Gym Etiquette Question



  • Platform_Heels
    Platform_Heels Posts: 388 Member
    Lots of people leave weights on the bar so I think nothing of it.

    That's an issue at mine as well and so you never know whether or not someone is using the equipment any more. Usually I'll try and keep an eye on the person who is using the equipment and if they walk away and go over to another section of the gym and start doing something different then IMO the equipment is free.

    I'm also like one of the other people who posted who will put my stuff on the bench/near the equipment if I have to use the bathroom or something before I start my routine. I can honestly say I haven't yet come across any douche bags at my gym. Everyone seems to be pretty nice.
  • jackjb2
    jackjb2 Posts: 83 Member
    Sounds like another Planet Fitness horror story. Gotta love that place
  • california_haley
    california_haley Posts: 220 Member
    If theres no one there and there stuff isnt there, then i would have done the same taken the weights off and put my own on. if someone were to start yelling at me for it i would just tell them you werent here so im doing my sets. i dont think its fair to assume that just because you were using it that no one else wants to also use it. i mean stay there do your sets, or go do something else.

    at my gym the only time ive seen people go from one machine to another is when they are in the same area like right next to each other, thats what i do, ill set my stuff in one corner and work my way through each machine doing smaller sets on each and i do the routine about 3-5 times till all my sets or more are in then move on, but if someone were to come in and use one of the machines in my row when i wasnt i would tell them im using it, when clearly i was using a different one, i would just skip it and remember to come back to it. its called being polite, and respecting what someone else is doing.

    it just bothers me when im waiting for a machine or something and i see someone using it and so im waiting, waiting, waiting, and then they go somewhere else but leave all their **** on the machine (towels, water, ect) and go use something else for 20+ minutes. at that points its like do i move their stuff? or is that totally rude? i never know.
  • Platform_Heels
    Platform_Heels Posts: 388 Member
    Sounds like another Planet Fitness horror story. Gotta love that place

    Things like that happen every where.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,324 Member
    Sounds like another Planet Fitness horror story. Gotta love that place

    happens at my golds....daily.

    you mad @ PF?
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    He is an *kitten*. If he's using it then he should be using it, not in another room. I would point that out to him and that as far as you're aware there's no "reserved" sign on it.
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    That is bull... You can rest in between sets even run for a drink of water but to leave and go to another room exercise and expect no one else to use the machine is a bunch of crap. Squat racks are popular . This guy is inconsiderate but there are people like that every where Management should have told him to stay by machine or let other people work in during his rest periods
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    This is why I invested in my own lifting equipment at home.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Sounds like another Planet Fitness horror story. Gotta love that place

    Things like that happen every where.

    Haha yes so true!

    We have a few guys who like to leave heavy weights on especially the dead lift bar. And I don't know about anyone else but even if it's 10 lbs I HATE unracking that bar!! Last week a guy was using it quite a bit in between other exercises and I didn't want to work in with him as it would be a huge pain, but after he was done he was still in the weight room and I just hopped in > i was never sure if he was done because he didn't unrack them. It actually made me really really irritated and I almost said something but sometimes I'm just way too b*tchy and need to let things go.

    On the other hand, the other location i go to in the early mornings, people are nice as can be. i started unracking the squat rack thinking the guy was done as I didn't see him there (a few guys talk a LOT in the morning) he came over and told me he was using it. Super nice. I was about to walk away and he just told me to do my set. Super super nice.

    Come to think of it - IDK if it's the difference in locations or the difference in times (morning vs. evening) but the morning crowd at that location is a lot less douchey.

    I always thought the rule of thumb was to let someone work in with you in between sets. I've never seen/heard anyone say no or act like an *kitten* when they needed to.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,368 Member
    there is a guy at my gym who uses the machines almost daily (no problem with that) but he takes a stroll around the entire gym between each of his sets on a given machine (and then he doesn't clear the weights after he finishes). Sad thing is, he's one of the trainers at the gym...

    I just alter my sets so that I am not using the particular machine that he is unless I can get it before him or after him.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Sounds like another Planet Fitness horror story. Gotta love that place

    Things like that happen every where.

    I agree...I have had similar happen at my complex gym. A woman came in...gather up the weights that she was going to use during her work out...then did about 20 minutes worth of floor exercises. I ended up having to use a heavier weight than what I intended.

    Main problem that I have is people putting the mat to do their floor exercises down right in front of the weight rack area...makes it hard to get to and forget about using the bench...they block it also. It is a small gym so space is tight but I wish they would find somewhere else to do their leg lifts.
  • LunaZuriel
    LunaZuriel Posts: 77 Member
    I work at a Gym, and people have known me to be a hard *kitten*. "If you leave it, or finished using it, please put it away." (If not I will, and some one else can use it, it's common courtesy to clean up after yourself, even if you are leaving it to do something else) Is what I will say, when I'm checking around to make sure people are alright, or to disinfect equipment that people forget to after they're finished. I'm guessing Planet Fitness doesn't do that.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    Except for the guy drowning in cologne (later remedied) I must go to the most polite gym ever. I will ask if anyone is using the bench. It's always no. Even the kids, after one reminder, are good about empting the bar and not hogging. I'm sorry this happens.

    Not the cologne part, but my gym is polite also. I may have to wait for a machine, especially the squat rack, but most people notice if you are waiting and offer to let you work in or let you know how much they have left. I don't even have to re-rack weights very often. It's almost always neat and tidy at the gym I go to.
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    I'm jealous your PF has a squat rack.

    Also, what's with the dumbbell hoarding? Why not just get the dumbbells you are using, and then put them away when you're finished and THEN get another weight? /sigh
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Happened to me today as well, im so green had no ideal. Lol... he had his towel there and weights on bar, but wasn't using it.. I just politely asked if he was finished, he told me he was just going to clean up bar. He took weights off and cleaned bar.

    In retrospect, and due to some of the answers on thread, I think he wasn't finished and was just being a gentlemen. I know when this happens again to wait 5 or 10 mins or so then approach.

  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    He is not supposed to hog the rack and leave and expect that it should be available when he comes back!! If anything he should have invited you to work in while he was doing something else. He was being a complete AH!
  • Life0fbrian
    Life0fbrian Posts: 69 Member
    sounds like an a hole to me, i dont think you were in the wrong at all.