
God almighty!!!!
So I've been doing 40 mins cardio 4-5 times a week as well as 20 mins of weights after cardio.. For 5 weeks. I'm eating 1400-1500 cals a day. I'm really super focused and enjoying my new lifestyle change. My clothes fit better my skin is great. Blah blah blah my scales just aren't moving! It's been the 5th week of no change. Nothing. Not even a .5 of a lb.
I am measuring myself weekly and have lost 26.5cms in this 5 weeks so that's great and it's keeping me focused but I'm so gutted my scales aren't moving. I don't want to weight this amount anymore!! Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?? Please don't say reduce the cals. I'm a busy working mum that needs them! Any advice would be really appreciated :)


  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    My first question to you would be do you weigh your food so that you know you are consumed calorie count is accurate?
  • lisanug
    lisanug Posts: 14
    I weigh my cereal each morning as well as any dried food, pasta rice etc. I choose not to weigh meat as I go by fist size - I double this for veg. I think my cals per day are pretty accurate.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Its water weight. You are starting a new and heavy exercise regime and your body is retaining water in your muscles for glycogen storage and repair. If you are losing inches and your clothes fit better and you enjoy your new lifestyle my recommendation for fixing your problem.....put the scale in your closet.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Its water weight. You are starting a new and heavy exercise regime and your body is retaining water in your muscles for glycogen storage and repair. If you are losing inches and your clothes fit better and you enjoy your new lifestyle my recommendation for fixing your problem.....put the scale in your closet.

  • AdventureFreak
    AdventureFreak Posts: 236 Member
    get a body analysis scale instead? You clearly are doing well.
  • lisanug
    lisanug Posts: 14
    That's the best idea but I'm a woman.. We're a nosy bunch - The curiosity would get the better of me :)
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Its water weight. You are starting a new and heavy exercise regime and your body is retaining water in your muscles for glycogen storage and repair. If you are losing inches and your clothes fit better and you enjoy your new lifestyle my recommendation for fixing your problem.....put the scale in your closet.


    Hide the scale. Don't put so much focus on that #.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    You're on the right track. Just add in patience and you'll be all set.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    Keep doing what you are doing and the scale will eventually move. I had the same frustrations and it took 5 1/2 weeks before the scale registered any weight loss. I lost inches and I knew I just had to keep moving and it would pay off. Since then I have consistently lost weight weekly. Patience.
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    You don't say how tall you are or what your current weight is, but I'm 5'7" and would probably lose about 5 lbs or more in 5 weeks eating 1400-1500 calories a day and doing the same exercise. I think your calorie count is inaccurate. May not matter so much for the veggies, but could be critical for the meat. How much does a fist size piece of steak weigh and how many calories are in it? I don't understand weighing cereal but not the proteins. Perhaps you could choose to weigh your proteins for a while and see what happens?
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    That's the best idea but I'm a woman.. We're a nosy bunch - The curiosity would get the better of me :)

    Alternatively keep the scale, weigh yourself regularly and record the number but do not have such a panic response to the number...it is likely going to go up and down quite a lot but the trend should be downward eventually...might take a few months to see the trend clearly.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I weigh my cereal each morning as well as any dried food, pasta rice etc. I choose not to weigh meat as I go by fist size - I double this for veg. I think my cals per day are pretty accurate.

    Do you have a food scale or are you using measuring cups?

    If you have a food scale you should weigh everything - that'll be as accurate as you can get. I used to eye ball portions, when I got a food scale I had a pretty eye opening experience.
  • lisanug
    lisanug Posts: 14
    I'm 5'8 78kg.
    I don't eat steak.
    I will give weighing protein a try
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    ...real monsters!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    The scale isn't always the best measure of success. Try measuring yourself with a measuring tape, and taking pictures. It's hard to see changes when you see yourself in the mirror every day, but you can see them when you compare an older picture to a newer one. I use a food scale for everything that's not measured in L/ml.
  • LVCeltGirl
    LVCeltGirl Posts: 473
    That's the best idea but I'm a woman.. We're a nosy bunch - The curiosity would get the better of me :)

    Have somebody else hide the scale that way you don't know where it is and curiosity can't get the better of you. It's a very freeing thing to do, especially when measurements are proving that you're losing.

    I've always said that I don't care if I weigh 350 lbs as long as I look like I weigh 128 lbs. (insert your own numbers, I use ones that aren't realistic for me to get the point across, my ideal weight without looking anorexic is around 140).

    And remember that "lean muscle" is more compact than "fat" so you can have more muscle mass and look good for the same mass amount of fat. (go look up the pictures of 1 lb of fat vs 1 lb of muscle).
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I'll join with those saying don't let the scale bug you so much. Who cares what number it gives you when you're looking & feeling better and losing inches/cm??? I dropped a full pants size without losing a pound - I pointed and laughed at my scale and went out and bought new jeans. :drinker:
  • lisanug
    lisanug Posts: 14
    Hahaha! I like your attitude! Your right it's time to give the scales the 2 finger salute. Thank you.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Throw out the scale lol

    But if you're feeling better, your skin is great, you're losing inches - then who cares what the random number generator says!!!!

    But, I get it...seriously I do. Tighten your weighing of portions and your logging of food and maybe try weighing yourself once a month at the exact same time of your monthly cycle? For me, I weigh about two days before TOM cos I'm always at my lightest then for some reason lol

    Keep going hun, you're doing great!
  • geckospot
    geckospot Posts: 56 Member
    Got a new sport for you.
    Open the window and chuck that scale out.
    Repeat weekly and see if you can beat last week's distance. :-)