What is the reason you decided to lose weight?



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have lost weight in 2 different waves over the past 5 years. The first time (from 307 lb to 262 lb) it was because I was concerned about health issues in my future and hated the way I looked in photographs. The second time (262 lb to current 184 lb) it's honestly more for vanity reasons. I know that sounds NUTS because I was morbidly obese even this go round and definitely needed to lose a lot...but I felt great, was generally healthy, and it just made me irritated that despite feeling great and being more active & eating nutritious food I was still so heavy.
  • moonmiko
    moonmiko Posts: 2
    It was weird because I kept thinking I looked the same while I was getting bigger. I'm 5'5" and my highest weight was 165 lbs. I am now 123 lbs. I would like to be 115 but I'm not sure if I could maintain at that weight so I would be content with just losing another three!

    At my local grocery store my friends and I decided to try out one of those blood pressure machines and mine was strikingly high compared to my friends. Then I realized my love for junk food wasn't just a habit, it was a lifestyle. A lifestyle that would eventually lead to more health issues beyond high blood pressure. Eventually I started to eat cleaner - and the weight started to come off very quickly. I started indulging in colorful foods (I love kale, red pepper and chickpea salads!) and stopped drinking soda. I counted calories for the first six months and while I still glance at the nutrition label every now and then, it's really helped me eyeball good size portions in a hurry. Everyone kept commenting on how slim I had gotten and that only motivated me more. It wasn't until I hit 130 that I started exercising too. I can see my legs shaping up and my belly becoming flat!

    I'm very happy :).
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    Looking fifty in the face and deciding that I wanted to stay active and healthy as long as possible, instead of turning into my mom and being almost housebound due to medical problems as a senior citizen. (Not saying that losing weight and gaining muscle earlier in life would have saved my mom from all her issues--it wouldn't--but it might have helped keep her active and having a fun life longer.)
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I was digging my own premature grave. I refuse to die early because of my lifestyle. It had to change.
  • karmac0matic
    karmac0matic Posts: 285
    when i see pictures of myself like with family and whatnot, i hate how my face looks when i'm smiling. it's rather round (luckily i have no double chin) but i have chubby-ish cheeks.

    this time last year, i weighed around what my current goal weight is and i really liked how my face looked, if a little skeletal. i'd rather skeletal than fat, just my personal preference.

    also, my bf finds me way sexier when i'm thinner. he claims it doesn't matter but when his you-know-what is up 5x as often, i can tell ;P
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I had a heart attack in January and had to make some changes. I quit smoking and changed my relationship with food. I have always hated to exercise and now I wake up and can not wait to get moving. I am 53 and I have been given a second chance and I am embracing it.
  • mgleason01
    mgleason01 Posts: 78 Member
    I reached a point where I was wearing a shawl with every outfit. One day I forgot my shawl and freaked out. My weight and my midsection had gotten out of control. All my clothes were tight and I refused to go up a size. And so the journey began and continues to this day.
  • angelatoth
    angelatoth Posts: 3 Member
    When my weight starts creeping to 150lbs, it's time to take control of my eating habits and get back in the routine of cleaning eating.
  • writer190
    writer190 Posts: 51 Member
    Getting to be a bra size that isn't carried in almost any US stores. :frown: Chest size also began to inhibit exercise. I decided I wanted to consider a reduction, but I wanted to see if weight loss would do the trick first.

    And I haven't liked the way I look in photos for a while.

