New group for anyone doing The Body Fat Breakthrough!



  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    Thanks for the link to the group @acarr214 ! I joined. Will see if there's anything going on there.

    Good luck. I think you just have to trust that it will work and follow it, diet and all. I didn't think I could not do all the normal amounts of cardio and see results and I did. Keep the faith for the diet portion too!
  • acarr214
    acarr214 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks @bbinoa !!! :)
  • Carwoman
    Carwoman Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on week two, but confused about the reps/sets/time thing. Unless I'm just impatient, I don't see where there is any specification on how many/how long to work. It says to log weight used and time, but let's say I'm doing leg presses at 100lbs. how many reps (neg-pos-neg) or is it time limited? And only one set? I assume I should increase weight at some point? I need guidelines please!...I don't want to get 6 weeks into it only to realize I wasn't doing it correctly. Thanks for any help!
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    It's one set, 3 reps only per exercise. So for leg press quickly lift to the point where you execute the first negative, lift slowly for the positive and lower again for the negative. You're going for 30 seconds on each one. Record that time. When you can completely execute 30-30-30 for each one, it's time to up the weight. If you're doing doing it correctly you should be feeling it!
  • creve2015
    creve2015 Posts: 5 Member
    Has anyone seen results yet? I just started the program today.

    I have been on the program for almost 2 weeks and have dropped 12 pounds so has been the most successful program I have tried
  • Wtwilli
    Wtwilli Posts: 1 Member
    I am really interested in starting this program, but am nervous about doing so because I really enjoy running 3 or 4 miles most mornings. Has any one been successful with this program and still done cardio 4 or 5 times a week? Will running negatively impact the program?
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    If you want to follow the program exactly per the book, then yes, doing the additional cardiovascular doesn't improve your results. I've done the program a couple of times. Sticking with it per the book yielded the best results, but I also missed my "other" workouts (running, Zumba, spinning) so usually only get about 4 weeks in before I start doing something else. However, it does seem from my own experience that you really do need that rest time between the workouts.

  • wdlawless1
    wdlawless1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I just started the Body Fat Breakthrough program myself 9 days ago and have lost 2.1 kg (4.5 pounds) in that time. I use the X-Force machines at Gainesville Health & Fitness in Gainesville, Florida on Mondays and Thursdays. I ride the stationary back 7 days a week for 35 minutes each session. Once the pool area reopens in June I will use the cold plunge after every workout. My goal is to lose 23 kg (50 pounds) by Labor Day. The MyFitnessPal app has been an indispensable accountability tool regarding my dietary habits. I only wish that it could track the calories burned during strength training workouts.