Morning Workouts

Hi everyone!

Does anyone have any tips for morning workouts?
It seems like no matter how early I get to bed, I just can't find the will to get myself out of bed before work in the morning and work out!

How does everyone do it? :huh:

I've tried al kinds of things! Setting out workout clothes the night before, changing my ringtone to a motivating song, getting to bed earlier, etc.

Thanks in advance for your advice! :smile:


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    I am not a morning person at all. With that said, I walk every morning now before the sun is even up. Only reason I do it, is becaue my mother needs to be active and that the only time she likes to walk, so I walk with her to keep her active.

    Maybe if you found some one to do something with, it would help.
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    I worked out twice in morning last week, and it was seriously the best thing ever. I felt so energized and felt like I had so much more time in my day.

    Howeverrrrr, I have been trying to work out in the morning since then, and it hasn't been working. I've even set my alarm for 4:30, and I just can't seem to get up. I hope someone has some tips for us!
  • cnp8942
    cnp8942 Posts: 37
    Honestly, I don't think morning workouts are the best thing for people who can't get up in the morning. I have a very busy schedule and start classes early the morning and I do nightly workouts. You'd think that you'd be too tired from the day to work out at night but at the end of the day after I've eaten all I'm going to eat, working it off is the easiest thing to do. good luck!
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    i hate mornings. i am working on this as well. my thoughts are ... you just gotta bite the bullet and do it. my lil sis been working out morning for yrs. she hates it. she just does it.
  • Memah
    Memah Posts: 129
    I am definitely not a morning person. That said, when I do exercise shortly after getting up it results in my feeling better all day, feeling more energy, and, novelty of all novelties, makes me want to exercise more.

    Now I NEVER thought I would ever write anything like that.

    Today was one of those days. First thing after getting up I rode my recumbent bike for 30 minutes. During that time I watched TV to pass the time. I couldn't get to the gym until 3:30, but when I did I felt good.

    Welcome to health.

    Also, the important thing is that you ARE exercising.
  • Tonyv01
    Tonyv01 Posts: 56 Member
    getting enough sleep is generally what keeps me from getting up for a morning workout, but you mentioned going to bed earlier didn't help. Maybe try it for a week?

    I feel much better during the day after a morning workout as opposed to working out in the evening, but I had a hard time getting up in the morning motivated to workout. So I started getting up early enough to workout, or accomplish something
    .ie. read the paper, walk the dog (if i could get him to get up), empty the diswasher....something.

    Then as I got used to that early routine I started working out more and more in the morning. Some people just aren't early risers like my wife. She enjoys working out in the evening....

    if all else fails you could try the flying alarm clock :-)

    good luck!
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member

    Plan for 7- 8 hours of sleep, and wake up and eat something an hour before your workout. Also, set your alarm across the room so you are forced to get out of bed.
  • jimmydeanbakker
    Yeah. There is something inside of me that forces me out of bed in the morning. I think it's the way I'm wired. Even when I was in high school, I would get up every morning, and run until I had visions of Jesus. After I finished running, I would practice martial arts in my backyard, and usually drove the neighbors insane. I don't know why I'm able to hop out of bed like that. Anyway, I'm out of here. I gotta get up in the morning, and do my four miles on the treadmill.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Get one of these. Gets you up and provides you cardio warm up at the same time.
  • brittneydora25
    brittneydora25 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone for your comments!

    Just hearing about other people who are able to get up and make morning workouts happen is motivating!! :)
    I'm gonna go for it tomorrow!

    Love the "Clocky" alarm clock!!
  • Lyndzo
    Lyndzo Posts: 142
    I am also not a morning person and am learning to work on this. I have started to do 50 sit-ups each morning and will work up to more. I think the key is to not start with too much.
  • onetxjewel
    onetxjewel Posts: 39 Member
    I'm so glad I read this post!!! I've been wanting to get up just 30 minutes earlier each morning to take my 90 pound labradoodle for a walk so he gets to use up all that energy and i can get some form of exercise in! But like others I can't seem to get up at 5am and snooze until 5:30...EVERY MORNING!!! I've gotta just make myself do it...then the hard part will be getting the dog to wake up! Both dogs are late
  • rbruzek
    Hello fitness pals. I find the best way to wake up early is to force yourself out of bed at the earlier time. Once you wake yourself early, you'll want to go to sleep earlier that night (so tired by 9pm). That creates the cycle to wake up early the next day.
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    I wake up at 4 am twice a week, and 5 am twice a week, to work out at 5 am and 6 am, respectively.

    It's not fun, but I don't have a choice... my time is limited.

    There's nothing to it but to do it! :-)
  • apeman
    apeman Posts: 82
    Everyone has to do it their way. I like morning cardio but can't lift or do anything heavy. I usually walk and jog when it's not cold in the mornings like it is now. I don't usually eat before hand either but I know some say you should. I just find that if I really want to do something, I'll do it. So make the morning workout something positive for yourself in some way. Otherwise you'll just dread it and it'll never happen in a positive way.
  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    I am NOT - I repeat, ***NOT*** a morning person. I can easily hit the snooze button for 2 hours if someone allows me. But, I'll say that it feels *great* once I'm up, have gotten in a 30 minute exercise, and had breakfast. It makes the whole day better. And then I don't feel so guilty if I don't have time to get to the gym later in the day.

    What if we start a group to help motivate each other? Thoughts??
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    I tried and tried to wake up early and get my hour in before work but i could never drag myself out of bed. Finally I hit on something that works for me. I do my morning work outs at 7pm. :-)
  • lisafrancis629
    I tried and tried to wake up early and get my hour in before work but i could never drag myself out of bed. Finally I hit on something that works for me. I do my morning work outs at 7pm. :-)

    hahaha. Love it!

    I'm not a morning person. I have tried for years to work out before work but I hate it. Even on the days I have gotten up at 6:00 to exercise, my workout is not a "strong". I don't have the energy to push myself in the morning as I do in the afternoons. Finally, after trying and trying, I gave up because it was causing me to stress out too much. Yeah, I'd love to work out in the morning and have it over for the day but I do what I can stick to and what works for me.
  • wife2mikejh
    I am not a morning person, even though I have to get up early due to my kids going to school and me going to work. I realized a while back that the only good time to exercise for me is on my lunch break or after work. I don't stress about it anymore and I am doing so much better with sticking to my workout routine. I started walking back in March and consistently walk 2-4 times a week. From march until I started here I had lost almost 20lbs just from walking. (Diet was still horrible) I was down to 186, now back up to 190 this week for some reason since dieting again, but I think that will change once my metabolism gets ramped up. I think small changes help in losing weight. I know I have a long way to go but at least the changes are starting!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I hate mornings.

    I actually go to bed in my workout clothes. LOL I just get the heck up. As soon as the alarm goes off, I run in my bathroom. Turn the light out (that'll help!), go potty, brush my teeth, then go downstairs and workout.