When do you buy new clothes

Some people love an excuse to buy new clothes. And weight loss is probably the best (certainly the happiest) excuse there is.
I'm not one of those people. I intend to keep wearing the clothes I have until they are clearly too big for me to get away with wearing. Today I'm wearing a pair of pants I bought 16 lbs ago, and while they don't look too big (yet) they do feel annoyingly loose.

Seriously, if I thought it feasible, I wouldn't buy new clothes until I reach my final goal (that's still 90 lbs away). But I suspect my clothes will get intolerably loose long before I reach that goal.

So, when do you buy new clothes? How much weight do you lose before you buy new clothes?


  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    The day my boyfriend told me I looked like a hobo. Seriously. :laugh:
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    I try to set limits with myself because I love to shop!

    I can wear a pair of jeans a touch longer with a belt, but I just purchased two new pair of dress pants because I feel it important to feel pulled together and professional in my field. I want to make a good impression!

    I purchased a workout outfit from Fabletics when I started in MFP. I told myself I was not allowed to buy myself anything new workout related until I hit my next group of 10s - I am 2.8 lbs away :)

    However, I do want my weight loss progress to show because I feel better and more confident that way vs wearing clothes that still may hide that fact or make me feel frumpy. So I will purchase a new top or two, but not a whole wardrobe as I continue on this journey. I like to shop at 2nd hand stores (Clothes Mentor in my area) that have gently used clothing for a more affordable price. I bring my outgrown clothes there to sell, and often use the money I make as spending money :)
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I'm poor so I rarely (if ever) buy new clothes. Thankfully, I have friends who are slightly smaller than I am who always need to give away clothes, so I get theirs!

    When I do buy new clothes, it's because the ones I have look terrible and typically I buy new dress clothes before anything. Also, I buy almost exclusively from Goodwill and some from outlet malls or Walmart (on clearance). I nearly refuse to spend money on clothes that I won't be wearing long.
  • LorryGuthrie
    LorryGuthrie Posts: 113 Member
    When my friends started an "intervention" for me. :) They basically thought I looked like a hobo too! Then I went to Goodwill and got some stuff. Was too expensive to get a whole new wardrobe every few months. And when I went down another size, I'd take the clothes that were too big to Goodwill. Worked for me! :)
  • Meliikinz
    Meliikinz Posts: 66
    My pants literally fell down the other day while I was at my husbands work. I was so embarrassed!
    I believe it is now time for me to buy some new stuff.

    Clearly I didnt know when to buy clothes either.
    But I dont wanna go out and buy brand new pants that in a few months i wont fit!
    Good thing I like thrifty places and consignment sales!!
  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    Wearing clothes that fit your new body boosts your self-image. Going around in baggy clothes does you no favors. I realized this when my son took a photo of me in a favorite church outfit and I saw just how baggy the pants were...which in turn made my butt look baggy.

    I have a friend who lost 70 pounds a couple of years ago. We were diet buddies (I lost about 20). He bought his transition clothes at the Wildflower, a nearby women's crisis center thrift store. He had a basket next to the closet. When he'd pull on a pair of slacks and they would just fall off, they went in the basket, along with shirts his mother and I condemned. When the basket was full, the clothes got donated back, and he came home with a new set. I maintained he didn't so much buy his clothes as rent them from the Wildflower.

    I have a couple favorite thrift shops and church rummage sales I frequent. It's a cheap thrill to put on a pair of jeans or a new jacket that really fit, in a size smaller, and just as big a thrill to have to donate them back because I've un-grown them.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Whenever I can find something in a thrift store that I like. I almost never buy new clothes and definitely not when I had a lot to lose. But sometimes department stores had good stuff on the clearance rack for a few bucks that works for couple of months.
  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    I'm poor so I rarely (if ever) buy new clothes. Thankfully, I have friends who are slightly smaller than I am who always need to give away clothes, so I get theirs!

    There's an idea! Find some friends a size smaller, and a size larger, and start an exchange!

    I would have to find petite friends, though...
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I'm down 22lbs (20 left to go) and I've only bought one item, a new pair of jeans. My older ones kind of sort of fit but they're getting verrrrry baggy and used to be super tight. I haven't bought anything else new yet, I'm wearing a lot of hoodies and t shirts at the moment. I wanted to wait as long as possible before buying new stuff, but I think I'll go shopping in a few weeks time.
  • callie006
    callie006 Posts: 151 Member
    I avoid it until the situation is desparate.

    This reminds me that I need to find some jeans. I can pull my current ones on and take them off without unzipping or unbuttoning them. I bought them about 17 lbs ago, and I lost a lot of my weight from my hips first.
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I'm poor so I rarely (if ever) buy new clothes. Thankfully, I have friends who are slightly smaller than I am who always need to give away clothes, so I get theirs!

    There's an idea! Find some friends a size smaller, and a size larger, and start an exchange!

    I would have to find petite friends, though...

    I've thought about suggesting a group for this on MFP for a while. Liability would be a huge issue, though, unless we just made it all free and shiz.
  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    Fortunately, I haven't had to buy a lot of stuff until recently. I had so many different sizes in my closet that I have just been able to pull out some of the older stuff to wear. After 6 months and 66 pounds lost, though, I have finally run out of smaller sizes in my closet and had to go buy things recently. Second hand stores are currently my friend, although I will splurge and buy a few new items. It's a nice way to reward myself for my hard work.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I've bought 3 T-shirts. I have a few different sizes in my closet, and I run hand-wash only clothes through the wash to shrink them.

    I have a business trip coming up soon though, so if I don't have anything suitable that fits I'll be "renting" from the thrift store too.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    My clothes are starting to get pretty loose on me. I'll probably buy new clothes when it starts to look really awkward and feels weird to wear. I don't really want to dish out a bunch of money for that though, so I'll be waiting for sales haha
  • HikeCyclist
    HikeCyclist Posts: 153 Member
    I'd buy clothes AS I'm losing weight. Only because as you're losing, you get those "feel good" days where you feel REALLY skinny, even when you haven't lost "that much." Wearing clothes that are too big on those days doesn't really help you continue to feel good. Just my opinion.

    I wouldn't go on a huge shopping spree, though, until I'm at my goal weight. Just a few clothing items here and there along the journey.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    When my current clothes were falling off, and I would buy the next size down, so it was tight. And I skipped off season stuff (basically went from size 16 to size 8 jeans in September, and now the 8s are starting to be annoyingly loose). I didn't even buy tops (except a couple $3 t shirts) until I only had 10 lbs to lose. Basically all I've bought that doesn't fit anymore are three pairs of shorts and a swimsuit from last Summer, and a couple bras, those size 8 jeans will probably not fall off anytime soon so I'll probably keep wearing them as they are not too loose at the leg.
  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    Oh, yes, definitely get a new bra! That will give you and your spirits a lift.
  • KatJ_NZ
    KatJ_NZ Posts: 31 Member
    I get away with wearing loose tops for a while longer than pants (probably because they don't just fall off!). I buy new pants when my workmates tell me that my current ones look terrible. They're good and honest like that ;-)

    Like lots of the others here, I'm buying my "interim" sizes from second-hand stores, and donating the ones that are too big for me now.
  • _101010_
    _101010_ Posts: 121
    Thinking of becoming a minimalist so hopefully I will only buy replacements for my clothes when they no longer fit or wear out.
  • misscem94
    misscem94 Posts: 114 Member
    The day my boyfriend told me I looked like a hobo. Seriously. :laugh:

    haha, same here! (except it was my colleague)