I went from morbidly obese to 6 pack abs! Ask me Anything



  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    mfm143 wrote: »
    Is it possible to gain muscle while in a calorie deficit? Sorry if this has already been asked.
    This is a very simple question with a somewhat complex answer. For the majority of people, the answer is no. The body requires excess fuel in order to build muscle. If you are in a caloric deficit, the body uses stored fuel (some of which is fat) for energy. Unfortunately, the body is far too efficient to both use fuel for the creation of muscle whilst using fat for energy. If this was the case, a little weight lifting and a little cardio and everyone would look like a bodybuilder. While that sounds great, from an evolutionary perspective, it's terrible. In times of famine the body does not want to waste precious energy on building unnecessary muscle. Now this is all in regards to net creation of muscle and loss of fat. The body constantly is building up and breaking down muscles, as well as burning and storing fat, but all we really care about is net gains and losses.

    Now there are some exceptions. Those going through puberty have a hormonal advantage geared towards growth. For teens, some fat loss along with simultaneous muscle gain is quite common. This is why, unless they are overweight/obese, I almost never recommend a teenager specifically do a fat loss phase. They can lose fat staying around maintenance and put on muscle as well. People who use PEDs are similar to teens. They have a hormonal advantage geared towards growth. They can certainly put on muscle and lose fat simultaneously. Those new to weightlifting can do both for a brief period of time. Depending on genetics, some can do it more efficiently than others. This lasts anywhere from about 6 months to a year, and even in this case, the muscle gains are not dramatic. There is more potential for muscle gain if the new lifter is obese as the body has quite an excess of fat stored for fuel. Finally, there are the genetic freaks of nature. They might as well be on PEDs because their bodies perform as if they are. There is no use using them as a reference point for anything because to the vast majority of people, they simply produce results we are not capable of.

    This is why for almost all people, it is FAR FAR more efficient to choose one goal or another. While some people with average genetics can do a recomp diet and over the course of time lose a little bit of fat and gain a little bit of muscle, it would have been much more efficient for them to focus on a muscle gaining phase followed by a fat loss phase. The net fat loss and muscle gain would be greater.

    So the TL/DR of this is no, unless they are a teen, on drugs, a new lifter, or a genetic freak.
  • mfm143
    mfm143 Posts: 131 Member
    Thanks for such a detailed answer - I have been on my journey close to 7 mo now and I have been doing ICF at a 1800 cal /day rate - I didn't really see super gains but have lost about 13 lbs so far - I've taken a break for about 3 mo now as had some life stresses to deal with I am in the middle of moving do with no workouts I dropped my dal/cals to 1700- but plan to get back going in March, will up to 1800 again and since I am not at my calorie goal - (have about 30-40lbs to go)- should I continue with ICF x5 and light cardio x2 until I reach my calorie goal than go into maintainece and slowly up my calories and focus on more weight lifting to build muscle? TIA
  • Sredster
    Sredster Posts: 22 Member
    No Questions here. I just want to say HOLY CRAP! You are a true inspiration! You look fantastic! I hope I can have a transformation as amazing as yours!
  • Horsepital
    Horsepital Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Vismal, thank you for the keeping up this post, it's been very informative.

    I've been working out with a trainer for the last few months. It's been very helpful in motivating me to get in to the gym, but it's not something I can continue to afford. I am planning on starting Strong Lifts next week, and I'm having trouble deciding what weight I should start with. On his site, he suggests that beginners start with the bar, but that seems too light considering I've already been working out. Today I did 3X10 sets of 95lbs bench press for instance. I think my form is pretty good on all of the exercises involved with strong lifts, thanks to my trainer.

    I am a male, 5'8", 195lbs, if that makes a difference. Thanks in advance!
  • saralthrash
    saralthrash Posts: 105 Member
    I've been wanting to lose 50 lbs. I really need to lose 90 to be in the "normal range." Anyway I've been lifting and I was wondering about how much of an impact heavy lifting would have on the way my body looks and my overall weight loss. As of now I bench about 70lbs and squat only 100lbs. I want to lift heavier but I'm nervous lol Do you feel like lifting heavy improved your losses or do you credit it mostly to diet? And when lifting heavy for weight loss do you still eat a large deficit? I'm curious because I've read that in order to build muscle you have to eat more.
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    mfm143 wrote: »
    Thanks for such a detailed answer - I have been on my journey close to 7 mo now and I have been doing ICF at a 1800 cal /day rate - I didn't really see super gains but have lost about 13 lbs so far - I've taken a break for about 3 mo now as had some life stresses to deal with I am in the middle of moving do with no workouts I dropped my dal/cals to 1700- but plan to get back going in March, will up to 1800 again and since I am not at my calorie goal - (have about 30-40lbs to go)- should I continue with ICF x5 and light cardio x2 until I reach my calorie goal than go into maintainece and slowly up my calories and focus on more weight lifting to build muscle? TIA
    There is really no need to get away from the 5x5 until you stop progressing. Once you are no longer able to lift heavier weights, you either need to increase calories, or use a less linear program. Most people can stick with a 5x5 for a year. If you've been in a deficit the whole time, when you switch to a surplus, you generally start progressing again even if you had stalled.
    Sredster wrote: »
    No Questions here. I just want to say HOLY CRAP! You are a true inspiration! You look fantastic! I hope I can have a transformation as amazing as yours!
    Your profile makes it look like you've already made quite the transformation yourself! You look great as well!

