How many calories is your breakfast, and how much fiber?



  • mrswestmoreland
    mrswestmoreland Posts: 27 Member
    i found a eating plan that gave great guidelines that help me get the amount of fiber and protein i'm trying to achieve. So i make my meals fit close to the guidelines:
    B: 300 cal 8 g fiber 20 g protein
    S: 150 cal 2 g fiber 15 g protein
    L: 300 cal 8 g fiber 20 g protein
    D: 400 cal 8 g fiber 20 g protein
    S:150 cal 2 g fiber 15 g protein

    Just adjust cal based on the amount u trying to eat.
  • rikracer61
    rikracer61 Posts: 208
    breakfast 600 cal
    25-40 grams fiber a day
  • Masq
    Masq Posts: 191 Member
    300 to 385 calories. If I do the Carb Check bagel, then my fiber is about 20.... if not fiber is only 3.
    I concentrate more on protein. I add a vanilla protein powder to my coffee each morning to bump up my protein intake.
  • stmcfred
    stmcfred Posts: 78 Member
    207 Calories, 15 grams of Fiber
  • iPlatano
    iPlatano Posts: 487 Member
    My breakfast is always about 1300-1500cals with 25g of fiber!
  • tbaby1279
    tbaby1279 Posts: 16 Member
    I "TRY" to keep my breakfast choices around 400 calories. Hopefully, lower! I usually eat oatmeal, a piece of fruit (apple, pear or orange). Medium coffee with 2 cream and 1 or 2 splendas. sometimes, it's a protein shake and some unsweetened applesauce.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    About 300 cals, 3 g fiber, 21 g protein.

    Today I had black coffee, nonfat greek yogurt, and dry "bear naked" cereal
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I can't believe these folks getting 20g or more of fiber. Aren't you in the crapper all day eating like that? Just curious. I try to make sure I don't go over 20g per day, or I'm hurtin'.

    I used to be a lot more sensitive to fiber when I was younger I think (hard to tell because I had no idea what I was eating) - I remember if I ate like Raisin Bran or Bran checks for breakfast my morning schedule was now filled. Now that I'm in my 40s I think I've crossed the Rubicon on that sensitivity. With averaging 35g per day during the week I'm only approaching regularity.

    Maybe it takes practice. When I started MFP, I learned that my fiber intake was around 5g/day. I found about 14-15g is a good amount for me. I don't really know what my intake was when I was younger, but true story.... when I was in college and began making my own food choices, I was having problems with regularity. I called my mom and asked about it, and she told me to eat "ruffage." I was like, WHAT? What is ruffage? She said to look at the fiber content of my food and to drink plenty of water. I finally figured out that adding a salad to my lunch helped, but I had horrible habits for 20 years. (Hence my road to obesity)

    I looked up the RDA, and it says 25g. Wow! I might try to gradually build up to that. :laugh:
  • delazouche
    delazouche Posts: 55 Member
    Hannaford "Never Say Diet Maple Oatmeal" with four tablespoons of PB2 = 250 calories - 15 grams protein - 8 grams of fiber -- taste like a peanut butter no bake cookie!!
    Now that sounds amazing!!!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Breakfast 350-400 calories a day, pretty consistent except sometimes on weekends I have a bigger brunch and no lunch.

    Fiber at breakfast no clue, and I don't track fiber, but I checked my daily totals out of curiosity and it's usually about 20, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. One outlier day in the last 30 when I had 44 g, which seems to be related to multiple meals of lentil soup, just guessing by the foods I had that day. I eat lots of vegetables, which seem not to provide as much fiber as you might think, but not a lot of grains and beans only occasionally.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    I generally eat between 300 - 450 calories for breakfast. I aim for about 30 grams of fiber daily. Some days are a little higher and some a little lower.
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    Between 300 and 450 calories, with a snack of 100-150 cals if I had a lighter (300 cals) breakfast. Today, it was about 4g of fibers, but I usually eat a breakfast burritos on a high fiber tortilla that gives me a whooping 12g of fibers.

    I tend to focus more on protein then fibers, and I have a minimum of 25g every morning.
  • alexuh
    alexuh Posts: 108 Member
    300-400 calories usually, sometimes it can be upwards of 700 when I wake up like a ravenous bear. :bigsmile:
    My usual breakfasts consist of Oats So Simple porridge with almond milk.

    Then I add a mixture of nuts, seeds, fruit (whatever I have), dried fruit and yogurt. Sometimes I don't have all of them things, but sometimes I do. Whatever I fancy and that makes up the 300-400 cal breakfasts. :drinker: I don't track fiber as my digestive system is a-ok. :smile:
  • walking_the_labyrinth
    My breakfast is usually between 0 and 300 calories. Fiber I don't shoot for a certain amount at breakfast but my goal is 25g per day.