Is walking a legitimate exercise?



  • samspd
    samspd Posts: 13
    Calories burned per mile by walking

    Speed/Pounds 100 lb 120 lb 140 lb 160 lb 180 lb 200 lb 220 lb 250 lb 275 lb 300 lb
    2.0mph 57 68 80 91 102 114 125 142 156 170
    2.5mph 55 65 76 87 98 109 120 136 150 164
    3.0mph 53 64 74 85 95 106 117 133 146 159

    So in brief it is an exercise but for weight loss it is not that good, a 160lb man would have to walk 42 miles at 3 mph to loose 1lb.
  • Thoth8
    Thoth8 Posts: 107
    Walking is good exercise. 30 minutes a day enough to reduce heart attack risks etc. according to most doctors.

    Exercise in general is not a good weight loss tool, because no matter how hard you exercise, a few pieces of cake will negate all your efforts.

    Health = Good, clean food + exercise to strengthen your body and cardiovascular system.

    So walking + eating junk food will get you nowhere. Walking (or any other type of exercise.. even inactivity though not optimal) + Healthy food = win.

    80% of your weight loss is food and 20% is exercise.

    For general health, it's about 50/50 I'd say.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Walking is good exercise. 30 minutes a day enough to reduce heart attack risks etc. according to most doctors.

    Exercise in general is not a good weight loss tool, because no matter how hard you exercise, a few pieces of cake will negate all your efforts.

    Health = Good, clean food + exercise to strengthen your body and cardiovascular system.

    So walking + eating junk food will get you nowhere. Walking (or any other type of exercise.. even inactivity though not optimal) + Healthy food = win.

    80% of your weight loss is food and 20% is exercise.

    For general health, it's about 50/50 I'd say.

    ^^^^^^^^ This. Weight loss is diet first and foremost---toning is done with exercise. OP didn't ask if she'd lose weight by walking. She just asked if it counted as exercise. Since it's listed on MFP as an exercise with different speeds I believe it is. Also housecleaning is not listed.
  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 483 Member
    Walking is great exercise.
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    To me if you could raise your heart rate to cardio zone, then it is legitimate exercise.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    Yes, walking is exercise.
  • LaLaLovely76
    LaLaLovely76 Posts: 73 Member
    Yes! I think it's the American Heart Association (and maybe a few other health/scientific communities) that recommends getting 10,000 steps daily. For most people - depending on stride - that is approximately 5 miles. Just an interesting fact and good reminder that all our individual steps and walks during a typical day can definitely add up!

    Yes, I did read that somewhere....10000 steps daily is a good way to be heart healthy, so yes....walking is an excellent form of exercise. As another member said, as long as you're not casually strolling by but walking with effort and break a sweat, you're good to go!!

    I walked/jogged 7.1 miles yesterday and I wouldn't dismiss that as not being exercise. I'm in the process of doing a walking/jogging combo, working my way up to sole jogging and then running.

    Keep up the good work!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    1, yes it's exercise

    2. who's to judge if it's legitimate or not?

    walking won't help you win the 100m olympic finals or to break any powerlifting records, but it's a good way to burn extra calories and walking fast enough to get you feeling warm, a little out of breath and your heart beating faster will reduce your risk of heart disease and other problems caused by being sedentary. and if you enjoy walking and will find it easy to stick to regularly, then deciding to walk further and more often is a really good sustainable lifestyle choice for better health.
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    8 years ago I started walking to lose weight and gain health. Got a treadmill and a 3-seat stroller. Stroller with the kids when I could, treadmill when I had to. I walked as fast as my body allowed, which at the time wasn't anything the rest of the world would consider "fast". But it was, for me.

    Fast forward 8 years, and I'm a few months from racing an ironman triathlon.

    Had I started with all the exercise that the rest of the world considers exercise, I would have failed miserably, quit, and not gained a stitch of healthy improvement. But, thanks to walking, I weigh much less, am WAY more healthy, and can do things now I couldn't do 8 years ago.

    Truth is, I still walk. Every time I'm injured, which sadly is often, I go back to my walking roots. I've walked half marathons. It's great.

    I understand why people who walk get pretty angry and defensive. I haven't seen any of the anti-walking attacks on this thread, but I've seen anti-walking attacks in my everyday workout life.
  • AnxiousPenman
    AnxiousPenman Posts: 71 Member
    The first time I lost 70lbs, a huge part of it was from constantly walking. I was prepping for the Avon Breast Cancer Walk, which is a 2-Day, 40 Mile Walk (marathon one day, half marathon the 2nd day). And I spent months walking to build up the tolerance for that.

    I started small and built from there. 3 miles a day to 6 miles a day to 9 miles a day to all sorts of higher variations to get in about 40 a week.

    Granted, that's an extreme case of walking for exercise ... but, yes, walking burns calories and it increases your fitness levels.

    But I can understand why people think walking isn't legit exercise--because it's one of those things we *do* constantly. Like chewing. So a lot of folks aren't going to count walking, in general, as legit exercise because it's such a base movement.

