Quality of food?



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I eat food that I like. I don't get hung up on ingredient lists and whether I can pronounce things, and this is why:
    <snip image>
    this is such a silly argument.

    The only person who seems to be trying to argue is you. The point about unpronounceable ingredients in foods is quite valid. People get hung up on scientific and "chemical" sounding names because they assume that the ingredient is some lab-manufactured monstrosity that is going to do horrible things to them, when in actuality it is something completely harmless or even good for you.
    What's good for you? Sonic tater tots?:laugh:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    So the first ever Sonic opened where I live and everyone was like "you have to go... it's amazing". So I gave it a try and I was very disappointed. First, they don't have any real vegetarian options (they didn't even have salads lol ) so I got a mango slushy that would put anybody in diabetic coma and some overly salted and overly greasy tater tots. I couldn't even eat half before I threw that crap away. I call it crap because there is no way in hell that is food. I haven't eaten any fast food in 4 months and I don't miss it. I guess it's true that the palette does change because I rather eat spinach than a highly greasy substance. It's so sad that a double cheeseburger cost less than an apple. That the food culture is all about making money and not producing a healthier society. One thing that I am real focusing on now is QUALITY of food. Read the labels people.. is what your eating real food?

    Some tricks I use... If I can not pronounce the ingredients ... I don't buy it or would have this been available for my grandparents when they were kids?

    What are some of your tricks? Do you read labels?
    I'd say that attempting to choose foods your grandparents had available when they were kids is a good safe starting point. I also attempt to choose store bought foods by considering their ingredient lists. I choose things like bread, ketchup, dressings etc. with shorter lists of REAL ingredients. And I also look for how many ways "sugar" appears on the list. Not very popular on here apparently.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    So the first ever Sonic opened where I live and everyone was like "you have to go... it's amazing". So I gave it a try and I was very disappointed. First, they don't have any real vegetarian options (they didn't even have salads lol ) so I got a mango slushy that would put anybody in diabetic coma and some overly salted and overly greasy tater tots. I couldn't even eat half before I threw that crap away. I call it crap because there is no way in hell that is food. I haven't eaten any fast food in 4 months and I don't miss it. I guess it's true that the palette does change because I rather eat spinach than a highly greasy substance. It's so sad that a double cheeseburger cost less than an apple. That the food culture is all about making money and not producing a healthier society. One thing that I am real focusing on now is QUALITY of food. Read the labels people.. is what your eating real food?

    Some tricks I use... If I can not pronounce the ingredients ... I don't buy it or would have this been available for my grandparents when they were kids?

    What are some of your tricks? Do you read labels?
    I'd say that attempting to choose foods your grandparents had available when they were kids is a good safe starting point. I also attempt to choose store bought foods by considering their ingredient lists. I choose things like bread, ketchup, dressings etc. with shorter lists of REAL ingredients. And I also look for how many ways "sugar" appears on the list. Not very popular on here apparently.

    So fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, biscuits and gravy, fried pork chops, and with everything battered and fried in lard is your recommendation to the OP?
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    My grandma ate fatback. Just sayin'.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    My grandparents ate lard on bread.
    You know, post-war shortages and stuff like that.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I eat food that I like. I don't get hung up on ingredient lists and whether I can pronounce things, and this is why:
    <snip image>
    this is such a silly argument.

    The only person who seems to be trying to argue is you. The point about unpronounceable ingredients in foods is quite valid. People get hung up on scientific and "chemical" sounding names because they assume that the ingredient is some lab-manufactured monstrosity that is going to do horrible things to them, when in actuality it is something completely harmless or even good for you.
    What's good for you? Sonic tater tots?:laugh:

    :huh: I'm not sure if you are confused, drunk, hangry, or just looking to yell at someone. I said that just because an ingredient in food has a hard-to-pronounce name, doesn't necessarily mean that it is created in a lab or bad for you, and in some cases, the ingredient is actually good for you. I didn't say anything about Sonic tater tots. I've never even been to a Sonic so I really can't weigh in on them one way or the other.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I eat food that I like. I don't get hung up on ingredient lists and whether I can pronounce things, and this is why:
    <snip image>
    this is such a silly argument.

    The only person who seems to be trying to argue is you. The point about unpronounceable ingredients in foods is quite valid. People get hung up on scientific and "chemical" sounding names because they assume that the ingredient is some lab-manufactured monstrosity that is going to do horrible things to them, when in actuality it is something completely harmless or even good for you.
    What's good for you? Sonic tater tots?:laugh:

    I'm on my iPad, can someone post a "missed the point" gif here for me?

