Shockers when you started paying attention to calories?



  • clarsen929
    clarsen929 Posts: 3 Member
    Fruit, generally, but bananas specifically. I tend to have a banana with breakfast or as a mid-morning snack, and at 100+ calories it tends to be 1/3 to 1/4 of my meal.
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    I thought I was eating "pretty healthy", before I started logging calories again. Every week, I would get a bag of Trader Joe's Wasabi Almonds (2380 calories) and a dozen Roasted Seaweed Snacks (720 calories) and snack on them at night. My total "healthy snack" calorie count for the week: 3100 calories! That's 2.5 days worth of calories for me and those were just my regular, tv watching snacks. Don't even get me started on the sodium content...
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    processed food is crap. Yeah you can have whatever in moderation but that doesn't make it any better for you. If you don't know half the stuff on the ingredient list how can you possibly defend it? One ingredient foods are better, it's natural to eat them.

  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cheese. I was grossly underestimating what an ounce was until I got a scale. Now I get a LOT more cheese :) Yum.

    I've also discovered if I weigh my shred cheese I get more than if I use the measuring cup. Food scale for the win!
  • Soufre
    Soufre Posts: 236 Member
    Nuts. Specifically River Queen Honey Roasted peanuts :love: One serving (1oz) is 150? I usually eat 6oz of nuts....
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    processed food is crap. Yeah you can have whatever in moderation but that doesn't make it any better for you. If you don't know half the stuff on the ingredient list how can you possibly defend it? One ingredient foods are better, it's natural to eat them.

    Thanks for your input.

    Would love to see your diary.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    Almost everything on the Panera Bread menu.
  • bc2ct
    bc2ct Posts: 222 Member
    I thought I was eating "pretty healthy", before I started logging calories again. Every week, I would get a bag of Trader Joe's Wasabi Almonds (2380 calories) and a dozen Roasted Seaweed Snacks (720 calories) and snack on them at night. My total "healthy snack" calorie count for the week: 3100 calories! That's 2.5 days worth of calories for me and those were just my regular, tv watching snacks. Don't even get me started on the sodium content...

    OMG hahahaha this reminds me of the time that I took a bag of trader joes sesame honey cashews on a team trip from LA to Sacramento. I ate THE ENTIRE BAG (2550 calories) which would not have been the worst thing in the world if we hadn't gotten right off the bus and headed out for a practice. I have never had such a full stomach in my life. I think I spent like an hour in the ladies room after that practice. Never again. NEVER AGAIN!
  • BeachinBeauty
    BeachinBeauty Posts: 20 Member
    Some things shocked me, others not so much. I think the biggest shock has been the sodium in everything, as I really have to pay attention to that too and it's 1000000000000000% times harder than watching calories, IMO. Like, tonight, I made dinner and the unflavored, unseasoned green beans I used are 290 mg sodium for a 1/2 cup serving! I wouldn't even assume green beans would have sodium... until now! The sweetened cream corn was 390 mg sodium, I believe. Big shockers. Anyway, as far as a calorie shock (and place to avoid): Chili's. Out of all of the restaurants I frequent and continue to frequent, Chili's is the absolute worst. There's almost literally nothing on their menu that isn't a complete day breaker. We went last Friday for the first time since I've been on MFP. The only thing I could order that didn't exceed calorie count was the chicken fajitas without tortilla shells and no appetizer. Even still, I think exceeded my daily sodium by around 1000 mg!!! Also, their desserts are God awful (I mean, they're Heavenly delicious, but God awful for your health, lol!). I know that's probably to be expected, but they seem to be far worse than I could've ever expected. I believe the molten lava cake is 1300-ish? I used to treat myself to a dessert to take home from there sometimes and would eat the entire thing myself. My eyes have been opened!!!
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    Pretty much anything I eat at a restaurant....Panera, especially. I always thought going there was a healthy alternative to a fast food place -- no way. Muffins anywhere are the biggest shock. Here is this thing that's 400-500 calories with almost no nutrition that you would eat for breakfast or a coffee break and then feel hungry an hour later. I literally can eat 2 slices of bacon, 2 eggs, and a piece of toast for that number of calories, and that will hold me until lunch. I don't think I'll ever eat a muffin again.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    My shrink and i were actually talking about this the other day, it's when you read the package for something you used to eat a ton of only to realize the calories in a serving. I forget what it was the other day but this one tiny packet was 400 calories. i could have eaten 2 cans of soup for that.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Skim milk. 86 calories a cup!! I should be able to visually see each little booger. 4 cups of eggplant is only 80 calories!
  • kerricus
    kerricus Posts: 165 Member
    Tortillas. I make mine at home with just maseca and water, but they still pack too many calories to be worth it. Now they're a treat rather a daily staple.
    Most fruits, like bananas.
    I just looked up a DQ buster bar. *sob*
  • alemonada
    alemonada Posts: 28 Member
    So incredibly sad that bread is such a splurge.
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member
    Three big shockers since tracking on MFP:

    Granola has a ton load of calories. The oil and nuts added to the oatmeal is what does it. This reality makes me sad. I miss my hippy food.

    Serving sizes. Food manufacturers are a bunch of rat finks with their fake serving sizes. Just this evening I ate a frozen dinner that claims to be 2 servings. Interestingly, the food actually came in only 1 bowl. So which is it Food Company? 2 servings or 1 serving per container?

    I got a juicer a few months ago and I've been shocked by how naturally high in sodium greens are. Fresh, raw greens with nothing added. That's why apples and citrus fruits are usually added to juiced greens. To help cut the saltiness.
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    Really good beer battered onion rings. 100 calories each, yea thats one, this was teds montana grill but im sure Blooming onion is a million.
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    And firehouse subs you can get a meatball sub for less calories than chicken salad.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    1 small Pillsbury chocolate cookie is 150 calories, that was the shocking one for me. Restaurants and fast food I sorta figured. The other one was 2 all beef hotdogs, 2 x 2/3 buns and mustard were 200 calories more than a BLT with double the bacon than I used to put on. I Knew hotdogs were not healthy but figured the bacon with mayo sandwich would have been more calories.
  • Letshopeforthebest
    Letshopeforthebest Posts: 85 Member
    Gnocchi ... 35 calories for one price of gnocchi pasta.. for ONE piece!! I used to enjoy it a an italian bakery, and had a full plate full.. And boy did I underestimate the cals
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Gnocchi ... 35 calories for one price of gnocchi pasta.. for ONE piece!! I used to enjoy it a an italian bakery, and had a full plate full.. And boy did I underestimate the cals

    This almost made me cry, I love gnocci.....this is now officially my biggest shock.