tattoos hot or not?



  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Depends. The guy who got his McD receipt inked on an arm has a taste that doesn't quite correspond to mine. But Freyja Veda and her boob thing tattoos are epic, even though I'm into men; she's hot.
  • new2locs
    new2locs Posts: 271 Member
    I'm personally not a fan of tattoos, but that doesn't mean they aren't hot. Now I've seen some beautiful work on some people & I've also seen some people who's tattoo's look like they let someone scribble on them with a pen!
  • anneboleynr
    anneboleynr Posts: 23 Member
    Definitely not a deal breaker for me since I have one. They can be hot, it just depends. I've seen some beautiful ink, and I've seen some that looked like crudely done, faded jail-house work and I was told that is in fact, what it was. :/
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    It depends on the tat and the person, i have seen more that i dont like than ones i do like. I love mine tho :P
  • megpiemac12
    megpiemac12 Posts: 76
    I'm in the healthcare field and work with the elderly every day. Very rare to see older people with tattoos. Could be different generations or people that have tats tend to not live as long. That being said, ...I have 6 :)
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hot as long as it is a well done tat and the person looks after themselves
  • _mlee_
    _mlee_ Posts: 90
    I like them. I only have one, because I got it when I was 18, and I was worried I'd get addicted if I continued getting them at that age. Now that I'm 23, I'm interested in getting a few more. I would never do a sleeve or even partial sleeve, not because I don't like them, but for three reasons:

    A. I have no clue what I'd want (design/pattern/images)
    B. I don't think I could pull off sleeves
    C. career limitations

    As to the last point, I'm sick of piercings and tats being taboo in workplaces. My boyfriend is a high school teacher, he wants to get sleeves, but if he does he won't be able to wear short-sleeved shirts to work, ever. He teaches at an inner-city school, half of his students already have face tattoos.

    Plus I would't be working with kids, I'd be working in either a professional office-type environment, a doctor's office, or on the street doing research in city neighborhoods. Tattoos shouldn't limit me in any of those places, but they would if I were job-hunting with sleeves.

    I agree with you on that. My husband has a funny story about when he was hired. He has a sleeve, but wore a suit when he was interviewed for a state government position. After he was hired, and after his 90-day probationary period, he wore short sleeves for the first time. His boss admitted that if she saw that during the interview, she wouldn't have hired him, even though she also admitted that he's one of the best workers she's ever had.

    Both myself and my husband were lucky and our tattoos never affected our professional careers. I work for a doctor and I have a few tattoos that you can see when I wear certain clothes or flats. My boss has even asked me questions about them and doesn't mind them at all. My husband has a sleeve and works for the government and himself and quite a few people he works with all have visible tattoos. It's too bad tattoos are still so taboo for lots of employers
  • kuntry_navySD
    kuntry_navySD Posts: 106 Member
    I think the right tattoo on a woman is just sexy as can be
  • Lannister80
    Lannister80 Posts: 50
    I love them, just got my 6th one a couple weeks ago (well, I guess that would be my 7th since I have a beautiful coverup).

    My husband doesn't have any b/c he's nervous about the pain mostly. It's no dealbreaker for me, in fact, I don't think I ever dated a guy with tats. I tell him he's sexy as hell if he got one, and he's sexy as hell if he doesn't get one. Meanwhile, he LOVES mine.

    Mine are pretty easily covered up with clothes too. Mostly on the legs, foot, back, and back of the neck. Every single one means something, even the 3rd one I had covered up- I only did that because the artwork was terrible. Last time I ever did flash off the wall (I was young and stupid, ok?). I was so mad- I showed my foot to a different artist doing my coverup a few years later, and they had the same flash art. It was supposed to be a shooting star with purples and blues and no stardust, and it looked like a yellow and blue snake with orange stardust around the top. UGH. At least now I have a gorgeous purple flower piece. Only slight regret is that I wish I had gotten my first one bigger to see the detail better, but I was so nervous about getting it that I didn't want to be too crazy. Dumb, but I still love it. Just got it touched up last year.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    If they're great artwork and well placed they can look cool, but I've never met an attractive person I thought was MORE attractive simply because they have tattoos.

    completely agree with this. people can pull them off, and some look very cool, but i've never really seen it as an improvement on somones appearance.

    i used to dispise facial piercings, but some do look good on certain girls. not that you asked lol
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
    Ink is hot. I have none.
  • khara2012
    khara2012 Posts: 1,051 Member
    Depends on the wearer.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    I like tattoos, considering I have 2. But it depends on the design and placement that make it hot or not for me.
  • itsadogslife
    itsadogslife Posts: 209
  • Spaghetti_Bender
    Spaghetti_Bender Posts: 509 Member
    Tattoos are SOOOOO trashy!
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    Tattoos are SOOOOO trashy!
    lol yeah right!
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    In for all the comparing women to cars...

    Oh wait.

    Eff that.
  • cowbellsandcoffee
    cowbellsandcoffee Posts: 2,975 Member
    Love them.
  • jessinpgh
    jessinpgh Posts: 4
    I love well-done ink on men and women. Very sexy.
  • autotek
    autotek Posts: 66 Member
    If they're great artwork and well placed they can look cool, but I've never met an attractive person I thought was MORE attractive simply because they have tattoos.

    i couldn't agree anymore
    well said

    i seen some beautiful women with and without tats
    some I've seen would of looked even better w/o
    but I'm not here to judge

    i think they are cool but I'm not inked

    but when i do they will have meaning:bigsmile: