When did you decided to throw away your "fat" clothes?

I was talking to a cow-orker the other day and they mentioned how much slimmer I am looking relative to how much I used to weigh. Then he asked if I had thrown away my old now much too big clothes yet. The answer was no, I hadn't. He asked why and I really didn't have an answer. I have simply just purchased newer better fitting ones. When did you decided to throw away your "fat" clothes after losing weight? Did you see it as a gesture to show just how commitment you are to keeping the weight off for good?


  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    When did you decided to throw away your "fat" clothes after losing weight?

    I didn't really "throw them away", so to speak - I donated them to charity - but I know what you mean. :bigsmile:

    I kept them until I literally couldn't wear them any longer because I looked impossibly ridiculous. I just bagged up a whole bunch this weekend and put them in the dropbox, as a matter of fact.

    My husband convinced me that I shouldn't keep them, because to do so would mean that I'd be telling myself that I couldn't keep it off. He was right. And my house is a lot cleaner, too. :love:
  • RINat612
    RINat612 Posts: 251 Member
    ...cow-orker ...

    I see what you did there...
  • PurpleMomster
    PurpleMomster Posts: 71 Member
    The minute I grow out of them, they go into a bag and then are given away. I'm not going back to them. Ever. So I don't want them around. The only thing I kept was a pair of pajama bottoms - mostly because they are super soft and comfy - but also to remind me where I was. I can barely keep them up anymore and I will trip on them one of these days but they are a good reminder of where I was 75lbs ago.
  • Awesomers
    Awesomers Posts: 144 Member
    Yesterday. I just put like half of my closet in a garbage bag intended for the local Goodwill. I've gone down 2 pants sizes thus far and that was enough to necessitate getting rid of clothing because I looked ridiculous. I am keeping one pair of pants to remind me of the size that I used to be.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Once I was down about 2 sizes, I went to Goodwill and other thrift shops to get some clothes for work. I didn't want to spend too much for the in between sizes. I donated my 'fat' clothes each time I went. Sometimes, just one item, sometimes a whole bag.

    After losing 53 lbs in 2012-2013, i regained almost 20. I came back to MFP this March to get that 20 off and hopefully another 5-10. I'm actually really really glad I gave those clothes away. Gaining 20 made someof my clothes tight and most don't fit at all. If I'd kept the larger sizes, maybe I wouldn't have come to my senses as quickly as I did! I have worn a very reduced wardrobe to work since gaining and now that I'm down 6 of those 20, I've been able to add a few items back lol.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    As soon as I grow out of them, they are gone. I don't keep anything that is bigger than the size I am in. The one thing I kept was one pair of jeans when I was my largest just to try on one last time when I am done losing weight.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I gave mine away along the way. When an item was so big that it was no longer wearable, I either had it altered or gave it away. Then when I was almost at my goal, I went on a little shopping spree and bought quite a few new things, but then ultimately lost another 10 pounds making those items about a size too big. Those new clothes were a little harder to give up, but after about a year and a half at my new weight, I finally gave away even my "only one size too big" clothes.

    If we worked hard, focused, etc. to get these new bodies, why would we ever want to give them up? It would be too easy to just pull out old clothes that fit (especially if you loved them), but it would be much more difficult to face going to the store and actually asking for a size larger when you've got a great wardrobe in a smaller size at home. I am NOT giving up my new wardrobe, so I don't need my old one. In fact, some of my friends have taken my "just a little too big" clothes as inspiration and motivation to fit into them, so giving them away is not only helping me maintain but is also, helping my friends meet their goals.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    I kept one outfit from my largest size just to remind me of where I started and that I never want to go back there. The others I got rid of as they became too big. I was never giving myself permission to have to wear them again.

    I had comtemplated keeping clothes just one size too big just in case but after several months at my smallest, I decided that was a terrible idea too because it was like giving myself permission to gain back to a certain point and that most definitely was not ever my intention.

    Right now I am busy losing the 20 pounds I have gained since my lowest. I am still wearing the same clothes, but they are snug and that is definitely an incentive to get the weight back off. I refuse to buy bigger clothes again.
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    I started out a size 24 and now I'm down to a size 8 (some 10's still fit when I want loose jeans). I had every size from 12 up to 24 bagged up.

    So 2 weeks ago, I went through all of my clothes and donated nearly all of them! What overfilled 3 closets is now only half of a closet of clothes (oh and shoes, I must have bagged up 20 pair as my feet shrunk as well).

    It was really amazing to go through all my clothes. There were some things that I had bought hoping to be that small that I passed by and are now too big so brand new clothes with tags that someone at goodwill will be happy to find.

