should you cut out milk from your diet?



  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I would cut out dairy milk, I personally drink soy or almond milk, or coconut on occasion. Since cutting dairy milk out a while back, I feel tons better. Soy milk has more protein, less calories, and 0 cholesterol. The majority are actually intolerant to dairy, and though a lot don't suffer on the outside, your digestive system isn't enjoying it. I've done thorough research into both. Another thing to note, is whilst dairy milk does contain a lot of calcium, the way it is requires calcium be extracted from your bones to digest it. Countries that drink dairy as opposed to soy suffer more calcium deficient conditions (such as osteoporosis). The negative comments regarding soy milk have no substance, and the research into it has not been proven. Cows milk is for baby cows, not humans. Extra plus, soy and nut milks taste nicer :)
    I think it's time you stop watching so many scaremongering documentaries.
    there's pus in cows milk. so.... yes
    Oh Brother. Weak argument is weak.
    soy milk has more protien and less calories and fat. You still get your calcium and other nutriets just with less fat.
    Remind me again why dietary fat is bad for us? And don't say because it's 9 calories per gram and the other macros are 4. I already know that.

    Spoke down to 3 people in the one post - now that efficiency.


    I agree with 2 of your points by the way.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I would cut out dairy milk, I personally drink soy or almond milk, or coconut on occasion. Since cutting dairy milk out a while back, I feel tons better. Soy milk has more protein, less calories, and 0 cholesterol. The majority are actually intolerant to dairy, and though a lot don't suffer on the outside, your digestive system isn't enjoying it. I've done thorough research into both. Another thing to note, is whilst dairy milk does contain a lot of calcium, the way it is requires calcium be extracted from your bones to digest it. Countries that drink dairy as opposed to soy suffer more calcium deficient conditions (such as osteoporosis). The negative comments regarding soy milk have no substance, and the research into it has not been proven. Cows milk is for baby cows, not humans. Extra plus, soy and nut milks taste nicer :)
    I think it's time you stop watching so many scaremongering documentaries.
    there's pus in cows milk. so.... yes
    Oh Brother. Weak argument is weak.
    soy milk has more protien and less calories and fat. You still get your calcium and other nutriets just with less fat.
    Remind me again why dietary fat is bad for us? And don't say because it's 9 calories per gram and the other macros are 4. I already know that.

    Spoke down to 3 people in the one post - now that efficiency.


    I agree with 2 of your points by the way.
    My goal for the week is to see how many post I can get you to follow me around in a call me out on stuff. Makes it nice to know i have a fan club.

    Oh I'm a fan!

    But if you check page one, I'm already in on this thread - so are you following me?

    Sorry, I didn't mean to call you out. I know you do not like people being condescending - maybe you didn't realise you were doing it! lol
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I would cut out dairy milk, I personally drink soy or almond milk, or coconut on occasion. Since cutting dairy milk out a while back, I feel tons better. Soy milk has more protein, less calories, and 0 cholesterol. The majority are actually intolerant to dairy, and though a lot don't suffer on the outside, your digestive system isn't enjoying it. I've done thorough research into both. Another thing to note, is whilst dairy milk does contain a lot of calcium, the way it is requires calcium be extracted from your bones to digest it. Countries that drink dairy as opposed to soy suffer more calcium deficient conditions (such as osteoporosis). The negative comments regarding soy milk have no substance, and the research into it has not been proven. Cows milk is for baby cows, not humans. Extra plus, soy and nut milks taste nicer :)
    I think it's time you stop watching so many scaremongering documentaries.
    there's pus in cows milk. so.... yes
    Oh Brother. Weak argument is weak.
    soy milk has more protien and less calories and fat. You still get your calcium and other nutriets just with less fat.
    Remind me again why dietary fat is bad for us? And don't say because it's 9 calories per gram and the other macros are 4. I already know that.

    Spoke down to 3 people in the one post - now that efficiency.


    I agree with 2 of your points by the way.
    My goal for the week is to see how many post I can get you to follow me around in a call me out on stuff. Makes it nice to know i have a fan club.

    Oh I'm a fan!

    But if you check page one, I'm already in on this thread - so are you following me?

    Sorry, I didn't mean to call you out. I know you do not like people being condescending - maybe you didn't realise you were doing it! lol
    Oh yes, please teach me more as you are so knowledgeable and have achieved so much.

    As you no nothing about me that's a very condescending comment!
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    I switched to mostly Almond milk but the thing with milk is I like a LOT of it. 8oz just doesn't cut it for me. It was more of a tease than the satisfaction of getting to drink it.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    There are a lot of reasons to cut dairy out of your diet but weight loss isn't one of them.*

    ETA: *Unless dairy is an overconsumption trigger for you.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    There are a lot of reasons to cut dairy out of your diet but weight loss isn't one of them.*

    ETA: *Unless dairy is an overconsumption trigger for you.
    What reasons?

    Medical reasons (allergies, sensitivities), ethical reasons, environmental reasons, taste preference reasons, philosophical reasons, religious reasons...
  • beachylove
    beachylove Posts: 137 Member
    I will never give up Milk....I drink at least 2-3 glasses a day. I make it fit into my day as I love it and really its not hindering my loss at all.
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    I cut milk almost completely out of my diet but that's only because it makes me nauseated. I use almond milk now in my cereal, smoothies, and coffee.
  • rissa876
    rissa876 Posts: 38 Member
    A glass of milk is only acceptable if there are cookies being dunked in it.

    yes this is very true!
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Very broad answer. You didn't say much, just ran off a bunch of things. Can you be more specific?

    My point was simple. There are reasons to not eat dairy and some people are very vocal about them, but the OP was asking specifically about weight loss so they are moot. I didn't feel the need to elaborate because it's just not on topic for the thread.

    Here you go anyway, though. I hope this satisfies your inexplicable curiosity...

    Medical reasons - Lactose intolerance and casein/whey allergies cause enough discomfort or medical problems to people who suffer from them that they abstain. Some people have lactose sensitivities that may not cause terrible symptoms but are annoying enough that people who don't really like dairy will avoid it by choice.

    Ethical reasons - There are people who question the ethics of animal husbandry, specifically whether it is acceptable to imprison, breed, and steal from sentient beings when it is not necessary for survival. Others are merely appalled at the conditions of the factory farms that most/all of grocery store dairy comes from and boycott dairy to protest against these practices.

    Environmental reasons - Dairy production requires more resources (water, land, food for cows) and produces more waste than the production of the same nutrition from plant sources, so people abstain in order to save these resources.

    Taste preference reasons - Some people just don't like it. SHOCKER!

    Philosophical reasons - Some people can't stomach the idea of slurping up the secretions of a smelly old cow's mammary glands. Some people don't like the idea of eating food created specifically for baby cows, not humans. Still others don't like the idea of eating something that was not available to their paleolithic ancestors because they don't believe our body has evolved enough to process it safely.

    Religious reasons - There are some religious traditions, like orthodox Judaism, that put explicit restrictions on dairy consumption. Other religions, like some sects of Jainism and Buddhism, follow a path that requires that their practitioners do not eat anything that causes harm to other creatures. There are areas where it is extremely difficult to find sources of dairy that do not cause harm. There are some Hindu traditions that advise against eating any dairy that is not fresh, and those that don't have access to fresh milk will abstain entirely.

    None of these things really need explaining by me, you can find these opinions all over the place (some are even on this thread). All of this aside, eating dairy will not help or hinder weight loss unless these foods trigger binges for you.

    ETA: There's probably more I haven't thought of.