My PT doesn't believe in heavy lifting for women



  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    My bet is OP won't find a decent trainer at her gym. It's probably going to be a waste of time to keep trying out crappy trainers.

    OP could try to find a lifting gym with people who know what they're doing, or check out lifting videos online. Start with the bar and work up.
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    Point your PT at this article:
    Staci is 5'4", 142lbs, and deadlifts 315lbs.
    I don't think she looks bulky, and looks better to me at 142 then she did at 131.

    And then if she will not assist you in lifting heavier, drop her, inform who ever oversees her of why, and get a different PT.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    If finding a new trainer isn't an option (which would be my first advice), perhaps pick up an Oxygen magazine and show your trainer pictures of the women you want to look like. A lot of women don't want muscle, and lifting heavy will definitely give you more visible muscle, so your PT may just not have a clear understanding of your goals. You're shooting for Amanda Latona or Ashley Kaltwasser, not Nichole Richie.

    No. Removing excess fat stored on your body is what makes your muscles visible. If you don't want people to be able to see your muscles, then keep your BF% high enough to hide them. (or wear long sleeves and pants all the time)
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Point your PT at this article:
    Staci is 5'4", 142lbs, and deadlifts 315lbs.
    I don't think she looks bulky, and looks better to me at 142 then she did at 131.

    And then if she will not assist you in lifting heavier, drop her, inform who ever oversees her of why, and get a different PT.

    Thanks for posting that link! She's very inspiring :flowerforyou:
  • jodescorinna
    jodescorinna Posts: 57 Member
    Wow that's a seriously bum attitude for a PT.
    When I asked the PT at my gym to show me the ropes for lifting he was well happy to do so, infact he said it was exciting as hardly any women ask him too, they all go down the treadmill route !

    This sounds like that Tracey Anderson bull, where women 'shouldn't lift more then 3lbs' - rubbish !!!
  • taramaclaren
    taramaclaren Posts: 95 Member

    If finding a new trainer isn't an option (which would be my first advice), perhaps pick up an Oxygen magazine and show your trainer pictures of the women you want to look like. A lot of women don't want muscle, and lifting heavy will definitely give you more visible muscle, so your PT may just not have a clear understanding of your goals. You're shooting for Amanda Latona or Ashley Kaltwasser, not Nichole Richie.

    No. Removing excess fat stored on your body is what makes your muscles visible. If you don't want people to be able to see your muscles, then keep your BF% high enough to hide them. (or wear long sleeves and pants all the time)

    Partially true - but regardless - lifting weight builds muscle, and as muscles are built they grow larger, and hence become more visible. Yes, they are less visible with a higher bf% as compared to a lower bf%, but in a constant state of bf - lifting weights will make your muscles larger and therefore more visible than not lifting weights. Trust me - I put on muscle like a beast and certainly build it up must faster than I shed body fat.
  • arvidsonc
    arvidsonc Posts: 4 Member
    I liked the what's the question here response! LOL. But seriously get a new trainer. If you are training at a gym, contact the trainers' or the general manager, tell him/her your trainer is not meeting your needs and is providing poor service and get a new one who will meet your needs--it is likely that if you threaten to quit, you will get a few sessions free also.

    If you are not a a gym, go to and find yourself a trainer. Frankly, you sound like you are ready for intensive workouts, and frankly, 5 lbs sounds stupid if you are doing 15-20 reps, you need to move to heavier weights at lower reps, unless there is a good reason like a shoulder limitation that needs to be worked around. I am a certified PT, so I feel you because I've been where you are as a client and you see what happened to me! I got certified!
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    My though, get a new trainer. She can stick with clients that prefer prancercize.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    If finding a new trainer isn't an option (which would be my first advice), perhaps pick up an Oxygen magazine and show your trainer pictures of the women you want to look like. A lot of women don't want muscle, and lifting heavy will definitely give you more visible muscle, so your PT may just not have a clear understanding of your goals. You're shooting for Amanda Latona or Ashley Kaltwasser, not Nichole Richie.

    No. Removing excess fat stored on your body is what makes your muscles visible. If you don't want people to be able to see your muscles, then keep your BF% high enough to hide them. (or wear long sleeves and pants all the time)

    Partially true - but regardless - lifting weight builds muscle, and as muscles are built they grow larger, and hence become more visible. Yes, they are less visible with a higher bf% as compared to a lower bf%, but in a constant state of bf - lifting weights will make your muscles larger and therefore more visible than not lifting weights. Trust me - I put on muscle like a beast and certainly build it up must faster than I shed body fat.

    You make it sound easy. Testosterone (male hormone) is necessary to build large, bulky muscles, unless you take steroids, or if you make diet and exercise your full time job. Women can NOT build noticeably larger muscles through any standard lifting routine. We can get stronger, but not huge. Women who actually *want* to build large muscles have to spend *years* of super-strict dieting and make their lifting their routine like a full time job. These are women who do this competitively, and they would be happy to tell you how hard it was to get to where they are. Women get "toned" when they lift heavy. This is why the subtitle for NROL4W is "Lift like a man, look like a goddess." It's available to borrow at most libraries or for purchase from Amazon. You would learn a lot from it.


    You can claim that it's easy for you all your want, but pics or it didn't happen.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    online coach checking in :tongue:

    Seriously, SO MANY dumb PT's.