  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Horsepital wrote: »
    Hi Vismal, thank you for the keeping up this post, it's been very informative.

    I've been working out with a trainer for the last few months. It's been very helpful in motivating me to get in to the gym, but it's not something I can continue to afford. I am planning on starting Strong Lifts next week, and I'm having trouble deciding what weight I should start with. On his site, he suggests that beginners start with the bar, but that seems too light considering I've already been working out. Today I did 3X10 sets of 95lbs bench press for instance. I think my form is pretty good on all of the exercises involved with strong lifts, thanks to my trainer.

    I am a male, 5'8", 195lbs, if that makes a difference. Thanks in advance!
    Starting weight isn't very important. Just pick a weight where you can complete all 5 reps of all 5 sets with good form. The first week shouldn't be "easy" but you also shouldn't have to grind to hard to get your reps in. Because the program is built around progression, you'll constantly be adding weight each week until it becomes difficult. If you are doing 95 for 3x10, you can probably do a little more for 5x5, but you could even start at 95 if you want.
    I've been wanting to lose 50 lbs. I really need to lose 90 to be in the "normal range." Anyway I've been lifting and I was wondering about how much of an impact heavy lifting would have on the way my body looks and my overall weight loss. As of now I bench about 70lbs and squat only 100lbs. I want to lift heavier but I'm nervous lol Do you feel like lifting heavy improved your losses or do you credit it mostly to diet? And when lifting heavy for weight loss do you still eat a large deficit? I'm curious because I've read that in order to build muscle you have to eat more.
    Lifting will greatly impact how you look once the weight is lost. You will not really lose weight any faster from lifting as it doesn't burn all that many calories, nor will you gain much muscle while in a deficit, but lifting does help your body preserve lean tissue while you lose weight. For this reason alone it is extremely impactful on how you look in the end. Diet will still be the main factor with regards to fat loss, but lifting IMO is still extremely important.

  • swtroughear
    swtroughear Posts: 18 Member
    i can only hope my cut this year is as successful as yours! brilliant progress man
  • BhangraPrince
    BhangraPrince Posts: 123 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    As for the type of lifting, I did it wrong at first by doing a typical "bro split" where you do a body part a day with high reps and low weight. I later switched to 5x5 training which is what I would have started with day 1 if I had to go back and do it again.

    Why do you think 5x5 was better for you than the "bro-Split"?
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    As for the type of lifting, I did it wrong at first by doing a typical "bro split" where you do a body part a day with high reps and low weight. I later switched to 5x5 training which is what I would have started with day 1 if I had to go back and do it again.

    Why do you think 5x5 was better for you than the "bro-Split"?

