Has anyone tried Juice plus diet?



  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    Anytime someone tells you to go on a diet to get rid of 'toxins', or to 'detoxify' your body, laugh in their faces.

    Stop doing random diets.

    Choose an appropriate calorie deficit, and stick to it.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    im feeling fab I have lost 14 inches in 2 weeks so its working for me

    Once you start back eating REAL food, you will gain it all back plus more.

    But hey good luck anyways with that.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    No, honey. Just NO
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    im feeling fab I have lost 14 inches in 2 weeks so its working for me

    Once you start back eating REAL food, you will gain it all back plus more.

    But hey good luck anyways with that.

    Of course you are losing, you aren't eating anything! The day your body rebels and you just can't take it any more, you will binge and then go back to eating the way you did before. You may even gain back more. You need to take a good hard look at your relationship with food before you even try to lose weight.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Your organs do all the detoxing your body needs.
    Eat the foods that you want, but at a calorie deficit.
    It's not about the trendy diet or avoiding the 5 foods that cause belly fat
    if juicing and quick-fix diets worked, no one would be overweight. Weight loss, most of the time, is a simple math problem. It just takes time and dedication.
    The only diet you need is the Calorie Deficit diet.

    +1 to everything they said.
    A total waste of time for people to come with questions to the forums. Newbies of course.
    It's a waste of time for everyone who answers the same questions over & over, yes.
    But for the person asking the question, she's been given LOTS of valid information (which your post does not).
    i [sic] have been told the aches and the throbbing is all down [sic] to the toxins leaving my body
    No, it's your body telling you there's something wrong.
    That "toxins" line was invented by scammers.
    Yes, your body does have toxins, but it takes care of them via the liver & kidneys.
    Other than drinking more water, and not eating/drinking/smoking things that are bad for you, there's not a lot you can do to influence that function.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Do you know your healthy goal weight?
    Do you know how many calories you're supposed to eat to get there safely?
    From what you've posted so far, I'm pretty sure the answers are no.

    Here's a good resource to learn about healthy weight loss: http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/heart/obesity/lose_wt/eat.htm
    The first link on that list is titled "healthy eating plan", and includes this:
    A healthy eating plan:
    • Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products
    • Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts
    • Is low in saturated fats, trans fat, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars
    • Controls portion sizes
    What you're describing for this MLM scheme doesn't fit that.
    Eat the whole fruits & vegetables that company claims are dehydrated & processed to make their miracle powder.
    You'll save money and eat sensibly, losing weight and improving your health (such as risk of diabetes, heart disease, colon cancer).

    Here are 3 methods to find your calorie goal, the first 2 of which were explained to me by my doctor (endocrinologist, who supervises the weight loss group) and the registered dietician who's part of that group.
    (In other words, they're healthcare professionals with education & credentials, not someone selling a dubious product who claims some nutrition knowledge.)

    Start here to find your current BMI: http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/obesity/BMI/bmicalc.htm
    If you'd rather look at a table, here's a good one: http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/obesity/bmi_tbl.pdf
    The table also makes it easier to look to the left along the line for your height & find out what a healthy goal weight is. For now, aim for the highest weight that puts you into the healthy category for your height.
    For me, that highest healthy weight is 173.

    Second step:
    Multiply that number by 10 for a rough estimate of the amount of calories you should be eating every day.
    In my example, that's 1730. If I consistently eat that much, I will eventually arrive at that weight.
    Under no circumstances should you ever go below 1200 calories per day, unless you're being supervised by a doctor.
    This method is simple and you don't have to recalculate as you lose weight.
    BTW - these are absolute calories eaten, not "net" calories. Ignore that on MFP.

    Alternate method #1:
    This will have to be adjusted as you lose weight, but it's not hard.
    Take your current weight & multiply it by 10. That's how much you need to eat to maintain how heavy you are now.
    You don't want to do that, so subtract 500 calories (to lose a pound a week) or 1000 calories (to lose 2 lb per week).
    [To lose a pound of fat, you need to have a 3500 calorie deficit.]
    So if you're currently 250, you'd aim for 2000 per day to start. Once you're used to eating at that level, if you want to go a little lower, increase the rate of weight loss, go for it.
    Once again, under no circumstances should you ever go below 1200 calories per day, unless you're being supervised by a doctor.

    Second alternate method:
    This calculator will give you an estimate of the calories you use now, then you can subtract the 500 or 1000 from that.

    Whatever you do in exercise, that's a bonus, but it's much easier to control calories by eating than by exercise.
    It takes me close to an hour to work off 700 calories on the elliptical, but the pasta & veggies & ground turkey (and a beer) I had for lunch totalled just over 1000 (it was a HUGE portion), and took maybe 20 minutes to consume.

    If you find that you're hungry, and you've been exercising (which is important to <b>maintain</b> weight loss!), add to your allowable calories for the day 1/3 to 1/2 of what you've used in exercise. (Today, MFP says I've used 674, so if I want to, I'll add 200-300 calories to my usual for today, for a total of 1900-2000.)

    PS: about your supposed 14" lost... is that totalling every place you measure, all over your body? 'Cause if you want to do that, I've got you beat at 15.5" (measuring 12 places), and I've been eating comfortably, not feeling sick, and exercising. Heck, I had a beer with lunch today, pasta for lunch, gyoza for lunch yesterday, and chocolate for dessert last night.
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    True story: How I learned I was allergic to NSAIDS

    Once upon a time, I was hospitalized (booo). My doctor allowed me to have this magical pain medicine called Toradol. After about a day, I realized I wasn't peeing and I was vomiting. a lot. It was like that scene from The Exorcist.

    So, my doctor ordered lab work, and then freaked out because my kidney function was at 30% and I was moved to ICU.

