What's the rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weig



  • travelbug
    travelbug Posts: 153
    A boyfriend from college said he would dump me if I gained 5 more pounds.

    Friends asking to borrow my clothes in their 4-5 months of pregnancy because theirs are just too tight but don't want to buy maternity yet. Seriously, I'm a normal heathly weight.
  • GravyGurl
    GravyGurl Posts: 1,070
    I've only had one person say anything about my weight to me, and that was the last guy I was dating... he looked at me and said... yanno Carol if you would lose about 30 lbs you wouldn't look that bad.

    My response was something along the lines referring to his manhood equipment and I walked away and never saw him again.
  • debuckl
    debuckl Posts: 360 Member
    The MOST hurtful thing ever was when someone close to me told me I would never be as pretty or talented as my sister, but that was no reason to give up. I was 13 or 14 and devastated...

    To this day I catch myself wanting to be my sister.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    "When is your due date"....um my reply "right after yours!.....:explode:

    Thank you very much!


    Mine is similar. Was getting on a ride at Six Flags & the operator said, "You shouldn't be riding this in your condition." :grumble:
  • Doina_Smecicas
    Doina_Smecicas Posts: 35 Member
    About 6 years ago we were camping and this "nothin" of a man was just out to piss me off......
    He even happend to be a good friends of mine boyfriend and she was retarted for him....

    He said " Even if I had my left spread a meter-my thighs would still touch. The ****ty part was, everyone was there. Then my brother lost it on him.....Which is a given, but the words were still said.....
  • tlitzner
    tlitzner Posts: 124
    I have also been asked my due date, by more then one person. Also, I had some furniture delivered and the delivery guy saw my wedding portrait on the wall. He looked me up and down and laughed, saying "That doesn't look like you". Jerk.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Group hugs everyone!!!!!!!

    :explode: rude people make me sick!

    The one thing that comes to mind is this snippy aunt who was not even thin but her daughter was a rail, would say as she'd see me going off to dance class...."here come't the chubby ballerina!!!"

    okay first I was like 8...and NOT fat not even chubby can't figure out why she'd say that....and she gave me such a complex :cry: BUT I got the chance to confront her at my dad's wake....and she was saying omg you look amazing, I was a size 4 in good real good shape...and I said...no more chubby ballerina huh? as nasty as I could and that's hard for me LOL...and she was shocked like didn't remember...and she said that to me EVERYDAY (same street!) She said she was sorry and if she ever knew that it would have made me feel like that she'd have NEVER said it....she kept saying I feel so bad...I feel so bad.....me...oh no worries....just painful memories!:ohwell:

    sigh...some folks don't think!

    another group hug for the road!
    Ali :heart:
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    It was a few months after I gave birth to my 1st... I was at work... one of our regular costumers came up to me and said, " When do you give birth???"... I was like, " Uh... I gave birth a few months ago"... I felt so small and my face felt so hot from being so red.

    And a co-worker told me I should get a girdle for my tummy as she patted my stomach... this happened the same day as the first incident.

  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    When I was a child 11 to 15 I had an eating disorder because I was a pairs ice skater and our coach kept telling me that I was to fat. I eat very VERY small amounts when I did eat, but got rid of the food as fast as I could through purging if need be.
    I have seen pictures I was NOT FAT, I looked like a skelaton. Fast forward to a few years I was around 25 and I ran into my skating partner at the store, with his mother. He looked awful, but took one look at me and said...
    Well it looks like YOU have taken up eating A LOT!
    I said. Yes thanks, I have been eating. And it looks like you are still ugly and living with your mother I hear. Wow great success YOU turned out to be!
    He just stood there fuming as I walked away.
    I was hurt a little by what he said. But I knew that I was healthy, and had come so far to over come the pain of my youth.
    Success is in fact the greatest revenge
  • mydogmesa2
    mydogmesa2 Posts: 205 Member
    I was over at a friends house for game night, and a mutual friend of ours was there. She is 7 months pregnant and has obviously gained some weight. I had my second child 10 months ago. She said to me... " I fell like you when you were pregnant. Porky Pig" I couldnt believe she said that to me. I just smiled cuz I didnt want to embarrass her. Oh well. Ive lost alot of weight since I was pregnant and now I feel great. :tongue: :laugh: :tongue:

    Oh and another. I had a job as office manager when i was pregnant with my first. There was a little deli by our office that I would go get lunch from. One day my boss followed me over there and said to the lady working. " Quit selling her food or Im gonna have to buy her a bigger chair" !!!! Can you believe that? I wasnt even a size 8 and I was 7 months preggo!!! What an @$$!!
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    It's horrible what people say!!!

    This didn't happen to me, but it happened to my mom. When my mom was first losing weight (she started at about 300 lbs.) she would walk around the neighborhood. She was out one night walking and came home with egg all over her, crying. Some boys in a car had thrown eggs at her and yelled that she was a fat a** b*tch, etc. Grrrrr...

    *Edit* By the way, now she runs marathons and weighs about 140 lbs. She sure showed them!!!!!

    I can't believe this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why would you judge someone like that anyway, or ever throw egg on someone you don't even know? Especially since she was out walking, meaning she was trying to be healthy!