    Training a muscle increases protein synthesis in that muscle. This lasts in natural athletes for up to 48 hours. Therefor, training each body part 2-3 times a week is most effective. "Bro-splits" came about at around the same time PEDs became synonymous with bodybuilding. Drug enhanced athletes have a much longer period of increased protein synthesis, additionally their recovery is such that they can train a muscle much harder before achieving fatigue. This allows for a single body part a day to be trained with great results. As is with many aspects of bodybuilding be it training, nutrition, supplements, etc it is often portrayed as what is appropriate for enhanced athletes is also appropriate for natural athletes. This is NOT true. Professional bodybuilders are typically not good sources of information for those training naturally.
  • michellenella7
    michellenella7 Posts: 19 Member
    Wow you look amazing X
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    @vismal Hi, was directed here by someone after I posted about being frustrated/bored with weight lifting. In 2012 I did a crazy amount of cardio, about 2-3 hours a day, 7 days a week. Ate very little, did minimal weight lifting after cardio and with all of that I got down from over 15 stone in January to below 10 stone in November. In 2013 I got more into weights and drastically cut back the cardio, put on a little bit of muscle later that year and got to about 10 stone 7 lbs. But since then I've sort of stalled, diet adherence has been hit or miss where I've done a lot of compensating for over eating just to remain below 11 stone. Strength gains have been minimal, I'm a horribly weak on upper body movements. Right now I am (I think) about 17-20% bodyfat which I've been led to believe is not great for going on a bulk. But I'm completely bored and frustrated with cutting and stalling with lifts but still feeling like I need to cut. I guess I was wondering what you would do in my position?
  • solocash
    solocash Posts: 13 Member
    You sound like you are doing great to me
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    @vismal Hi, was directed here by someone after I posted about being frustrated/bored with weight lifting. In 2012 I did a crazy amount of cardio, about 2-3 hours a day, 7 days a week. Ate very little, did minimal weight lifting after cardio and with all of that I got down from over 15 stone in January to below 10 stone in November. In 2013 I got more into weights and drastically cut back the cardio, put on a little bit of muscle later that year and got to about 10 stone 7 lbs. But since then I've sort of stalled, diet adherence has been hit or miss where I've done a lot of compensating for over eating just to remain below 11 stone. Strength gains have been minimal, I'm a horribly weak on upper body movements. Right now I am (I think) about 17-20% bodyfat which I've been led to believe is not great for going on a bulk. But I'm completely bored and frustrated with cutting and stalling with lifts but still feeling like I need to cut. I guess I was wondering what you would do in my position?
    My entire answer would be contingent on what your goals are. I'm happy to give you my opinion if you can fill me in on your ultimate goals.
  • justinelouise10
    justinelouise10 Posts: 1 Member
    Did you follow macros or just nutrition on this app? Confused and want to loose water and fat and tone up and strengthen muscles.any tips on all ?
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    @vismal Hi, was directed here by someone after I posted about being frustrated/bored with weight lifting. In 2012 I did a crazy amount of cardio, about 2-3 hours a day, 7 days a week. Ate very little, did minimal weight lifting after cardio and with all of that I got down from over 15 stone in January to below 10 stone in November. In 2013 I got more into weights and drastically cut back the cardio, put on a little bit of muscle later that year and got to about 10 stone 7 lbs. But since then I've sort of stalled, diet adherence has been hit or miss where I've done a lot of compensating for over eating just to remain below 11 stone. Strength gains have been minimal, I'm a horribly weak on upper body movements. Right now I am (I think) about 17-20% bodyfat which I've been led to believe is not great for going on a bulk. But I'm completely bored and frustrated with cutting and stalling with lifts but still feeling like I need to cut. I guess I was wondering what you would do in my position?
    My entire answer would be contingent on what your goals are. I'm happy to give you my opinion if you can fill me in on your ultimate goals.

    @vismal My goal is to lose fat. After that I want to put on muscle, strength and improve performance.
  • bloody hell! wow i got loads to loose love weights an waking 2.5 stone down agree with the taking note whats going in an out am worried about having a baggy belly as thats an age thing lost weight before kids everything went back, now touching 40 dont think will be so lucky with this 9stone to go 6.5 left any more tips?
  • vismal wrote: »
    Moisturize and exfoliate. It helps a little. The 2 biggest things that help with lose skin are lifting to preserve/gain lean mass, and time. My skin is almost completely recovered at this point. It is still not tight and probably never will be but the hang is virtually invisible unless I am in a push up position. So as long as I don't do push ups at the beach I'm good...lol

    But you are correct, fit with loose skin looks and feels better then fat. It's also worlds healthier. With cloths on you can't notice at all!

    A true inspiration! My weight has yo-yo'd 3 times in my adult life and despite stretch marks which have now faded my belly is the only part of me that hadn't fared well. I'm hoping it will improve and be less noticeable but in some ways it's proof of how far I have come and is something I am partly proud of, if that makes sense! Still a bit scary to plank at the gym tho!
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Did you follow macros or just nutrition on this app? Confused and want to loose water and fat and tone up and strengthen muscles.any tips on all ?
    I track my macronutrients using MFP but I do not use their macro recommendations. You cannot "tone" a muscle. That look is achieved by a combination of things. I talk about it here:
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    vismal wrote: »
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    @vismal Hi, was directed here by someone after I posted about being frustrated/bored with weight lifting. In 2012 I did a crazy amount of cardio, about 2-3 hours a day, 7 days a week. Ate very little, did minimal weight lifting after cardio and with all of that I got down from over 15 stone in January to below 10 stone in November. In 2013 I got more into weights and drastically cut back the cardio, put on a little bit of muscle later that year and got to about 10 stone 7 lbs. But since then I've sort of stalled, diet adherence has been hit or miss where I've done a lot of compensating for over eating just to remain below 11 stone. Strength gains have been minimal, I'm a horribly weak on upper body movements. Right now I am (I think) about 17-20% bodyfat which I've been led to believe is not great for going on a bulk. But I'm completely bored and frustrated with cutting and stalling with lifts but still feeling like I need to cut. I guess I was wondering what you would do in my position?
    My entire answer would be contingent on what your goals are. I'm happy to give you my opinion if you can fill me in on your ultimate goals.