    But don't let that stop you. Walking is great ... and building to the point where you can walk super long distances without getting winded, or blisters!, is kind of the best.
  • sealey0418
    sealey0418 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes, yes and yes! But, you have to do it for more than 10 minutes a time... and you have to be consistent . .. I lost 25lbs in a few months walking to and from the metro/subway every day (about 40 mins each way) I was tracking my calories but, eating back my walking calories... Walking is great way to get moving..also a great way to de-stress! Although you do have to do more than other higher intensity forms of exercise, if you enjoy it you will not mind... Also, some might agree that the positive effects you make on your stress levels affects your endocrine balances, which in turn affects your metabolism and overall health (including reducing risk of diabetes).. Please do not let anyone dissuade you..
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    8 years ago I started walking to lose weight and gain health. Got a treadmill and a 3-seat stroller. Stroller with the kids when I could, treadmill when I had to. I walked as fast as my body allowed, which at the time wasn't anything the rest of the world would consider "fast". But it was, for me.

    Fast forward 8 years, and I'm a few months from racing an ironman triathlon.

    Had I started with all the exercise that the rest of the world considers exercise, I would have failed miserably, quit, and not gained a stitch of healthy improvement. But, thanks to walking, I weigh much less, am WAY more healthy, and can do things now I couldn't do 8 years ago.

    Truth is, I still walk. Every time I'm injured, which sadly is often, I go back to my walking roots. I've walked half marathons. It's great.

    I understand why people who walk get pretty angry and defensive. I haven't seen any of the anti-walking attacks on this thread, but I've seen anti-walking attacks in my everyday workout life.

    that's sad that people feel so judgemental about what others consider exercise that they're like that about walking

    I like walking, most of my life I've done lots of walking. I've lived in the Arabian Gulf (too hot to walk 9 months of the year) for the last 7 years and I miss walking. I also ballooned in size after moving to Saudi. I'm sure that's because I used to walk everywhere in the UK to save petrol money then moved to Saudi and could barely walk to the corner shop due to the intense heat.

    And I don't understand the mentality of classifying exercise as "legit" and "not legit" - it makes no sense. All kinds of exercise and physical activity have a benefit but none of them are going to develop every aspect of human fitness simultaneously so you have to match the exercise to the goal, and to the current fitness level and ability of the person doing it. Of course walking isn't going to benefit every person for every fitness goal, but that doesn't mean it's "not legit" it means it's not the best exercise to achieve that particular goal. It's a great exercise for burning calories and keeping your heart healthy, and it's also great for saving money on petrol.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I guess there's officially an expression such as "exercise shaming" now, too... *rolls her eyes*
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    To me if you could raise your heart rate to cardio zone, then it is legitimate exercise.
    So, many types of weight lifting would not be cansidered exercise? Well, that's news to me.

    Not all exercise has to be cardiovascular exercise to be considered exercise.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Walked 11 miles yesterday at a pace of just under 4.5 miles per hour.

    Burned over a 1000 calories.

    Come talk to me again about walking not being "legitimate" exercise.
    For out of shape/overweight/older/injured/recovering from injury person it might be.

    Umm, no. This is where it becomes apparent the ignorance surrounding walking as exercise. Quite a lot of walkers CHOOSE to walk, even though they're in excellent condition and could do many different other forms of exercise.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Walked 11 miles yesterday at a pace of just under 4.5 miles per hour.

    Burned over a 1000 calories.

    Come talk to me again about walking not being "legitimate" exercise.
    I mostly sat on my back side yesterday (brief leisurely commute on the push at a slow pace thanks to dog running beside me) - I ate 2531 calories and lost weight.

    Tell me again about sitting on my backside not being "legitimate" exercise?

  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Walked 11 miles yesterday at a pace of just under 4.5 miles per hour.

    Burned over a 1000 calories.

    Come talk to me again about walking not being "legitimate" exercise.
    I mostly sat on my back side yesterday (brief leisurely commute on the push at a slow pace thanks to dog running beside me) - I ate 2531 calories and lost weight.

    Tell me again about sitting on my backside not being "legitimate" exercise?


    That's lovely.

    And this has what to do with the 1000+ calories I burned on top of my already near 3000 calorie daily, "normal" expenditure?
  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    Walked 11 miles yesterday at a pace of just under 4.5 miles per hour.

    Burned over a 1000 calories.

    Come talk to me again about walking not being "legitimate" exercise.
    I mostly sat on my back side yesterday (brief leisurely commute on the push at a slow pace thanks to dog running beside me) - I ate 2531 calories and lost weight.

    Tell me again about sitting on my backside not being "legitimate" exercise?


    That's lovely.

    And this has what to do with the 1000+ calories I burned on top of my already near 3000 calorie daily, "normal" expenditure?

    From his posts in this thread, it seem clear it's that effin dog holdin him back. Maybe if he put the pup away, he could manage some actual exercise :D
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    The point would be, as you aptly demonstrate, that burning a lot of calories doesn't mean you've "done exercise" :).
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    From his posts in this thread, it seem clear it's that effin dog holdin him back. Maybe if he put the pup away, he could manage some actual exercise :D
    I'll have you know I cooked dinner earlier.
    It took me about half an hour.
    AND I ate half a litre of what entirely failed to be frozen yoghurt and was more just 'gently chilled yoghurt'.

    ALL 'legitimate exercise', you see!