    I would have stayed in my house for days, I would have been so upset. I hope you called the POLICE!!!!
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    My dad sits me down every once in awhile to talk about my weight. It is so embarrasing, I almost cry. He is very overweight, and so is my mom, so maybe he is trying to let me know he understands. But first, I would rather he ignore it. Second, he doesn't say it very nicely. And third, "do as I say, not as I do!" His example would be better than his words. I am overweight, but try to eat healthy and walk. He doesn't exercise and eats at McD's 10+ times a week!!!

    Oh, and my boyfriend told me once that he would be more attracted to me if I lost weight. He said he wasn't very attracted to me at all because I had gained since we got together. He said it very matter of factly, and I didn't say anything at the time, but it still upsets me.
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member
    I long as I can remember i've been chubby. I was always made fun of when I was a kid about my wirght. One thing I can remember is.......

    Other kid:"Hey Deanne, Sing!"
    Me: " why do you want me to sing?"
    Other kid:" 'cause it aint over 'till the fat lady sings!!"

    I think I was 10 or 11 when that happened. I blocked out most of those memories.:cry:
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Three incidents....

    I was preggo with ri ri and i was walking away from the atm and this guy told his buddy....damn she has a FAT *kitten*!!!

    and when my 3 year old pulled up my shirt slapped at my pooch and went ewwwwwww.......I was like your the reason the ew is that lol

    a old high school friend and i was catching up on the phone and she asked me how much I weight (i was proud cause i lost weight) 156 i said proudly....she was like oh....good i weigh 145 i was worried I was the fat one..........I was like wow....
  • ligytha
    ligytha Posts: 130
    In gradeschool my "friend"'s brother pulled down my pants and got everyone to chant "Jen, Jen, the big fat hen". No, they didn't get in trouble. It was in my own house. It was my birthday party.

    My grandmother wouldn't let me eat when she was with me. She'd yell at me and tell me I'd be stupid and fat all my life.
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    In gradeschool my "friend"'s brother pulled down my pants and got everyone to chant "Jen, Jen, the big fat hen". No, they didn't get in trouble. It was in my own house. It was my birthday party.

    My grandmother wouldn't let me eat when she was with me. She'd yell at me and tell me I'd be stupid and fat all my life.

    On your birthday? :cry: Those kids deserved some serious punishment!
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    We were in Flagstaff, AZ and we were all swimming. We walked to our room-using the pool towels which was not even big enough to go around my son. When we got to our room, the phone ran and my mother-in-law answered-they said to her-we are far from the ocean, how did two whales make it to AZ.
    They were a group of maybe 18-20 year olds that were staying across from the pool. My husband walked over to them, took off his shirt, lifted one fist and they said sorry and ran into their room. We made sure we ate our dinner at the pool picnic area and had our drinks their too. They wouldn't leave their room. The next morning when my husband took out the luggage, he say one of them at their car. The guy was so scared. When we checked out, we let all the air out of the tires. All 4.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I've only had one person say anything about my weight to me, and that was the last guy I was dating... he looked at me and said... yanno Carol if you would lose about 30 lbs you wouldn't look that bad.

    My response was something along the lines referring to his manhood equipment and I walked away and never saw him again.

    I would have kicked his butt up around his shoulders!! You are definitely a more kind and forgiving person than I am.
  • amandagreen1980
    amandagreen1980 Posts: 286 Member
    Great Post.
    And I don't know whether anyone has realised but most of the insults have come from ADULTS who are supposed to love us????? :noway:

    I mean, I can understand kids saying hurtful things but adults should definately know better!

    I have a couple of incidents that spring to mind.

    We went to visit my mothers aunt and she was always quite cruel to me but one thing thats sticks out was she looked at me and said "whoa, look at you, what size are you now, 18?" I was about 13-14 years old and a size 14, which is not that bad for my height!! (BTW UK sizes)

    Also, it was another great aunt when we went to visit family in Ireland, she had never met me before and i was 16, and she said, "you're a big girl aren't you? The boys don't like big girls you know, you better do something about that if you ever want to get married!"
    I was a size 14 again.
    I love my parents to bits but they just stood there and never said a word! If someone said something like that to someone i love i would go MAD!!

    Size 14 was the biggest i had been at that point, i later went on to become a size 20!!!! I always thought i was really fat so there was no point trying to do anything about it, i was the fat one and that was it i better just accept it. I look back at photos and think i look fine, i was probably about 15lbs overweight.

    It really makes me sick that adults to do that to a child.
    My younger cousin put on a LOT of weight 2 years ago, she was 14. Everyone was talking about it and I stuck up for her and told them all to shut up and leave her alone, every child goes through a chubby stage, I talked to her and told her about my weight issues etc. I saw her the other day (she is 16 now) and she looks absolutely FABULOUS! she joined a gym and has got down to a nice size and i am just so proud of her!

    Sorry this turned out to be a bit long!!
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    Wow, so many...

    When I was a kid, I got accused of eatting lots of Twinkies on the bus on a regular basis. I don't even like Twinkies!

    In high school, I remember finding out about someone talking about how fat I was in their history class. I wasn't even there! Takes a real man to say it behind your back, grr.

    Then I had a HUGE crush on a friend of mine. His best friend approached me and said, "He would so be with you, but you'd have to get to a 'reasonable' weight first." Let's just say that it didn't work out with us.

    There are a lot more, but mostly I have been pretty lucky with just getting rude looks and such.