    They weren't saying something a sonic is good or bad, they were saying just because something has a "chemical sounding" name doesn't inherently make it bad for you, sometimes the substance is good for you.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    My grandma ate fatback. Just sayin'.

    Exactly. My grandparents grew up on farms in Mississippi. They raised, killed, and cooked their own food.

    .......and everyone was overweight and died at 12 years earlier than average, mainly from diabetes or some form of heart disease. Sonic tater tots probably would have added years to their lives.
  • tinkbaby101
    tinkbaby101 Posts: 180 Member
    So the first ever Sonic opened where I live and everyone was like "you have to go... it's amazing". So I gave it a try and I was very disappointed. First, they don't have any real vegetarian options (they didn't even have salads lol ) so I got a mango slushy that would put anybody in diabetic coma and some overly salted and overly greasy tater tots. I couldn't even eat half before I threw that crap away. I call it crap because there is no way in hell that is food. I haven't eaten any fast food in 4 months and I don't miss it. I guess it's true that the palette does change because I rather eat spinach than a highly greasy substance. It's so sad that a double cheeseburger cost less than an apple. That the food culture is all about making money and not producing a healthier society. One thing that I am real focusing on now is QUALITY of food. Read the labels people.. is what your eating real food?

    Some tricks I use... If I can not pronounce the ingredients ... I don't buy it or would have this been available for my grandparents when they were kids?

    What are some of your tricks? Do you read labels?

    One of the things I try to remember is: if it has its own commercial, don't eat it. How often do you see REAL foods advertised, versus fast food, candy, soda, and overly processed junk? Of course, this is just a general guideline because there is the rare commercial that advertises health, but it does help, for me to keep in the back of my mind. Also, shopping the perimeter of the grocery store, and avoiding the middle aisles as much as possible. That keeps my cart full of more real foods, rather than processed stuff.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I see a lot of "real" foods advertised, actually.




  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    So the first ever Sonic opened where I live and everyone was like "you have to go... it's amazing". So I gave it a try and I was very disappointed. First, they don't have any real vegetarian options (they didn't even have salads lol ) so I got a mango slushy that would put anybody in diabetic coma and some overly salted and overly greasy tater tots. I couldn't even eat half before I threw that crap away. I call it crap because there is no way in hell that is food. I haven't eaten any fast food in 4 months and I don't miss it. I guess it's true that the palette does change because I rather eat spinach than a highly greasy substance. It's so sad that a double cheeseburger cost less than an apple. That the food culture is all about making money and not producing a healthier society. One thing that I am real focusing on now is QUALITY of food. Read the labels people.. is what your eating real food?

    Some tricks I use... If I can not pronounce the ingredients ... I don't buy it or would have this been available for my grandparents when they were kids?

    What are some of your tricks? Do you read labels?

    One of the things I try to remember is: if it has its own commercial, don't eat it. How often do you see REAL foods advertised, versus fast food, candy, soda, and overly processed junk? Of course, this is just a general guideline because there is the rare commercial that advertises health, but it does help, for me to keep in the back of my mind. Also, shopping the perimeter of the grocery store, and avoiding the middle aisles as much as possible. That keeps my cart full of more real foods, rather than processed stuff.

    There are commercials that "advertise" fresh fruits and veggies at farmers market. So I guess farmers markets or any fresh fruit and veggies are now off limits because they have a commercial on them.
  • CarolinkaCjj
    CarolinkaCjj Posts: 622 Member
    I read labels and love chemicals but Sonic I just can't get into. Stopped at Sonic when traveling to see what the deal was. I love onion rings - just like sparkling wines, there are very few onion rings I don't like. It was a disappointment on all levels. First they were understaffed and surly. Second the burger was cold. But the worst offense was the onion rings. They tasted like cinnamon - not a good match. It was clear that they fried their french toast sticks and cinnasnacks in the same oil as the rings. I was starving (we had not eaten all day) but could not finish the suckers. Very sad - an onion ring abomination in my opinion.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    My preference is for whole foods but I still have a fair bit of processed foods in my diet (taste and convenience) but I don't need rules, tips or whatever to identify which is which. I truly do not know how people grow up not knowing what "real" food is without some sort of checklist... maybe it's an age thing?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I see a lot of "real" foods advertised, actually.