    @vismal My goal is to lose fat. After that I want to put on muscle, strength and improve performance.

    If your goal is fat loss, you must simply continue with the calorie deficit. It is boring training in a deficit as strength gains are slow and sometimes non existent. Fighting hard only to maintain strength is not nearly as rewarding as training to make gains, but it is a necessary part of the process. I would not advise a bulk until you reduce some more body fat. Also, hit or miss adherence to diet is going to only make the length of your cut longer. I try to take VERY few free days while in a cut. My goal is to get the cut done as fast as possible while still keeping calories at a tolerable level.
  • huntersvonnegut
    huntersvonnegut Posts: 1,177 Member
    Great job!
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    @vismal Whilst fat loss is what I want more than anything, I should say I have been attempting what should be a brief cut for a couple of years now and failing every time and now get so hungry and tired it makes my whole existence quite stressful. I don't think a couple of more years of trying unsuccessfully to cut is going to work.
  • HungryasFuark
    HungryasFuark Posts: 463 Member
    Great job man! , just wondering how many cut/bulk cycles did u do in the year period from pic 2 to 3 ? And how big was ur surplus on ur bulk ?
  • Dimples1975
    Dimples1975 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Vismal,
    First of all I want to thank you so much for all the help you've given us. I really appreciate it.

    My question is: Do you weigh your meats raw or cooked? I'm not sure if it makes a difference but I wanted to check with you.

    Also, if I understand correctly, you can go over your fats or protein as long as you don't eat over your allotted calories...correct? I calculated my macros with the technique you explained in your video. For example today I am over my fat and protein calories.

    Thanks again for your help! You're an awesome person.
  • PoisonDartFrog
    PoisonDartFrog Posts: 220 Member
    looking good
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    @vismal Whilst fat loss is what I want more than anything, I should say I have been attempting what should be a brief cut for a couple of years now and failing every time and now get so hungry and tired it makes my whole existence quite stressful. I don't think a couple of more years of trying unsuccessfully to cut is going to work.
    Dieting sucks. There are ways to make dieting suck less, but it sucks. You simply have to get through that part of the process. Sticking to mostly minimally processed whole foods helps. Vegetables add a lot of bulk for the calories they contain. Additionally, I find that eating a lot of protein to be satiating as well. While it's far more than I need to maintain muscle mass, I often eat 2-3 grams of protein per kilogram I weigh. This helps with the hunger. But at the end of day with over 100 lbs lost and kept off for years, dieting still sucks for me every time I have to do it. Eventually I accepted that while hunger sucks, it won't kill you and it's just a temporary feeling that will eventually go away. In your situation, bulking simply won't help you achieve your goals. Even if you bulk, you'll still have to do a cut, and it will be a longer cut because of the added fat that will come with the bulk. So basically do whatever you can with your food choices to make the dieting easier, and after that, it's simply a matter of desire.
    Great job man! , just wondering how many cut/bulk cycles did u do in the year period from pic 2 to 3 ? And how big was ur surplus on ur bulk ?
    It was a while ago, I think 2 but it may have been 3. My first few bulks were a 3-400 calorie surplus but these days it's closer to 250-300

  • seayemily100
    seayemily100 Posts: 12 Member
    How did you prevent having excess skin?
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    To lose the last 30 lbs before picture 2 probably took 4 months. I couldn't tell you exactly.

    I'm somewhat in the same boat at the moment. I'm 6'1" to 6'2" (lost a little height over the years from some back surgeries and spinal compression injuries) and hoping for 190-195 as a final goal along with the promise that when I hit 50 I want to be in the best shape of my life (I am 46 now, so gave myself plenty of lead time for that lol). I'm currently at 201ish and doing well again after some injuries late last summer to my back but can no longer lift. I have some spinal problems in my lower back that prevent me from dead lifting or putting anything over about 25-50lbs of weight on my lower back, and currently have a bulging disc in my neck that is causing some pain in my right arm. For the longest time I was able to bench lift (barbell presses, free weights) to work on upper body strength, but can no longer do that due to the neck issues. I manage push ups though, just not a lot each day before aggravating the nerves. I also have started body weight exercises for abs and legs (squats) which seem to be helping. I'm likely going to be stuck with body weight exercises until at least the neck improves (it's been since December).

