but my main focus is trying to lose the stomach!! Any suggestions or advice you would have for me would greatly be appreciated! :)
  • Mapes84
    Mapes84 Posts: 60 Member
    edited March 2015
    Thanks again for the feedback! Can't wait to see how it goes
    vismal wrote: »
    Mapes84 wrote: »
    vismal wrote: »
    @mapes84 You are actually in a pretty decent place right now. You what appears to be a decent muscular base that just needs a little fat loss to be revealed. I would certainly advise tracking macros as well as calories if you have physique or strength goals. I would attempt to lose 10 lbs, then see how things look. You might need to lose another 5-10 after that depending on how lean you want to be. I'd drop the circuit training and do a 5x5 for sure. HIIT I'd limit to once or twice a week as it can interfere with recovery. How many calories are you currently eating and how accurate is your tracking? Are you weighing all you foods?
  • lily1972
    lily1972 Posts: 375 Member
    This thread is amazing! You have enlightened me on many issues and helped me understand what went on during my previous efforts to get in shape (ie: before having baby #6): why it worked so well and what I need to change this time around. I will definitely pull out my dumbbells again to complement my current kick boxing routine ;) Thank you SO much for sharing!
  • mattgrenier9
    mattgrenier9 Posts: 49 Member
    First off amazing transformation! Second off I have been losing weight for about a year I started off at 210 and am now down to 150-155 depending on water weight. My body looks built except for my abs. Only the top part looks developed and I want a 6 pack badly. Did you have this problem anywhere in your weight loss?
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    First off amazing transformation! Second off I have been losing weight for about a year I started off at 210 and am now down to 150-155 depending on water weight. My body looks built except for my abs. Only the top part looks developed and I want a 6 pack badly. Did you have this problem anywhere in your weight loss?
    This is usually just the difference between being lean, and being very lean. You just need to lose that last bit of fat to expose the lower abs. It's often the hardest part of the weight loss process.
  • lily1972
    lily1972 Posts: 375 Member
  • YanskaNY
    YanskaNY Posts: 103 Member
    There is so much great info here. Great job! Thank you for letting us benefit from your experiences and success!!!
  • lily1972
    lily1972 Posts: 375 Member
    I have a question: I've heard that when you work out first thing in the morning (light cardio warm-up then moderate weight routine), it's better to work out on an empty stomach to tap into your fat reserves. What is your opinion? Also, do you have your max carb meal prior to your weightlifting or does it really matter?
  • taots1012
    taots1012 Posts: 20 Member
    Omg this is amazing I need your help lol!! I went from 162 to 115 I am 5ft. I want to gain muscle
  • WandaMM1
    WandaMM1 Posts: 132 Member
    Congratulations! You are an inspiration and seem to have a very logical reasonable approach.

    How long did it take for your mind to accept your weight loss and/or change in physical condition. I've just started maintenance and I often "forget" that I'm not the size I used to be.
  • TonyaVanan1976
    TonyaVanan1976 Posts: 38 Member
    You look awesome wow fantastic job!
  • rainbowzebra25
    rainbowzebra25 Posts: 12 Member
    Erm... Hottie! That is all.
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    Um - you are ridiculously good looking. Good work!
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    lily1972 wrote: »
    I have a question: I've heard that when you work out first thing in the morning (light cardio warm-up then moderate weight routine), it's better to work out on an empty stomach to tap into your fat reserves. What is your opinion? Also, do you have your max carb meal prior to your weightlifting or does it really matter?
    Working out fasted does not cause increased fat loss. This is a debunked fitness myth. It's fine to do it if you want, it just won't cause any additional fat loss above and beyond the calories burned doing the activity.
    taots1012 wrote: »
    Omg this is amazing I need your help lol!! I went from 162 to 115 I am 5ft. I want to gain muscle
    Gaining muscle effectively requires 3 things: Enough calories to build new lean tissue, adequate daily protein intake, and progressive tension overload. For calories, you will want to be in a small caloric surplus. For women, gaining about 1 lb a month is usually optimal for gaining muscle while keeping fat gains to a minimum. For protein, around 0.8 grams per lb if you are relatively lean is probably fine. Progressive tension overload means lifting weights in a manner that causes you to lift more reps or heavier weights over the coarse of time. You should always be trying to lift more over time. Sometimes you cannot simply grab the next size dumbbells or add 5 lbs to the bar. This is when you try to increase the reps. Most quality beginner lifting programs have the progressive tension overload built in. Check in to a good 5x5 routine like the ICF 5x5 (you can google it). While I can't guarantee you'll get Carrie Underwood's legs, you can certainly make you own legs look as best as they possibly can ;)
    WandaMM1 wrote: »
    Congratulations! You are an inspiration and seem to have a very logical reasonable approach.

    How long did it take for your mind to accept your weight loss and/or change in physical condition. I've just started maintenance and I often "forget" that I'm not the size I used to be.
    I was the opposite. I had/have much more trouble remembering that I used to be obese. I see old pictures and simply don't identify that as me. I tell myself that is because I wasn't meant to live my life that way!
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    You look awesome wow fantastic job!
    Erm... Hottie! That is all.
    LisaTcan wrote: »
    Um - you are ridiculously good looking. Good work!
    Why thank you ladies! ;)

  • Andreake08
    Andreake08 Posts: 179 Member
    Excuse me while I go grab a bucket to drool in... :P :D

    You have mail, mister @vismal
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