Menopause messing with your weight loss!?



  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I am 52 and have had so many stops and starts the past nine months,but this time it has been about 4 maybe I am done? LOL, my Doctor is like when it happens, it happens.

    I am losing weight consistently, I log, eat at a deficit (at this point around 1500/day), and exercise at least 5 times per week.
  • icee3940
    icee3940 Posts: 1
    Oh ladies these stories are all too familiar. I'm 47 and having hormonal problems as well . Hot flashes, waking up during the night like every 30 minutes to and hour. Needlessly to say don't get much sleep at night. But, notices a mid section that I cannot get rid of. I have started weight training with cardio and want to see how the results are going to be. It's good to know that there are other ladies out there that are going through similar circumstances that can relate. Good group to start!!!
  • teresakay79
    teresakay79 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, I am too having trouble im pre-menopause, Its crazy I have gained weight that i cant get off. My doctor tested my blood and said my hormones are messed up. She didnt offer any help with it. I gained 36 pounds, in the past month i have limited my calorie intake to 1200 or less. Ive been working out daily, I just dont know what to do to get my metabolism to kick in again. Any advice? Im 49 years old
  • jgsimon1
    jgsimon1 Posts: 61
    I'm in the same boat with you all!! This past Christmas, I tried on a pair of jeans to wear to church and looked like a stuffed sausage......and now that I look at our photos, I see the huge change in my face. (I had that "I love donuts" face). I joined a gym, logged back onto MFP (it had been over a year since I logged on) and decided it was time for a permanant change. It's been almost 140 days since I stepped on the scale and almost fell off!! My weight was worse than I thought it was!!! I'm down 24 pounds since Christmas day. MFP only shows 14 pounds because I had gained 10 pounds over and above where I was the last time I had done MFP!! :(
    My bloodwork this spring showed that I have elevated FSH......which means that I'm in early menopause. But, everything else is great!! (cholesterol, thyroid, vitamin D etc...) I'm 48 years old and can definitely feel the difference. No hormones for me!!! I log everything I eat......try to eat tons of veggies, grains and lean meats. Nothing but water for me also!! I haven't had a soda, a beer or a glass of wine since Christmas day!!
    I try to walk at least 2 miles a day.....more if I can. I did start with a very low dose of an anti-depressant in March.....the doc says it will help with the menopause symptoms as they get worse. I also take a good probiotic a few days a week.
    We can all support one another!!! Let's kick menopause's *kitten*!!!
    I friended some of you who replied to this......if I missed anyone....friend me also!!! I love reading other people's food helps give me ideas when I start to get sick of my usual menu!!
    Keep up the good work!!! :)
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    And my story... :)
    Age 55.
    At age 50 and menopause....hello ? 30 lb weight gain.
    Lost the first 10 by cutting out gluten. Mainly pasta but bread and proccessed things as well. 95% of the time anyway...
    Then the weight loss stopped.
    I thought I just had to deal with the extra 20 lbs.
    Last August, a light bulb went on and I decided to get serious with MFP.
    There has been short amounts of time that I lost motivation but have always come back to it.
    I don't exercise but do golf once a week.
    My wine drinking is included in my daily calories.
    I keep my carbs at about 100 per day. Sugar under 30.

    And here I am today... 36 lbs lighter than I was 5 years ago. And down 2-3 clothing sizes.

    I have found that setting short term goals for weight loss like every 2 weeks works better for me than than focusing on someday I want to weigh....

    Be patient. This takes time. But every pound lost makes me very happy.
    Add me as a friend if you would like.
  • teresakay79
    teresakay79 Posts: 2 Member
    yeah i know how you feel, the same thing here. I dont eat healthy and it wasnt till i started reporting it i seen how little i do eat. Right now im not eating much because of a stomach ulcer that went crazy last week. I am getting better but i havent lost anything, since i started this about a month ago.
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    Come join us on the group board....Menopause - taking action!
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    That's awesome pita! I like the idea of keeping carbs 100 or lower - carbs really make you retain water. I want what you've accomplished. Okay...I will be patient :)
  • DaisyGrammy
    DaisyGrammy Posts: 148 Member
    Totally able to relate! We have a great group of ladies just in your group!
    Come join us. Look up this group and come join!

    Fifty, Female and Fun!

    We are all supportive and a bunch of fun!

    Hope to see ya!

    Hi to the gals (sorry guys) that are in menopause and suddenly have found a tire around their waist, they have to eat half the amount they used to consume - just to maintain their weight, wine is now a bad (VERY bad) carb - may as well eat a tablespoon of sugar....argh! I have decide to heck with menopause! I am 54 and refuse to settle for "it's menopause, you're getting older, that's life". Not me mama! I need support - I know I can't do this myself. I am not a complainer, just looking to tap into other peoples "spark" and share some of my own. I want to be fab and 55! I want my "twilight years" to be spectacular! Are you in?
  • suemcmurry
    suemcmurry Posts: 188 Member
    bump cuz this is important!!!
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    Tagging in for future reference!
  • suzrwin
    suzrwin Posts: 1
    I'm in!! Just now hitting menopause at age 51 (I've been operating on only one ovary since '99, so figure I'm doing pretty good). I've gained 30 pounds in the last 10 years, 15 of those in the last nine months. I struggle with reactive hypoglycemia (related to shifting hormones), so have to make sure I'm getting enough protein throughout the day. The anxiety of having severe hypoglycemia attacks has contributed to my overeating, but now I have a better handle on managing the right types of foods to keep my hypoglycemia at bay. I thought I was eating plenty of protein, but my logs showed otherwise :)

