Photo of shame...



  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I understand. When you're putting in all the work, losing weight, feeling better, then get a pick that leaves the appearance little has changed. It's rough. I took pictures a few months ago at the 100 lb mark and felt, in the pic, it didn't look like I'd dropped anywhere near that much weight.

    Let it motivate you. Keep going, don't stop. Know that eventually, if you don't give up, you WILL reach a point where no matter what picture you take, from what angle, your radical change will be undeniable.
  • denizfindigi
    It is a journey and it seems to me that you have come across an obstacle - what determines whether you will be able to get to your destination is your attitude right now. You are going to get there, you are going to lose the weight and feel super about yourself but please on the way do not forget how beautiful you are, how strong you are and also how brave you are for sharing these pictures and pouring your heart out. Now take all these super positive things about you and the other 10380492 positive things we do not know and fight the negative feeling with it.

    You are amazing- just remember that even to travel the world people have to take one step at a time!
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    You know, I have seen pix of myself and thought "who is that old fat chick"? And it's me. How I felt I looked did not AT ALL match what a picture reflected. While it is a reality check in a really harsh get to choose to keep going for the very reasons and goals you set for yourself in your profile.

    Don't let emotions define you....and don't fear make any decisions for you!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Thinking a single slice of cake is "naughty" is your problem right there. There are no "bad" foods. Make it fit into your calorie goals and move on.
  • kportwood85
    kportwood85 Posts: 151 Member

    Thank you to everyone who has replied.. I guess i just didn't think i was like THAT you know after the 19lbs i have lost i don't see any difference, not even my clothes feel looser, mainly because i only wear dresses!

    I had the same problem! I started buying jeans, in the smallest size I can squeeze into. Just one pair at a time. One month I can barely button them, the next I can wear them pretty comfortably, and the next month they are in the get rid of pile! Maybe you could try that? Even if you only wore the jeans for yard work.

    I know it can be discouraging, but you HAVE lost weight. Keep working at it, and the results will come.
  • princessmommy122
    princessmommy122 Posts: 135 Member
    I totally understand how you feel but just...Don't. Give. Up. You can do it. And, it looks like you threw a really nice party for your Dad. You don't want your Dad's party to symbolize the day you gave up on yourself. You are just getting started. Hang in there.
  • vasairiah
    vasairiah Posts: 5,187 Member

    YOU not only planned a surprise party for your dad but YOU got the ingredients together and YOU hand made a cake. That shows YOU have character and YOU value others.

    Changing your body takes time, but YOU are worth it.

    Don't give up on YOU!!

    Write your goals down. YOU have VALUE!!

    Start small and write everything down that YOU want to achieve. (Don't necessarily focus in a size or a number on the scale). Maybe it's i want to drink 8 glasses of water today or I want to walk outside for 10 mins. Make these goals measurable and attainable.)

    Take it one day at a time.

    YOU are WORTH IT!!
  • gelar93
    gelar93 Posts: 160
    Take before pictures, get on this journey and after a while take new pictures. COMPARE THEM and you'll be able to tell the difference. I lost 20lbs and still felt like I'm fat and nothing has changed, then one day I found some older pictures I had on my phone, put them next to my new picture, and I was surprised by how much I've changed.
    Also if you give up now, 2 years from now you'll look back, 2 years have passed, you could've changed yourself, but instead you gave up and you still feel unhappy... Start today, and you'll be happy soon :)
  • surfergirljane
    surfergirljane Posts: 9 Member
    That was a really sweet thing to do for your Dad, I bet he was thrilled. Don't feel bad about one slice of cake, it's only a slice of cake and i'm sure it was 100% delicious :)! Try not to feel discouraged, you've obviously done so well and you can always jump on to MFP and chat to us all and we'll encourage you to keep going and reach your goals!