Morning Workouts



  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I hate morning workouts and only do them when absolutely necessary. If I HAVE TO I will run in the early morning but I have better workouts, feel more energized and enjoy my workouts more in the afternoon.
    When I HAVE to workout in the morning it has to be because there are no other options...make it a no brainer choice for a week or two and see if that helps get you into a routine of doing it in the am..maybe that will help
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Set alarm on cell phone.
    Set out clothes at night.
    Where workout clothes to bed.
    If you're going to the gym, pack your bag at night and take it to the car.

    Some people use pre-workout drinks to help them get started. One poster said they use Jacked. I use Fuzion K-akg by Nutrisport. I've gotten to the point that I look forward to the fruit punch flavored Fuzion.
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    I hated morning workouts until I signed up for a 5am bootcamp class with my daughter..... she motivates me to get up and go because she needs to get up and go..... and we feel so much better the rest of the day.... I am learning to love morning workouts!!! =) get a partner and sign up for a class...... or atleast just have someone who is waiting for you so you have the accountability! It really does help!
  • mckval
    mckval Posts: 64 Member
    I, too, struggled with this. I'd always had a hate/hate relationship with the gym. However, once I determined that I wasn't going to eat anything after 7:30PM, I was forced to do something. I DRAGGED myself out of bed at 5am. I'd set out my workout clothes the night before, programmed the coffee maker, and my work clothes were also ready...
    Now, the first time that clock went off--ouch! However, I looked at that and realized that I would be getting up in about an hour anyway, and, really, was that worth going back to sleep for? I don't want to get up at 6 either!
    I've been doing it for 5 weeks now (4x week up at 5am; one evening group class; and one time on the weekend, not too early). I am very pleased, mentally, with that accomplishment.

    It is hard. And things are going by the wayside. But that effort (and calories burned) has been productive.
  • undercover
    undercover Posts: 138 Member
    I can't do it. I'm an evening person and when I've tried to do the morning workouts, my body hasn't really responded well. I don't have the energy to do it. Running is out of the question and even my walking is slow and my shins/feet/ancles hurt. I can do so much better in the afternoon/evening so I just feel discouraged by my results in the morning, so I stopped trying. I don't want to lose interest in my exercising so I'm not pushing it any longer. We are all different and for this I just had to listen to my body, no matter what my head wanted.
  • sarahwright01
    sarahwright01 Posts: 229 Member
    getting enough sleep is generally what keeps me from getting up for a morning workout, but you mentioned going to bed earlier didn't help. Maybe try it for a week?

    I feel much better during the day after a morning workout as opposed to working out in the evening, but I had a hard time getting up in the morning motivated to workout. So I started getting up early enough to workout, or accomplish something
    .ie. read the paper, walk the dog (if i could get him to get up), empty the diswasher....something.

    Then as I got used to that early routine I started working out more and more in the morning. Some people just aren't early risers like my wife. She enjoys working out in the evening....

    if all else fails you could try the flying alarm clock :-)

    good luck!

    I love what you said about walking your dog in the morning, (if you can get him up) LOL! I have the same problem! It is not for a lack of wanting to get up to do something in the morning, it if for a lack of motivation of the other creatures in my life! LOL! My one dog is not a "morning person" at all. The other dog is, so that helps, but the dog who needs the walks is the one who is the lasiest of all animals! ha!
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    I think this is a demon that we all struggle with. My job is a late night job, so on an early night I'm home by 7, after dinner, that is 8, and we are going to bed around 9 because my husband gets up at 4am. So that means I work out in the mornings. The hardest part is just getting out of bed. Once I do that, I'm fine. A big help is that my big workout days are tues/thurs and I have a group fitness class I LOVE those mornings, so I know I have those ladies waiting for me.

    I'm wokring on getting up early the other days as well to keep myself on a schedule. We'll see how that goes.
  • mistymolloy
    I found workouts on DVD that I can do at home. I'm using Insanity right now. I tried getting up in the mornings to make it to the gym or run around my neighborhood, but that was not working! Once I found a workout that I enjoyed doing at home, fitting in AM workouts became much easier. Now I don't have to get up early to drive to the gym, and I don't have to do anything to get ready since I sleep in my workout clothes. I just have to get up 40 minutes earlier than normal and then continue with my usual morning routine after working out. I love working out in the morning because I feel great all day, and then I don't dread coming home knowing that I still need to work out. And, I find that working out in the morning helps me to eat healthier throughout the day as well. No use in ruining all that hard work after waking up early!
  • sadiesmom
    I love the mornings. Hubby and I are up at 4:30, feed the 3 labs, have a quick cup of coffee, then off to the Y. Work out for 1hr, drive back home, fix breakfast, lunch, shower, let the dogs out AGAIN, then drive back into town to work. I make my lunch at night so that helps. It is alot, but I love the mornings. If I miss a day, peope are asking where I was. I also text my daughter who has 3 children and is a hairdresser. She is right there beside me. People I work with think I am crazy. I have gone to the gym a few times in the evening just to pass the time, but it is hard to decide when and what to eat for dinner.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Does anyone have any tips for morning workouts?
    It seems like no matter how early I get to bed, I just can't find the will to get myself out of bed before work in the morning and work out!

    How does everyone do it? :huh:

    I've tried al kinds of things! Setting out workout clothes the night before, changing my ringtone to a motivating song, getting to bed earlier, etc.

    Thanks in advance for your advice! :smile:

    For you, is it a matter of "train in the morning or else it will be no training at all due to work commitments" or something? If not, don't even attempt to train in the mornings, you obviously do not relish the thought, let alone do it at that time, so why not just stick to times of the day that you find it is enjoyable or at least, a lot less effort to get going?

    I am not really a morning workout person at all, however, sometimes, due to my work shifts, it is either train in the morning or it will be too late to do so by the time I get home.

    It doesn't matter when you train or workout, as long as some form of exercise during the week is undertaken :flowerforyou:
  • rioca
    rioca Posts: 3
    What can I say.... it´s not easy. Is like quit smoking. You just have to do it. Mind over matter. After a week you´ll be proud of yourself and motivated to go on.