    Moral: Your body is really efficient at detoxing itself. And when it isn't, you know. A juice diet won't do anything but hurt you.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Here's a really good calculator; it tells you your BMI, and the calories you need, but it also tells you how much of each food group you should be eating.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Ive done a Juice Diet and i experienced the same problems. Right now your body is going through the "shock" stage, since it is so use to eating other foods. When it comes to ANY juice diet, you really need to ease into it. You cannot go from eating full meals one day then juice the next.
    The proper way to do a juice diet is to lower your calorie intake by eating :
    Day 1 =2000 calories
    Day 2=1800 calories
    Day 3=1600 calories
    Day 4=1400 Calories (stop here if you're a guy..Continue if you're a woman)
    Day 5=1200 calories (now woman can stop)
    Once this lower calorie week is completed then you begin the juice diet(: && you wont feel bad...

    strong STRONG first post here. Yes you are experiencing the "shock" stage; stage 2 is the "lose muscle stage" stage 3 is "my wallet is empty, credit cards are maxed out" stage 4 "family has 4th of July get together...and they do not invite you" stage 5 "you realize MLM is really BS" stage 6 you come back to MFP and change your username to IIFYM4ME and are loved as a great member of MFP and lose weight and achieve deep inner peace.

    Haha. Well said this man.
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member
    Juice will give you lots of vitamins and minerals...but you still need proteins, fibers and some fat in your diet. I would be afraid of a juice only diet for any prolonged amount of time. I have done a juice before a meal and find that i am not really all that hungry and will eat less. I only do one juice a day.

    San :)
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    im feeling fab I have lost 14 inches in 2 weeks so its working for me

    And so OP what happens when you stop this miracle Juice Plus diet? Please use the search function, you will find all you need to know. This is the proverbial beating a dead horse.
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    I don't diet,I don't juice....I bullet and eat what I want.
  • Gholmar
    Gholmar Posts: 37
    By starving your body on a detox diet, you could actually impair your body's ability to detox itself.

    Delicious irony. Although I'd prefer delicious food, and skip the juice diet.
  • natstar26
    natstar26 Posts: 130 Member
    The word diet sums it up, are you going to do this for the rest of your life? No? Well once you stop you will gain ALL the weight back. But if you want something that you can continue to do its a LIFESTYLE change. I know you want to loose it quickly and in the past I also wanted that but it wont work. Figure out your daily calorie goal intake, eat 6 small meals a day every 2-3 hours, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, whole grains and small amounts of good fats and dairy. WATER is the best detox and does wonders for your skin and a million other things. If you have sugar or salt cravings there are things out their that you can have that aren't so bad for you. If you get the urge to eat something "bad" keep healthy treats at hand so you wont go for unhealthy option, then you know you have the will power. Don't do treat days until you know you have self control and can eat for example only 4 squares of chocolate as a treat. You can do this!!!
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Why juice?

    Perhaps because some rich people who don't give a dam about me told me a pack of lies to steal my money
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    im feeling fab I have lost 14 inches in 2 weeks so its working for me

    And so OP what happens when you stop this miracle Juice Plus diet? Please use the search function, you will find all you need to know. This is the proverbial beating a dead horse.

    Sounds like a pile of BS to me anyway - sorry 14 inches in two weeks - have you had surgery ?
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Ive done a Juice Diet and i experienced the same problems. Right now your body is going through the "shock" stage, since it is so use to eating other foods. When it comes to ANY juice diet, you really need to ease into it. You cannot go from eating full meals one day then juice the next.
    The proper way to do a juice diet is to lower your calorie intake by eating :
    Day 1 =2000 calories
    Day 2=1800 calories
    Day 3=1600 calories
    Day 4=1400 Calories (stop here if you're a guy..Continue if you're a woman)
    Day 5=1200 calories (now woman can stop)
    Once this lower calorie week is completed then you begin the juice diet(: && you wont feel bad...

    strong STRONG first post here. Yes you are experiencing the "shock" stage; stage 2 is the "lose muscle stage" stage 3 is "my wallet is empty, credit cards are maxed out" stage 4 "family has 4th of July get together...and they do not invite you" stage 5 "you realize MLM is really BS" stage 6 you come back to MFP and change your username to IIFYM4ME and are loved as a great member of MFP and lose weight and achieve deep inner peace.

    Haha. Well said this man.

    Yep, This seems the best advice - other than to the person who is in chronic pain after 2 weeks use. Your body hurts when something is going wrong - STOP. Just my take on it of course
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member

    Problem identified. Don't go on a "diet." They almost never work the way they're advertised. Check out the following: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants

    THIS + Headaches are not toxins 'leaving the body', its malnourishment and not good for you. That 14 inches is mostly water (sounds mean but true). Please don't continue with awful juice diets. They're horrid and your body deserves better!! Be kind to yourself and eat something!!
  • Katleskin
    Katleskin Posts: 111 Member
    Someone on my Facebook friends list is pushing this at the moment. She's doing the diet herself and also selling the stuff. It's basically pyramid selling, yeah? I thought people had got wise to these scams. As if the diet itself didn't scream 'dodgy', the fact that it is promoted with MLM should be enough to make anyone realise they shouldn't touch it with a bargepole.

    She also keeps posting these motivational pictures and acting like she's some kind of fitness/health guru when all she's doing is wasting her money (and trying to encourage other people to do the same). Fair enough, she may be losing right now, but is she going to be buying Juice Plus forever? Don't imagine so. I've lost almost 40lbs in 5 months through a total lifestyle change, calorie deficit and hard work and it's taking a lot of effort not to (*ahem*), 'point out the error of her ways'. Not worth my while in the long run but - WOW - it's annoying me. How can people be so naive?!