    I exercise regularly (walking, hiking, low- impact aerobics, skiing, light weights), and have done so all along although I slowed down a bit through a 2 year bout with kidney issues. That is sorted now (thank God!) and I feel fantastic except for being a frumpy grandma now. I'm stepping up my exercise, and recommitting to controlling my eating. My downfall is salty snacks, so I don't keep them in the house. My goal is slow and steady--a pound a week. This is my first week, so nothing to report as of yet, except that I have a loving husband who is supportive--no matter what I weigh--and family--3 grown daughters, 2 sons in law, a granddaughter who will be one on Saturday and a four month old grandson.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    51 here! Would like to come back and visit when I can chat!
    We've got this ladies!!!!
  • Jeyed
    Jeyed Posts: 87 Member
    Bump, for later reading.
  • EvlynRose
    EvlynRose Posts: 1
    I am 44 yrs. young. I weighed 208 then lost by the help of a doctor and a fixed thyroid down to 110 and stayed there for four years.3 I had treated myself to a tummy tuck last jan. 201 Then peri menopause hit Jan. 2014.. I had a hysterectomy and so I didn't know when it would hit. I haven't slept a full night without being half nude since Jan. and I have literally went up 30 pounds in less than five months... Nothing new in anything else ! I am really mad and saddened. I had heard that taking HRT's creates more weight gain and I don't need that. I have no idea what has happened and it scares me... so any input would be awesome.
  • scolloby
    scolloby Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in!

    I'm 53 and have finally moved from monthlies that were like a scene from Chainsaw Massacre (very anaemic) to a little but all the time (sorry for the tmi!). Fortunately my moods have raised with the slight change but can't wait for all this to settle down. My weight is all over the place at the moment but going in the right general direction. My digestive system is also all to pot. Exercise is helping me stay sane, now I'm walking every day and have also started running. I am enjoying being able to wear nicer clothes again and buy underwear I like rather than find that the shop doesn't do them in my size. By the way, what is Maca?
  • sab1157
    sab1157 Posts: 38 Member
    All of you ladies are singing my song! I will turn 57 this year and am post menopausal. I have always been active (gym/weights/walking/hiking, etc) and watched my diet. But now......dear lord. I still walk, hike, dance, and this year got back to the gym for weight lifting. But getting off these 15 pounds that crept up on me in these last 10 years is like trying to chip off dried oatmeal out of a bowl that has been sitting for a week. Geez. I have been here on MFP for over a year, but I will be honest and say logging my food daily has become a real pain. That being said, or rather whined about, would love to join this group, add as a friend, anything to supportive.

    I want to try and shed 10 by my birthday which is 6 months from now. Is this impossible? Probably not, but it sure feels like it.
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    Come to the group site we started gals and we will journey this together! Group- Menopause-taking action!
  • dollbud40
    dollbud40 Posts: 118 Member
    Good Morning my dear friend! Oh my goodness I am so in! I have been searching for friends like you!! Yay! I am running late for work , but please add me as a friend! We will be winners! I am not settling for this hormonal crap! Have a Fab Friday! We Got This!! Woot Woot! :smile:
  • startergal53
    startergal53 Posts: 120 Member
    Great topic- speaks to where I am. Love that so many are weighing in on it.

    For me personally I am tired of hearing myself say "menopausal" and using it as a "catch all" for this time of life. I don't like to be a complainer or use it as an excuse but that has been how I've rolled lately. I look for "sparks" every day to keep it real and on track.
    Just before this hit I had lost 30 some pounds with exercise and good eating habits. The weight came back on when I got lazy and I stopped doing what worked. Then when menopause hit I went from a pear to a barrel seemingly overnight. But truth be told I was not in a good position to stand strong and that is what I am looking to do now.
    Reading through the posts I find them to be encouraging and insightful. Thanks to all of you for sharing both struggles and triumphs. I just started reading up on "lifting" and adding it to the cardio and walking I do now. So see there are things we can do.
    Learning to be patient (while kicking it's butt) taking it one day, one action at a time will make us strong gals.

    Hi to the gals (sorry guys) that are in menopause and suddenly have found a tire around their waist, they have to eat half the amount they used to consume - just to maintain their weight, wine is now a bad (VERY bad) carb - may as well eat a tablespoon of sugar....argh! I have decide to heck with menopause! I am 54 and refuse to settle for "it's menopause, you're getting older, that's life". Not me mama! I need support - I know I can't do this myself. I am not a complainer, just looking to tap into other peoples "spark" and share some of my own. I want to be fab and 55! I want my "twilight years" to be spectacular! Are you in?