    The bad part now is that I really need to go clothes shopping which can be fun but I find most of the styles are so stupid now, it's hard to find cute tops that I like.
  • cerumens
    cerumens Posts: 45 Member
    I gave them away when I went down two sizes. I only kept things that fit. My husband encouraged me because this time is clearly different I am not on some crash diet. My weight loss hasn't been quick and my changes are permanent. This has been a change for our entire family not just something I am attempting by myself. There is no going back.

    Edited: Ticker says -28 lbs but my loss is actually -38 lbs.
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    ...cow-orker ...

    I see what you did there...

    this made me giggle!

    im only at the start of my journey and even im fed up of the fat clothes and want them out already. i dont want a wardrobe full of chances to be fat again. i bought some new 'now' clothes and bagged up everything i hate. then as i get smaller (which i will!!) i will ebay the stuff i just bought and throw the rest out - well to charity! and keep replenishing until my house is only stocked with the size i want to maintain :)

    congrats on your weight loss so far. its the best feeling when other people notice!!
  • _AlabamaSlamma_
    Some of them I've given away when I saw the opportunity, but I still have some in the closet that remind me of where I started. I guess I'll be getting rid of these pretty soon as well, since space is getting tight from occasionally adding more stuff that fits now.
  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    this weekend! I moved out of my parent's house about a month ago, and spent Mother's Day cleaning out my room with my mom and trying on all my clothes. They were big on me when I moved out, but I've continued to lose weight this month, so now some of them were actually comical! We had a blast watching me try them on, and dancing around, and she will be selling them at a garage sale this weekend-whatever she can't sell is going to be donated!

    Feels so good to be able to get rid of those fat clothes! It's not so good that I now have nothing to wear though! I keep buying things, but shrinking out of them very quickly...becoming a thrift store junkie until I reach my goal size.
  • CarieLivs
    CarieLivs Posts: 15 Member
    I donated mine on week 2 of clean eating because I decided I was never going back. Having them around made me feel like I could count on them if backslide. They are a negative enabling tool. I can't afford to buy fat clothes so I know I have to stay out of them. I refuse to go back! Donating them and knowing I'm not going back was so liberating. I felt so powerful and in control when I dropped them off at the consignment store. Plus by consigning them, I get to spend my earnings on new "skinny" clothes. It's a win win!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • GuyIncognito123
    GuyIncognito123 Posts: 263 Member
    There's an open ongoing bag in the bedroom and anything that doesn't fit gets tossed in (donated when filled).

    The way I see it, if you hold onto them then you are telling yourself you're going to gain weight and will need them again.
    If you don't plan on gaining weight back - what's the use of them?
  • MissLeelooDallas
    MissLeelooDallas Posts: 145 Member
    Considering I only lost a little over 37lbs (and I'm trying to gain about 5 of those back), I haven't thrown away any of my old clothes. I did bag them all up and store them in my attic about 6 weeks ago though. I just can't afford to buy clothes again if I end up gaining weight back (or getting pregnant, ha).
  • 120by30
    120by30 Posts: 217 Member
    I haven't really got any clothes that are way too big, but when the time comes, I will be looking for someone to give them to. If I can't find anyone who needs them, they'll go to my local thrift store. Please don't throw your clothes away. Donate! We losers know what it is like to need cheap clothing, so return the favor when possible. ????
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,068 Member
    once i reach my goal bf% ill take them to the local drop off. i think itll be more rewarding knowing that i have no more fat to lose.

    also im going to keep my largest pair of jeans as a reminder
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    I threw mine out as soon as they started making me look fatter than i was. I have only dropped a couple of official dress sizes but i was cramming myself into clothes that were too small when i was at my biggest. My friend is a little bigger than me and was very happy to take most of my clothes. She is slimming too so hopefully when they get too big for her she will pass them onto someone else.

    I didn't want to keep any of my old clothes as i bought a whole load of new stuff. I treated myself to an expensive new wardrobe to make sure i maintain properly otherwise i'll be walking round nude lol. On hindsight i wish i had kept some trousers and a top so i could compare then and now.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I kept mine until I couldn't wear them anymore without looking ridiculous. I then donated to Goodwill. Like others, I didn't want to have anything to go back to. I went from a size 24 to a 10, so I did this several times. I could usually skip a size along the way. I do have one pair of pants left from before ....as a reminder of where I never want to be again. Whenever I clean my closet out, I think of getting rid of those too, but I never do. Instead I put them on as a reminder of how far I have come.