Not eating enough calories?



  • WildCatClimbs
    WildCatClimbs Posts: 35 Member
    Soooo ignoring all the drama(seriously people if you don't have anything nice to say...)

    If you are having trouble getting enough calories, do NOT stuff your face with junk. Yes, oreos have a lot of calories, but they also have a lot of chemicals. The goal should always be to get HEALTHY, which means more than a number on a scale.

    I would add some good fat to every meal. Add two pieces of toast (find a good quality bread you like and will eat, I personally like Udi's GF cinnamon raisin) with REAL butter(Kerrygold is great!) to your morning meal. Add avocados, olive oil, nut butters, etc. These are calorie AND nutrient dense foods. Do not fear fat, fat does not make you fat. AS a people we are generally overfed and undernourished. Another idea would be to make smoothies! Lots of great protein powders out there, you are sure to find one you like. I prefer the Gnarly Whey as it is GMO free, and from pastured cows, and has no weird **** in it that makes me sick. If you can't tolerate whey, Vega Sport makes a veggie protein that is great as well. Find one you like, blend it with your milk of choice(I like almond but everyone has a preference!), throw in some fat(nut butter, or hell even coconut oil works), and then whatever sounds good, fruits, spinach, chia, whatever, experiment!

    Good vegetarian sources of protein include:

    Dairy(greek yogurt, cottage cheese, etc)
    Nuts and Seeds
    Soy(this is controversial due to its effects as a hormone disruptor)

    I am sure there are plenty more, but as a meat eater I am not super up to date on veggie sources ;)

    It will take time to get your body used to eating more, as your metabolism is probably a bit wonky at this point. Add in stress, and you have yourself struggling to eat! Start slow, add in little by little, it will get easier. Good Luck!
  • ksparkby
    ksparkby Posts: 28
    Fat loss. What should I eat if not veggies? I cant do meat, makes me sick.

    Veggies are good, just eat other things too. You need protein and fat. If you can't eat meat and don't like eggs much, try beans and dairy and maybe protein powder if that works for you. Also probably tofu if you like it. I'd actually suggest finding one of the vegetarian groups here and asking about protein sources. There's also plenty of room for stuff like peanut butter, nuts, whole grains, potatoes and sweet potatoes, etc., depending on what you like. And fruit. And you can use oil or even butter to cook your veggies.

    I love beans! Can do, thanks!
    Given how much you have to lose (not a huge number, I mean) 5 lbs/month is good progress.

    Weight training is a good thing--there are some threads in the Fitness section and you might want to find and read the Eat, Train, Progress group.
  • ksparkby
    ksparkby Posts: 28
    Soooo ignoring all the drama(seriously people if you don't have anything nice to say...)

    If you are having trouble getting enough calories, do NOT stuff your face with junk. Yes, oreos have a lot of calories, but they also have a lot of chemicals. The goal should always be to get HEALTHY, which means more than a number on a scale.

    I would add some good fat to every meal. Add two pieces of toast (find a good quality bread you like and will eat, I personally like Udi's GF cinnamon raisin) with REAL butter(Kerrygold is great!) to your morning meal. Add avocados, olive oil, nut butters, etc. These are calorie AND nutrient dense foods. Do not fear fat, fat does not make you fat. AS a people we are generally overfed and undernourished. Another idea would be to make smoothies! Lots of great protein powders out there, you are sure to find one you like. I prefer the Gnarly Whey as it is GMO free, and from pastured cows, and has no weird **** in it that makes me sick. If you can't tolerate whey, Vega Sport makes a veggie protein that is great as well. Find one you like, blend it with your milk of choice(I like almond but everyone has a preference!), throw in some fat(nut butter, or hell even coconut oil works), and then whatever sounds good, fruits, spinach, chia, whatever, experiment!

    Good vegetarian sources of protein include:

    Dairy(greek yogurt, cottage cheese, etc)
    Nuts and Seeds
    Soy(this is controversial due to its effects as a hormone disruptor)

    I am sure there are plenty more, but as a meat eater I am not super up to date on veggie sources ;)

    It will take time to get your body used to eating more, as your metabolism is probably a bit wonky at this point. Add in stress, and you have yourself struggling to eat! Start slow, add in little by little, it will get easier. Good Luck!

    haha! ill beware next time for people to start drama!

    Thank you for the advice!
  • nunu2710
    nunu2710 Posts: 8 Member
    im in the same boat...ive eaten 840 calories today and im no where near my 1200 calorie goal! i had weetabix and a apple for breakfast, loads of coffee and lamb and veg for dinner and a bowl of cereal for lunch! i also had a curly wurly for a not hungry but dont want to starve my body either...should i just eat the calories even though im not hungry?
  • nunu2710
    nunu2710 Posts: 8 Member
    ok il go have a late night snack!