    No real questions, just wondered if you had any recommendations for body weight exercises? I'm still in deficit until I hit at least 195 this spring, then I intend to ramp up to maintenance calories slowly (very slowly) and keep up with cardio and body weight exercises. Once I hit maintenance and can maintain the 195 weight I plan on adding calories and attempting to slowly build more muscle.

    I started this journey last February at 305 lbs, so I've managed to lose almost 105 lbs to date, and also enjoy the hell out of ice cream - I buy tons of the no sugar added stuff. Anyway, I enjoy reading your posts and wish you luck on your continued journey!
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Hi Vismal,
    First of all I want to thank you so much for all the help you've given us. I really appreciate it.

    My question is: Do you weigh your meats raw or cooked? I'm not sure if it makes a difference but I wanted to check with you.

    Also, if I understand correctly, you can go over your fats or protein as long as you don't eat over your allotted calories...correct? I calculated my macros with the technique you explained in your video. For example today I am over my fat and protein calories.

    Thanks again for your help! You're an awesome person.
    I personally always weigh my meat raw you have to check and make sure that the nutritional data you put into MFP is also for raw. If the only data you have is cooked, weigh it cooked, but most meats have data for raw available. Raw is more accurate because cooking times and temperature can very. For instance, a medium rare steak that was 8 ounces raw will weigh more than a well done steak of the same raw weight.

    You can be over on protein or carbs. They are both minimum values. If you go over on either, you can simply make it up by eating less carbs.
    How did you prevent having excess skin?

    Asked and answered many many times in this thread. Take a look back a few pages and you'll find a video I posted on the topic.
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    To lose the last 30 lbs before picture 2 probably took 4 months. I couldn't tell you exactly.

    I'm somewhat in the same boat at the moment. I'm 6'1" to 6'2" (lost a little height over the years from some back surgeries and spinal compression injuries) and hoping for 190-195 as a final goal along with the promise that when I hit 50 I want to be in the best shape of my life (I am 46 now, so gave myself plenty of lead time for that lol). I'm currently at 201ish and doing well again after some injuries late last summer to my back but can no longer lift. I have some spinal problems in my lower back that prevent me from dead lifting or putting anything over about 25-50lbs of weight on my lower back, and currently have a bulging disc in my neck that is causing some pain in my right arm. For the longest time I was able to bench lift (barbell presses, free weights) to work on upper body strength, but can no longer do that due to the neck issues. I manage push ups though, just not a lot each day before aggravating the nerves. I also have started body weight exercises for abs and legs (squats) which seem to be helping. I'm likely going to be stuck with body weight exercises until at least the neck improves (it's been since December).

    No real questions, just wondered if you had any recommendations for body weight exercises? I'm still in deficit until I hit at least 195 this spring, then I intend to ramp up to maintenance calories slowly (very slowly) and keep up with cardio and body weight exercises. Once I hit maintenance and can maintain the 195 weight I plan on adding calories and attempting to slowly build more muscle.

    I started this journey last February at 305 lbs, so I've managed to lose almost 105 lbs to date, and also enjoy the hell out of ice cream - I buy tons of the no sugar added stuff. Anyway, I enjoy reading your posts and wish you luck on your continued journey!
    As far as body weight exercises go, my favorite are chinups and dips. Those two moves will work the majority of you upper body muscles.
  • Epidemx
    Epidemx Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Vismal,
    Just wanted to say I love your thread and YouTube videos. They have been a big help for me and I have learned a lot from you. I have a few questions.

    1. I know nutrient timing is mostly irrelevant but I am curious your thoughts on getting to much of a macro in one sitting. Have you done any research on whether your body uses all the protein or fat if you have a lot of it in one meal or do you think it's better to spread it out?
    2. Do you have any go to or favorite foods for when you need a lot of one macro? So like favorite food/recipe to get a bunch of protein or favorite way to get your fats without blowing the calorie budget.
    3. What's up with your quest bar recipe. In one of your vids you say your back to buying them because of the pricing change and you would explain later but I'm not sure I ever heard the explanation. Do you have a breakdown of the cost per bar homemade now? I was thinking about trying this but only if it's worth it over just buying a box.
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