    Also, I broke my collarbone, and so kind of like RKB said on the previous page, MFP was a nice way to fill the time I have to spend resting, and the weight loss makes me feel productive.
  • Geoj0
    Geoj0 Posts: 145 Member
    i seen my picture in local papers and online at a charity event id organised.. i didnt recognise myself , everyone that was in the pics with me were half my size and i used to always be the skinny one ... plus i had problems physicaly keeping up with them and some were twice my age , there is loads of other events i have to attend since its my charity and some are extreme activities which i can't partake in because of my health.
  • emtbsara
    emtbsara Posts: 9 Member
    In 2009 I went to Hawaii on my dream vacation. When I saw myself in pictures I looked like I could have eaten this little Hawain guy that I had my arm around for the picture! After that I had my second child. I only gained 18 lbs with him and he weighed over 9! In 2013 I went on a trip with my dad. I felt fat in my swimsuit going to the hotel hot tub with my armload of lime-a-Rita's. The next morning, I found the hotel gym and decided to work out everyday for the rest of that week and eat about half of what I normally would. It totally worked and I kept it up when I got home. Next thing I knew I was jogging half marathons and boxing. I'm 5'9" and I weigh 148-150. Feel much better and don't ever plan to go back to those 190 lb days.
  • gmcoulombe
    gmcoulombe Posts: 14 Member
    Because I want to say I did it. I want to be proud that I stuck it out and actually accomplished a goal I set.
    I want to feel good in the clothes I already own and be able to spend my hard earned cash on clothes that are smaller... not bigger.
    I also want to be able to try any activity and not be scared I will look like a fool because I can't physically do it.
    I've always been big but I don't want that statement to be true anymore.
  • Swilla_Swole
    Swilla_Swole Posts: 333 Member
    Click on my profile and you shall see....
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Because we went to Hawaii for our 25th anniversary and I had to sit and watch my husband do several things I couldn't do and then having the same thing happen in several other vacation locations in the next 12 years until I was 386 pounds and had almost no mobility left. I finally got it through my thick head that my weight really was interfering with my life and I just couldn't lie to myself about it anymore. So 160 off and just 66 more to go to goal!
  • chocolatexxmintt
    chocolatexxmintt Posts: 85 Member
    Because I want to look good and feel good about myself. Having weight on really messes with your self-esteem.
  • lightblueeyes
    lightblueeyes Posts: 13 Member
    As bad as this sounds...for me, it literally was a roller coaster. The roller coaster was not the reason, but it was the wake up call I needed to kick my butt into gear!! I had been saying "I need to lose weight" for a while, but did nothing about it really. I am on high blood pressure medicine and the doc said if I lose weight and eat better - I can get rid of those pills. I started a half-hearted attempt at exercising, but had a hard time sticking with it...just not much motivation. Then...I went to Six Flags with my sister...and my *kitten* was too wide for the seat of my favorite roller coaster. I was able to ride, but I was wedged in sideways - I used to fit into that seat with room to spare!!! Talk about your own personal humiliation!! That was a serious wake up call...not fitting into my favorite roller coaster at Six Flags was the first tangible thing that happened where I could say to myself...ok, it is NOT "just a few pounds". So here I am...I am going to be 40 in October, I am a decent looking gal...at least I was 60 pounds ago. I was never the "fat kid", but I became the "overweight gal" when I took a desk job and the weight slowly crept on. My daily activity had become so sedentary and I did not compensate for that with my diet and exercise. So over the last 10 years...I have packed on about 60 pounds. I am trying to make lifestyle changes with diet and exercise that I can sustain for the long term. I have tried this diet and that diet and lost 20-30 pounds several times only to gain it back when I went off the diet. I have discovered since I started tracking my food here that the foods I perceived as "healthy" are often times loaded with more calories, fat and sodium that I had imagined. My problem is lunch, I work in an area of Atlanta where the population is predominantly lower-to middle class income and there are mostly fast food joints and inexpensive food options...which unfortunately, does not always translate into healthy options. But, I have made some changes already that have given me the motivation to keep it up and I know once I start to see real results...that will motivate me even further.
  • thalia8424
    thalia8424 Posts: 12 Member
    i'm turning 30 in 4 months...looking back on some photos of myself from 10 years ago, 55 lbs lighter than i am currently...that was enough motivation right there. determined to not be just another chubby mom!
  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    Cool thread!

    1. because I hit 200# naked - a personal red-line for only 6-feet-tall! 210# with clothes on the Higi station at the grocery-store. Decided to get to a "normal" BMI range.
    2. because my fasting glucose is pre-diabetic
    3. because I read "Grain Brain" in January - sugar and wheat could be neurotoxins, inflammatory, etc.
    4. and then weight seemed more controllable, because I learned carbs cause hunger
    5. because diabetes, dementia and Alzheimer's runs in my family
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    I had just adopted my second child as a single mom and knew I had to be healthy for my kids. Now that I am healthy, my motivation to keep the weight off is pure vanity ; )