    Well....everyone knows that milk is murder. That's why we're the only species that cooks it's food.....ummmm, I mean, drinks another animals milk.

    And eggs have cholesterol, and the forums taught me that dietary cholesterol is gonna kill me.

    And that nice lady with the kettlebell keeps telling me that the sugar in fruit is what made me fat, and she seems like a reasonable person that would never mislead me.

    So there. I guess she's right and that "real food" doesn't advertise. Because milk, eggs, and fruit are obviously the reason we're all dying so much younger than humans died 200 years ago before this processed food was invented.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    Doesn't Sonic have grilled cheese? I thought they did.

    Regardless, you don't mean it's junk. You mean it's not nutrient dense. There's a difference. No food is "junk" or "not real," it's just that others have more nutrients/benefits for their amount of calories. Gah, this argument bothers me. People need to just eat what they want to eat.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    My grandparents ate lard on bread.
    You know, post-war shortages and stuff like that.

    And this. My grandpa died at 74 of a massive heat stroke/heart failure due to having to have a quadruple bypass 15 years earlier.
    He was raised on the end of the Depression with "locally sourced" (read: homegrown) foods, local meat from the farmers, and maybe one solid meal per day.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    My grandparents ate lard on bread.
    You know, post-war shortages and stuff like that.

    And this. My grandpa died at 74 of a massive heat stroke/heart failure due to having to have a quadruple bypass 15 years earlier.
    He was raised on the *kitten*-end of the Depression with "locally sourced" (read: homegrown) foods, local meat from the farmers, and maybe one solid meal per day.
    A lot of this kind of thing is genetics, but arguing that the "goodness" or "wholesomeness" of your food is the culprit is just stupid.
    That sounds good but it's just not true. It's been shown time and time again that when indigenous/native populations with extremely low incidences of "diseases of civilization" adopt a western diet they develop the same diseases we have. Return them to their traditional diet and they become healthy again.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    My grandparents ate lard on bread.
    You know, post-war shortages and stuff like that.

    And this. My grandpa died at 74 of a massive heat stroke/heart failure due to having to have a quadruple bypass 15 years earlier.
    He was raised on the *kitten*-end of the Depression with "locally sourced" (read: homegrown) foods, local meat from the farmers, and maybe one solid meal per day.
    A lot of this kind of thing is genetics, but arguing that the "goodness" or "wholesomeness" of your food is the culprit is just stupid.
    That sounds good but it's just not true. It's been shown time and time again that when indigenous/native populations with extremely low incidences of "diseases of civilization" adopt a western diet they develop the same diseases we have. Return them to their traditional diet and they become healthy again.

    Her grandpa didn't die at age 74 from heart failure???
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    My grandparents ate lard on bread.
    You know, post-war shortages and stuff like that.

    And this. My grandpa died at 74 of a massive heat stroke/heart failure due to having to have a quadruple bypass 15 years earlier.
    He was raised on the *kitten*-end of the Depression with "locally sourced" (read: homegrown) foods, local meat from the farmers, and maybe one solid meal per day.
    A lot of this kind of thing is genetics, but arguing that the "goodness" or "wholesomeness" of your food is the culprit is just stupid.
    That sounds good but it's just not true. It's been shown time and time again that when indigenous/native populations with extremely low incidences of "diseases of civilization" adopt a western diet they develop the same diseases we have. Return them to their traditional diet and they become healthy again.

    Her grandpa didn't die at age 74 from heat failure???
    Dang it, he found me out!! ABANDON SHIP!
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    My grandparents ate lard on bread.
    You know, post-war shortages and stuff like that.

    And this. My grandpa died at 74 of a massive heat stroke/heart failure due to having to have a quadruple bypass 15 years earlier.
    He was raised on the *kitten*-end of the Depression with "locally sourced" (read: homegrown) foods, local meat from the farmers, and maybe one solid meal per day.
    A lot of this kind of thing is genetics, but arguing that the "goodness" or "wholesomeness" of your food is the culprit is just stupid.
    That sounds good but it's just not true. It's been shown time and time again that when indigenous/native populations with extremely low incidences of "diseases of civilization" adopt a western diet they develop the same diseases we have. Return them to their traditional diet and they become healthy again.
    Provide me with the studies you're referencing and and I'll gladly take a look.

    Edited because grammar + ADD