I am so tired of....



  • BlazinEmerald
    BlazinEmerald Posts: 842
    UGH, you all reminded me of how weak I am with my kids. :sad:

    My oldest is impossible - in his defense he has lots of emotional / ADD / ocd issues , but i don't try hard enough! so my youngest suffers because I cater to my oldest when cooking. I

    I need strength and more ideas - Moms keep talking!!

    We exist on 5 or 6 meals and I hate this rut we are in....

    My 14 yr old has ADHD and ODD. He has issues with textures , and issues with everything in general. Like I said find the foods he likes. If it spaghetti chop the veggies teeny tiny. Can do this with LOTS of foods.
  • mkeithley
    mkeithley Posts: 399
    My youngest(the one with the sensory issues) also has ADHD. His DR. has actually encouraged me to have him eat clean(healthy, little processed food, fresh fruits and veggies, etc) I guess it's supposed to really help with the symptoms, oh and told me to back off on the dairy-for the sensory issues. ANyway I have noticed a HUGE improvement , although to others it maight not be noticable. I decided that just b/c my child had these issues that did not give him a free ride to get his way and have chicken nuggets.:laugh: If I try something new it is only one part of the meal, so at least there are other things that they will eat, and I make them try it. I'll make again in a couple of weeks and make them try again. I keep introducing it until they will eat some or most of it. I don't try to make them eat things that kids just won't eat, like brussel sprouts, which I happen to love. They will eat fresh spinach though, I just put it in the salad and act like it came out of the bag. :wink: We all garden together and they love to eat the things they planted. When they were younger I always did this little saying with them "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit", now I just have to say "you get what you get" and my 10 y/o will finish it off for me:laugh:
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    Heck, just puree the veges and they'll really never know! Lots of wonderful advice on here. That's why i love this place.

    We actually got our kids to love brussel sprouts! By parboiling them for just a minute, cutting them in half and stir frying them with lots of garlic in a little olive oil with a tad of butter for flavor. Can you believe they actually ask us when we're going to get to have them again?! (My hubby's recipe)
  • twin2
    twin2 Posts: 404
    Thanks everyone!! Great ideas! My 13 year old is ADD also so just getting him to pay attention what he is eating has been a challenge in the past, but the older he gets, the more willing he is to try new things.