SBF 2, Reboot Boogaloo, Oct 18



  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    We finally heard from our agency. It could be another week to three weeks at least. They are thoroughly checking the children to make sure one is definitely available for adoption so we don't have another Miss M experience. So it's a good thing but it's delaying our trip. Our visas expire on the 14th of November. I guess we shouldn't have gotten them ahead of time but who knew?

    I cleaned today but I just felt sore all over, so I didn't get much done. Now I am craving chocolate ice cream. :(

    Tough day.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Wow, MM...that is good/bad news...seems this whole process is so challenging for you! Hope you have (real, concrete) answers soon.

    Today is the trainer, since she had to reschedule yesterday. Really tried to talk myself out of the workout yesterday, then went and was glad that I did. I think I'm losing fat right now (positive) but can't weigh myself, which I keep telling myself is fine (the number doesn't matter, the number doesn't matter, the number...repeat until it sinks in).

    Have been resisting the sweet tooth (compounded by the fact that it seems to get dark at 2 pm right now...perhaps a slight exaggeration).

    So, today is:
    --workout w/ trainer
    --project work: goal is to have an absolutely "finished" presentation by tomorrow afternoon, so that the next week or so can just be practising and tech work).
    --attempt to translate a page of French to see if doing my exam two days after my other exam is possible (scary.)
    --eating leftovers/prepared meals I have made
    --no sugar (until tomorrow, when I'll make something without refined sugar).

    And, that's enough.

    Balance, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Group practice was canceled :grumble: (I prefer cancelled with two Ls, firefox does not like it, either way is correct, btw) They cancelled at the last minute - it was a good thing I went to the blog to see what the sequence was going to be. I ended up at a flow class that was lots of fun.

    Food (last time)
    B: shredded wheat, strawberries, skim milk, honey, two double espressos with skim milk
    L: salad - apple, cheddar, sugared walnuts, croutons, bread and butter
    D: salad - wonderful stuff - it's a shredded cabbage, carrot, and iceberg salad topped with non-spicy peanut sauce - it is all kinds of awesome, but it's from a restaurant, so I have no idea how to make the sauce.
    cupcake - another awesome thing they make - the best in Austin
    ex: double yoga & 20 min walk

    We are going to a wedding today. I might need to pack some food. The invite said there was "festival food" - so I'm thinking turkey legs and the like. PB and crackers need to come with me. We could be there kinda late. Oh, it's also in the boonies, so no grabbing something at a nearby restaurant.

    Wedding, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Getting a slow start this morning. I got to sleep in till 8, which I really wanted to be nine. :tongue: I made gluten free pumpkin muffins, which tasted like regular muffins, thanks to the bread mix I use for Alex.
    It's cloudy and will be rainy today so I am not feeling like doing anything. I know if I don't do something, I will feel horrible at the end of the day. So I will walk on the treadmill or something. I also found a website that will teach both Alex and I how to play the piano. I really haven't had a desire to learn it, but I will be learning since I will be teaching him. I hope to have him playing Jingle Bells by Christmas. :smile: He's really interested in playing so I think he will take off with it once he learns. I'm still trying to play the electric guitar, so I will be doing that today as well.
    I am going to try to log today. I do pretty good for BF and L, but by dinner I quit. lol. I know it works but I just hate doing it.

    Doing it anyway boogaloo.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi friends! It hasn't been a great week for me - I've going to bed too late and so I've been perfectly exemplifying the phenomenon that V mentioned. When I'm overtired, I eat. :ohwell:

    Speaking of barefoot... I went for a barefoot HIKE today! It wasn't exactly the plan, but we went out driving to look at the leaves and ended up at Letchworth State Park (which has a nice gorge and three waterfalls - around here, they like to call it "the Grand Canyon of the East" :laugh:). I had already decided that I was going to try and spend as much time barefoot today as possible. We got out to look around and I just carried my shoes. They were wimpy little cloth no-support Mary Janes, anyway, so they would have been completely trashed from the mud (it was a bit drizzly) if I had tried to wear them. We hiked along a path, mostly gravel and some pavement, and some smooth (but uneven) stone steps. I was going super slow because of the gravel, and we probably only walked for about 45 minutes, but that was plenty - and the stairs/hills helped get my heart rate up somewhat. So, I am feeling really proud of myself. This is the girl who used to not even go barefoot in the house. It may be awhile before I am running - but I WILL get my feet/ankles stronger. I just hope they don't feel trashed tomorrow.