    I did my S&C cert a while back and had to do my prac hours. A PT at my gym already had his so I did them with him. I was expecting to learn some stuff from him. I ended up teaching him some basic lifts. :huh:
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    She feels that heavy lifting will not get me the longated/buffed muscles but rather bulky - which I proclaimed that its not possible for women. I think I should be pushing myself hard and not lifting 5lbs dumbells 15x...

    Fire your trainer. She is giving you a workout that is not only not in line with your stated goals but also has little practical knowledge of biomechanics and muscle building.
  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    New trainer +1 :smile:
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Your trainer's an idiot, what more is there to know or be explained
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    If finding a new trainer isn't an option (which would be my first advice), perhaps pick up an Oxygen magazine and show your trainer pictures of the women you want to look like. A lot of women don't want muscle, and lifting heavy will definitely give you more visible muscle, so your PT may just not have a clear understanding of your goals. You're shooting for Amanda Latona or Ashley Kaltwasser, not Nichole Richie.

    No. Removing excess fat stored on your body is what makes your muscles visible. If you don't want people to be able to see your muscles, then keep your BF% high enough to hide them. (or wear long sleeves and pants all the time)

    Partially true - but regardless - lifting weight builds muscle, and as muscles are built they grow larger, and hence become more visible. Yes, they are less visible with a higher bf% as compared to a lower bf%, but in a constant state of bf - lifting weights will make your muscles larger and therefore more visible than not lifting weights. Trust me - I put on muscle like a beast and certainly build it up must faster than I shed body fat.

    no- eating at a calorie surplus BUILDS muscles- lifting heavy and eating at a calorie deficit will give you more dense muscle- coupled with reduced body fat you'll have that nice "toned" look so many women want.

    Lifting weights themselves does not inheriently make you bigger- you have to really work at it. And as a woman- it's laughable hard to do- like I burst out laughing at women now when they tell me they don't want to get bulky.

    Gurl please- you can't come in here more than 2x a week OR put down the twinkies- and you think you have the dedication to reduce your body fat AND lift 3-5 times a week? BAW HA H HAHAHAHAHhAH- just

    NO NO NO.

    OP- you're PT is a complete dunce. Fire her stat and tell her why.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    If finding a new trainer isn't an option (which would be my first advice), perhaps pick up an Oxygen magazine and show your trainer pictures of the women you want to look like. A lot of women don't want muscle, and lifting heavy will definitely give you more visible muscle, so your PT may just not have a clear understanding of your goals. You're shooting for Amanda Latona or Ashley Kaltwasser, not Nichole Richie.

    No. Removing excess fat stored on your body is what makes your muscles visible. If you don't want people to be able to see your muscles, then keep your BF% high enough to hide them. (or wear long sleeves and pants all the time)

    Partially true - but regardless - lifting weight builds muscle, and as muscles are built they grow larger, and hence become more visible. Yes, they are less visible with a higher bf% as compared to a lower bf%, but in a constant state of bf - lifting weights will make your muscles larger and therefore more visible than not lifting weights. Trust me - I put on muscle like a beast and certainly build it up must faster than I shed body fat.

    Of course you do.......
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    There are a few female trainers in my area that follow this thought process still for whatever reason.

    I think its quite sad that anybody who is paid for the expertise that couldn't be more wrong.

    If you haven't already, find a new PT. Really not even an option.
  • kimacduff
    kimacduff Posts: 29
    I had a trainer who was tiny. She lifted much higher weights 20's, 25 30....depending on what she was doing. She is toned & in great shape. Not bulky. Unfortunately she moved or I'd still be working with her.There are different ways to lift weights that can put on the bulk. It also matters what you are eating. I am starting over so I am not where I used to be with weights. But I am getting back to it. I'd rather be strong & slim ,Than just skinny.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member

    If finding a new trainer isn't an option (which would be my first advice), perhaps pick up an Oxygen magazine and show your trainer pictures of the women you want to look like. A lot of women don't want muscle, and lifting heavy will definitely give you more visible muscle, so your PT may just not have a clear understanding of your goals. You're shooting for Amanda Latona or Ashley Kaltwasser, not Nichole Richie.

    No. Removing excess fat stored on your body is what makes your muscles visible. If you don't want people to be able to see your muscles, then keep your BF% high enough to hide them. (or wear long sleeves and pants all the time)

    Partially true - but regardless - lifting weight builds muscle, and as muscles are built they grow larger, and hence become more visible. Yes, they are less visible with a higher bf% as compared to a lower bf%, but in a constant state of bf - lifting weights will make your muscles larger and therefore more visible than not lifting weights. Trust me - I put on muscle like a beast and certainly build it up must faster than I shed body fat.

    Of course you do.......

    They always do.

    Every time I see that BS I wish these people would be in a flippin' bodybuilding contest somewhere to show off there crazy amazing special snowflake-ness.
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398

    and come hang with me at the gym. we can lift together.
  • trisha986
    trisha986 Posts: 139
    working with my trainer this AM and reading the New Rules of Lifting for Women - I told her I was interested in getting into heavy lifting as I have seen some great results frm ladies on MFP. She feels that heavy lifting will not get me the longated/buffed muscles but rather bulky - which I proclaimed that its not possible for women. I think I should be pushing myself hard and not lifting 5lbs dumbells 15x over - I feel like I am just going through the motion. Ladies with success out there what are your thoughts? What has worked for you. My goal is to reduce body fat and basically a body recomp - not really concerend about the # on the scale!

    Get a new trainer! Heavy lifter here, and I don't find me to be bulky! :)