


  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    "Woke up and had sweated through the sheets which is a frequent occurance"

    This can be a sign of nighttime hypoglycemia. Talk to your doc, but having a snack of protein and fat with carbs (not just carbs alone) just before bed can help (peanut butter on an apple for example). Feeling the need to eat in the middle of the night when this happens is your body trying to get your blood sugar regulated. Ask your doc if it is possible this is happening to you. The solution is of course diet related, so no real help there - you need professional nutritional guidance, and you need to actually follow it - just let yourself accept they are the experts and you are not, so you need to do what they say... You wouldnt hire a plumber to fix a leak, then secretly go sabotage it to break again or argue that the plumber should do it differently than they are explaining. The only reason I ever set foot on a treadmill is because my trainer tells me too - I am paying him to know more than me, so ignoring his advice and instructions would be pretty stupid. Same goes for doctors... unless you have an MD, you should be listening to them and just do what you are told. Take away your choice a little (give up control) and you may find it to be a relief to let someone else be in charge of your body for awhile so you can stop thinking about it...
  • SnazzIT
    SnazzIT Posts: 215 Member
    I have read about organic coconut oil and how it can help with your low fat intake...just research may help. I use a lot of coconut milk in my food also avacado when I need a snack...:)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I've come to the acceptance that I have a borderline eating disorder. Or maybe, I have just become obsessed with losing weight. One or the other.

    My Doctor told me I am too light, and I am not eating enough fats. My fat macros are typically under 10% a day. My weight was under 132 yesterday. I wish I could accept going back to 135, but when I last seen 134 on the scales, I ended up restricting intake for a couple days to get back down.

    Doctor said that my low fat intake is causing some health issues. He wants to take more tests in 2 weeks, but he tells me I need to increase my fat intake over that time by using olive oil for dressing, and taking omega 3 fish oil, and adding some nuts / seeds. Also suggested going off vegetarian diet for 2 weeks and eating low fat meats such as lean turkey, lean chicken breast, and cod. Health issues include some numbers out of range on blood work. These numbers suggest problems with my liver. My level of testosterone also is also 10 time too low. Sorry is this is TMI, but I havent been able to be intimate with my wife since October.

    I have a food "binge" then I feel ashamed. Last night I had one of those binges. Woke up and had sweated through the sheets which is a frequent occurance. I was having muscle cramps, so I ate a banana, then I ate 4 more bananas in the middle of the night. Wasnt even hungry. So today, all I've had was 80 calories of greek lowfat yogurt. When I have a binge, I will severely restrict calories for a couple days. And I have an anxiety attack every time I step on the scales.

    So I ranted on here. Cant talk to family members. I am getting enough criticism from my brother and my Mother calls and goes on and on about shes afraid I've lost too much weight. But at least I could confess and come clean on here.
    I am so glad you've been to your doctor and that he is working with you on this.

    A thought: you might want to ask him to refer you to a group treatment program as well as individual therapy, which were the only things that helped me recover from my eating disorder (bulimia). Whatever bring us to the point of eating disorders is beyond our control. it's important to find out what is beneath the behavior of our eating disorder.

    Hang in there. You've taken some steps to help your work through this: you're working with the doctor and you're sharing your feelings. My thoughts are with you.
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    My weight was down to 125 pounds this morning. I actually did well yesterday, ate 2000 calories, had 42 grams of fat. But still the scales went down. My weight is down considerably in just 1 week after I put severe restriction on diet after a binge day. Hopefully tomorrow I can get weight up some.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    Thank you for support. I made a call to our health insurance provider today and they will help me locate some counselor. Should get back to me on Tuesday. I also intend to seek out the help from a nutritionalist as well. Thank you.

    I'm sooooo glad you're seeking help! please take it easy and take the advice of the professionals. I also see you ate 2000 calories yesterday - GREAT job! just don't overdo it and make yourself sick.

    blessings... :flowerforyou:
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    One thing to keep in mind: when I say I ate 2000 calories, I run long distance, so I also run an AVERAGE of 10 miles every day.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I know I already posted but, OP, I want to commend you on your willingness to be open with this community. I want to be very careful with what I say because I don't know anything about disordered eating and its treatment. But I have to think that the fact that you are being proactive lends to you having a healthy recovery. But thank you for sharing your story, I am certain that you are helping someone else even as you are seeking help yourself. I hope this makes sense.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    One thing to keep in mind: when I say I ate 2000 calories, I run long distance, so I also run an AVERAGE of 10 miles every day.

    You run an average of 10 miles a day and only eat 2000 calories?
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member
    I can't offer anything more then my support.
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    I think you are amazing for admitting it and for doing the right thing and getting help.

    nothing I can say will top the advice you've already been given but I wanted to add another voice of support and respect! :flowerforyou:
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    Thank you for support. I made a call to our health insurance provider today and they will help me locate some counselor. Should get back to me on Tuesday. I also intend to seek out the help from a nutritionalist as well. Thank you.

    Yay! Beating an ED isn't going to be easy, I'm sure, but if you can run marathons, you can do it and feel great again.
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    How tall are you?? Please get some professional help.