Help with High Fiber Low carb Low sodium foods?



  • joeherbert48
    joeherbert48 Posts: 47 Member
    As I said above I am diabetic also and need to lower my carbs as much as possible. So that is why the low carb diet. I used to put away well over 300 grams of carbs a day and 4500 sodium. Have you ever looked at the nutrition of pizza? I used to eat whole large pizza's and drink 2 liters of dr. pepper a DAY!.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member

    No wonder calorie counting, with no other consideration of the food consumed, is such a fail. But those of you who swear that weight loss is only about calories, and health isn't even a consideration: good luck with that.

    depends on the individual. I eat whatever combination of food I want....I prefer to go fairly carb heavy because I feel better throughout the day and get less hungry between meals. As you can see, that hasn't hurt my weight loss efforts.
  • joeherbert48
    joeherbert48 Posts: 47 Member
    Honestly I don't think anyone really knows the SECRET of losing weight. You have those that live by low carbs and those that live by low fat and those that live by high fiber and those that live by lowering calories. I for one think lowering calories above all else helps though because I've been on starvation diets with 1200 or less calories per day and lost weight. But from watching Dr. Oz and other diet sites I've also found I can lose weight lowering carbs, fat and raising fiber to a point (there always seems to be a plateau whatever you do). Eating less seems to be a key factor for me. Believe you me I know as I used to eat pizza's by the large size whole and buffets galore all you can eat. Mmmmmm how I miss those days. haha

    Now I eat a lot of peanuts, peanut butter, lean ground meats, chicken (legs and breasts) tuna fish, apples, banana's, beans and PRINGLES LOL I can't seem to get away from those pringles. lol Oh did you know that walmarts makes a hamburger bun that is less cal and sodium than 2 slices of bread? Great for PB&J samiches. Just trying to get the right balance of all 3 catagories along with a good fiber count. I think I have found it with the raspberries and those noodles.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    As I said above I am diabetic also and need to lower my carbs as much as possible. So that is why the low carb diet. I used to put away well over 300 grams of carbs a day and 4500 sodium. Have you ever looked at the nutrition of pizza? I used to eat whole large pizza's and drink 2 liters of dr. pepper a DAY!.

    you should look up lists of where standard foods fall on the glycemic index and what their glycemic load is. That will help you pick out some staples that you can incorporate regularly into your diet that won't be an issue for you as a diabetic. Keep in mind that just because something is high on the index doesn't mean it's necessarily a problem for you. That's where the load comes in which has to do with how much carbohydrate is in the item. For example, watermelon is high on the index...somewhere around a 72 a believe, but because it's mostly water and doesn't have a lot of carb coming along for the ride it has a load of 3 or 4 (anything under 10 is considered low).
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    As I said above I am diabetic also and need to lower my carbs as much as possible. So that is why the low carb diet. I used to put away well over 300 grams of carbs a day and 4500 sodium. Have you ever looked at the nutrition of pizza? I used to eat whole large pizza's and drink 2 liters of dr. pepper a DAY!.
    I often put away a whole large pizza a day, sometimes with a whole tub of ice cream too.
    And I do this WHILE losing weight.

    Calories in vs calories out is THE 'secret'. ;)
    Fibre is unlikely to make a massive difference for most people. It does mean you absorb a few less calories (and less micronutrients too) - so that changes the 'calories out'.

    Oh and yes - as far as health goes - I'm about the healthiest I've ever been.
    Not too long ago I completed a 32 miles trail ultra-marathon. My body fat is the lowest I've ever been and any tests I've had have come back as 'excellent' for health markers.

    I'd suggest that exercise and calories has made a much bigger difference for me than getting overly worried on often rather silly concepts like ensuring ALL Calories are micronutrient dense.
  • joeherbert48
    joeherbert48 Posts: 47 Member
    Waternelon an catalope makes my blood sugar go over 300....376 tops while popcorn does nothing. Seems carbs are not as much my enemy as sugar is fruit or processed, seems sugar is sugar and my blood don't like it. Apples, oranges do the same, but starchy carbs like popcorn, garden potatoes, beans and peas and corn in general don't mess with my blood sugar like fruit or processed foods do.
  • joeherbert48
    joeherbert48 Posts: 47 Member
    I often put away a whole large pizza a day, sometimes with a whole tub of ice cream too.

    When that stroke catches up to you let me know. With all that salt and carbs turned to fat you're likely to have yours someday too. I was like you in my 30's when dr said I was a stroke waiting to happen. Didn't care what anyone else said "did it my way" sotospeak. Well on July 1st of last year my way failed and it's a good chance yours will also. I hope it doesn't for your sake but if it does just remember someone told you so.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    When that stroke catches up to you let me know. With all that salt and carbs turned to fat you're likely to have yours someday too. I was like you in my 30's when dr said I was a stroke waiting to happen. Didn't care what anyone else said "did it my way" sotospeak. Well on July 1st of last year my way failed and it's a good chance yours will also. I hope it doesn't for your sake but if it does just remember someone told you so.
    What would cause me to have a stroke?
    As it goes a while ago I bought a blood pressure monitor to make sure I wasn't causing myself any issues. Blood pressure in the 'ideal' range. Resting heart rate is around 51bpm last time I checked.
    Why would the carbs 'turn to fat'? The only time I eat in a surplus, I aim for a 250 calorie surplus and have done a set of heavy weight lifting that day. I'd suggest the carbs are more likely to be used as fuel for the body to turn muscle in to protein.
    I accept there's going to be a little fat gain with that too - for which I'll do a 'cut'.
    If I'm eating full fat ice cream, I'll be in a deficit that day - so I will be burning fat, not storing it. And yes, by doing exercise I can still eat a pizza, full tub of icecream, improve my health AND lose weight.

    None of this is specifically 'my way' - it's very much "accepted science" as far as getting a body in a lean and fit shape goes.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    Waternelon an catalope makes my blood sugar go over 300....376 tops while popcorn does nothing. Seems carbs are not as much my enemy as sugar is fruit or processed, seems sugar is sugar and my blood don't like it. Apples, oranges do the same, but starchy carbs like popcorn, garden potatoes, beans and peas and corn in general don't mess with my blood sugar like fruit or processed foods do.
    Personally if watermelon or cantaloupe made my blood sugar go over 300 (which they do), I'd eat a lot LESS than 150g of carbohydrate a day...

    I typically eat anywhere from 45-75g, except for endurance days (bike rides of anywhere from 3 to 7 hours I'll go through 100-175g).