When did you decided to throw away your "fat" clothes?



  • summaryzn
    summaryzn Posts: 113 Member
    for the first time ever - i have chucked almost all of my fat clothes. In between my last major gain and this major loss I read that you should get rid of them quickly. I did it in phases. Within the first 50 pounds I started bagging things up and giving them to friends/family and donating ... in teh last 45 pounds I hace mailed almost 20 shoe box size post office boxes to 'friends' ive met on social networks who have been on a weight loss journey. it gets expensive to replace your entire wardrobe. LOL !!! its been costing me a small fortune.. but so worth it to be on my way..
  • gooserocks85
    gooserocks85 Posts: 48 Member
    on the other side of things...i recently threw away all of my "skinny' clothes. i'm talking about the jeans/pants/skirts i could fit into 10 years ago when I was 30lbs lighter, that I've been hanging on to and desperately hoping i'd be able to fit in to one day. i also had "goal pants" that i'd purchased in hopes that i'd be able to wear them in the future. tags still on. never worn.

    i finally sat down one day and looked at these clothes and realized that most of it wasn't in style anymore, and that i was wasting a lot of space by holding onto it. having this big albatross of a bag wasn't giving me any motivation (more shame than anything else), and it seemed selfish to keep good clothes that other people could be wearing. i gave the nicer stuff away to an organization that provides interview outfits to low-income women, and the rest to goodwill.

    and i will never ever buy goal pants again. from now on, i only keep things that fit NOW.
  • Smurfette4eva
    Smurfette4eva Posts: 36 Member
    I had to donate and give away my skinny clothes 2 years ago this month. Now, I am rocking Cato's and Lane Bryant!!:smokin:
  • If I do not feel like parting with them, I use too-large shirts for nightshirts or gardening shirts depending on the size/style/condition. Pants go when they look ridiculous. Everything gets an evaluation when I change out seasons--did I wear it? does it still fit? do I actually like it? do I see myself wearing this next year? etc. and some will go to Goodwill at that time.

    I went on a 3 month tailspin earlier this year and one of the things that snapped me out of it was when I could no longer fit in my new jeans and my shirts were getting "short". It was either buy bigger clothes or get my eating under control. I never want to go back there again so I made the right choice.
  • carfanman
    carfanman Posts: 271 Member

    I really think that it's an emotional step you need to take so that you are committed to maintaining a healthier lifestyle. I feel like by not throwing them out, I was always giving myself the option to gain the weight back again.

    this. Thanks for all the input from you guys.