Gym Etiquette Question

I was at my local gym on Sat. morning (Planet Fitness) and I headed over to the squat rack. No one is there and I start to take off the plates on the bar to do some squats. Lots of people leave weights on the bar so I think nothing of it. Then this guy from the other room comes in and starts to get all mad at me. We get into a disagreement and he says that he was using the rack.We get into a dispute. I said I thought it was bad gym etiquette not to stay at the squat rack if you aren't using it. He then asks if I ever get a drink of water or do a different exercise between sets. It gets more heated and I talk to management and the staff just says everyone has their own system. Squat/power racks get pretty busy, especially on a Saturday morning. I let it go and do some other exercises but I then watch as he does one set of dead lifts on the squat/power rack, moves to the other room to do another exercise I guess, and then goes to back to the squat rack. He does this for about 4 sets. He is going to the other room at the PF between sets. Any thoughts?


  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    That would drive me crazy. People at my gym leave weights on the bars all the time. If no one is in there, I just go to the squat rack and unload the bar. If there are people in there, I ask if anyone is using it. I usually have to go to the bathroom before my deadlifts. Because it takes a lot out of me to load 2 45's on each end, I take my gloves off and leave them and my water bottle by the bar once it's on the ground. That way, anyone who comes in knows I'm coming back for it.
  • poohbah4
    poohbah4 Posts: 127
    Sounds like he needs to hang a sign on the bar saying, "This apparatus reserved until further notice." :frown:
  • sugarlemonpie
    sugarlemonpie Posts: 311 Member
    The guy just sounds like he is a bit inconsiderate of other people. If it was me, I'd see if he's there every Saturday at the same time and plan to go earlier so you can call dibs on the rack before he does.

    Not a whole lot else you can do, some people just are like that.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    People at my gym do that all the time. If the bar has weights on it, I don't touch it. I'll find something else to do. If I see that no one has come back to claim in within 5-10 minutes, then I remove the weights and use it for myself. I've never had an occassion when someone came back after 10 minutes claiming the rack.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Ask him if he'd be willing to let you work in with him, so you lift while he's off doing something else.

    If that fails, you can always report him to management, saying he's grunting and making you feel "gymtimidated" and they'll throw him out for you. :drinker:
  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    just another center of the universe douche

    be the bigger person

  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    God I hate people that do that. At the very least they should let you work in.
  • GhostShimewaza
    LOL ... personally, in past situations like that, I just started working out on the equipment while they were onto their other exercise. I have no tolerance for that *kitten*.
  • theJTfitness
    theJTfitness Posts: 142 Member
    The issue is when he came back and decided to get all pushy. If he would have been polite and explained the situation, I'm sure something could have been worked out. There's really nothing you can do about people like this. Well, nothing that won't get you kicked out of your gym :)
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I did that at the gym this afternoon.....
    I was on bench, finishing up my sets on that....and the equipment I wanted to do next (seated chest press machine)
    Had someones stuff at it....
    But the person wasn't there...
    So i finished my two sets on bench.....wiped down bench....put away weights....
    Still the equipment I wanted to use, sat empty...except for the guys stuff....
    So I walk over to it...stand by it for like a min....
    Still no one.
    So I start stripping down one of the plates....and then the guy comes over.....

    I just said look, no one was here and I want to use this.
    Can I work in??
    He was fine with we worked in.

    Funny thing was he stayed nearby the machine until he finished his last two sets. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • kelseypalmer1614
    kelseypalmer1614 Posts: 36 Member
    Personally, I think that is bad form. Doing a different exercise between sets is one thing, but generally, the person should pick something close by. The fact that he's leaving the room entirely between sets and still expects to keep his rack on a busy morning, is frankly kind of ridiculous.

    But, from my experience, once someone gets set in their way of doing things, it's hard to get them to stop, or to even acknowledge that there might be a need for them to change. He obviously thinks it's no big deal to abandon his rack and then expect it to still be there.

    Next time, just use it, and maybe keep track of how long he's gone (assuming this happens again), and then bring it up with management again, and say that he's monopolizing the equipment. Throw around the word "lunk" maybe that'll get their attention. I had to switch gyms because I hated that stupid alarm going off all the time. Always seemed to hit between songs when I was running. Couple times I almost fell off the treadmill because it startled me so bad! lol.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    sounds like a person who thinks the gym belongs to them and its ok to circuit train during a busy time.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    yeah no.

    he's wrong.

    it's different if he had to take a dump or go get water- but you can't do half your workout away from the equipment- if he wanted to do that- he/you should have said- I'll work in with you.

    it's an easy pain free solution.

    he's been a douchecanoe- but there are easy solutions.
  • bravid98
    bravid98 Posts: 80 Member
    Stories like these make me glad I have a home gym, and explain why I don't go to the movies, and avoid the mall, and....
  • crazie4lulu
    crazie4lulu Posts: 762 Member
    this totally pisses me off. it happens all the time. you have every right to be upset. these people who do this are the ones with NO ettiquette what so ever. All he had to say simply was... can i work in with you. he was not there... nor did you see anyone. next time... screw him and carry on!!!!!
  • cortezpj
    cortezpj Posts: 129 Member
    I see several faults in the situation.

    I agree with all who say the guy was in the wrong for thinking it was his and only his to use and on his schedule. Yeah, it would be ideal for you to find the person who was using it and diplomatically ask if you can work in. But why should you have to do that? Seriously, how long do any of us spend on one particular piece of (non-cardio) gym equipment?

    I also think management handled it incorrectly. From what you described, they just wanted to avoid an incident where anyone (including them) had to come out being the bad guy. And aren't you a dues paying member just like he is? Why does he get preferential treatment? I'd have a serious talk with the top manager and ask to be enlightened as to why behavior like that is ok.

    This is one of the reasons I avoid the squat rack at any gym I've ever been to. That one station seems to be a magnet for the gym members who I want nothing to do with. (Not all users, just most of them)
  • shrinkingbrian
    shrinkingbrian Posts: 171 Member
    Thanks everyone for your responses. I'm glad to think it's just not me. I read some other gym etiquette articles and there are some differences of opinion I guess.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    If he's away from the rack for a while, then the least he could do is let you work in between his sets. If I'm hogging the power rack at my gym (which I frequently do, but I stay IN the rack just in case) and someone asks how many more sets I have left, I tell them and always say they are welcome to work in. That way I get adequate recovery between my sets anyway. No biggie. No need to get heated about it.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Except for the guy drowning in cologne (later remedied) I must go to the most polite gym ever. I will ask if anyone is using the bench. It's always no. Even the kids, after one reminder, are good about empting the bar and not hogging. I'm sorry this happens.
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    If the gym is busy, people who try to use two machines at once are being douchey, in my opinion. It is uncool! If people want to hog multiple machines, they should go to the gym at off hours.

    I've had to ask women (nicely) to free up the leg adductor machine a few times when they have been sitting, without doing any reps, and gabbing with friends who are standing around them, for 5-10 minutes. Each time they have had the good grace to look sheepish and apologize.

    Finally, I am jealous your PF has a rack. Mine only had Smith Machines so I had to switch gyms.