    MARY! I just looked at your signature quote. Douglas Brooks is a prof at the U of R. I took a class from him!

    MM, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you. You are mastering patience, for sure! Dinner is hard for me to log as well because it's much more variable. I used to play piano but it's been ages since I practiced. For that matter, I haven't practiced my ukulele in months either. But it's funny that you mention it because my husband was just asking (literally, one minute ago!) if I could teach him a little bit.

    Barefoot boogaloo! :flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member

    MARY! I just looked at your signature quote. Douglas Brooks is a prof at the U of R. I took a class from him!

    :bigsmile: Apparently he's big in Anusara land. Speaking of, this coming week is Anusara week. Butt kicking on Thursday with a movie following, then a whole weekend of butt kicking.

    I did not eat cake (or anything for that matter, but considering it was sausage and pasta salad...) at the wedding yesterday. The bride even made the cake herself. I meant to try it, but kept forgetting about it. Go figure. Then I read a quote last night that was something along the lines of "you can enjoy ice cream, but ice cream won't make you happy." So the goal this week is no dessert, until Saturday - maybe not even then - husband is going to THE football game and it starts when I get out of yoga.

    Had another!!!! yoga class cancelled yesterday. I couldn't believe it. The teacher flaked and thought the class started 30 minutes later. She's not normally flaky.

    Today: yoga school, then walk when I get home. I'm going to a party tonight - stopping by. We were invited to two parties the same day and Charlie really wants to go to one of them, but I said I would go to the other. So I might stop by then go home and rest. Maybe get started on my yoga homework.

    Chatty, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy Sunday, pebbs...

    Here it is a rainy, v. gloomy day. I have much to accomplish.

    As it seems I've declared Sunday baking day, I'm trying a new, entirely fruit sweetened muffin recipe (as usual, if it's good, I'll post the link). Then, it's Zumba. Then, I need to come home and finish the power point for my presentation. I must do this, without fail. I keep practising and getting to a certain point and saying..."tomorrow". I'm running out of tomorrows. (that Canadian "practising" vs. the American "practicing"...I can't get used to it. I've even gotten used to "cheque")

    Out of tomorrows, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good morning,
    I don't have time to post on everybody's posts, so I may stop back by later. :smile:
    My hubby says, there is only one problem with ice cream: it runs out. :laugh: So while it seems to help my mood while I am eating it, I am not happy after I finish, and actually it tends to make me crabby.
    Anyways, we are still hearing rodents in the house. I quit. We're just going to have to move. Right now they are just staying in the attic. If the maintenance guy asks about it I may say something but otherwise I consider this a losing battle.
    Today: church...and that's all I have planned. I need to get some form of exercise. I may go play tennis against the tennis wall at the school across the street if it's not raining this afternoon. And logging my food today, no matter what.
    Well, just got a call and they need me to work in the nursery. I will not complain. I will not complain. It just seems like I am hardly in the service any more.
    Babies boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Update: muffin recipe is def. shareworthy.

    I halved the recipe and it made 12 "normal" sized muffins. I still used 2 eggs (since 1.5 eggs confuses me), and 1/2 cup coconut oil since I agree with the immortal words of Julia Child: "Fat gives things flavor". It worked out to 135 calories (and 3.5 grams of protein!) a muffin. The whole no added sugars (although dates are pretty much pure sugar) is extra cool.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Muffins sound Yummy V. :)
    Well, there was a mix up with nursery duty so I did not have to serve this morning. It was a good sermon so I am glad I got to sit in on it.
    Not sure what the plan is this afternoon. We may go to the pumpkin patch for awhile. If not I will walk on the treadmill. My motivation for working out has been dwindling. I guess because I hadn't felt well for a few weeks and I'm still a bit run down on some days. I also think that, even though I am trying to be strong and brave, I am struggling with a bit of depression.
    I am going to try to break some addictions that I have, some of which are not food or weight related. The first one is to stop playing stupid computer games. Some people wonder why this is a problem. Other people understand the addiction. I waste so much time on the computer. I need to find other ways, more productive ways, to find comfort, or unwind or whatever. What do these games benefit me? Nothing. The only thing I get is a spreading behind.
    I had to vent. I guess I need some accountability. I'm going to try to think of new goals for this coming week. Or at least improving on the ones I set this past week.