anybody trying to get 5% bodyfat



  • fcgfit
    fcgfit Posts: 10
    I will.
  • fcgfit
    fcgfit Posts: 10
    Hello again im not asking for advice whether to do it or not. I asked what is it like to achieve or come close to it. I understand that it may be not achievable, but im up to a good challenge, indeed i have been in a very boring job, so that goal is bringing some joy into my life.

    I will try to join the challenge to lose bodyfat.

    Thanks to the last guy that gave me some insights and plan.

    Also as bad as it could be, i believe it wouldn't be worst than, smoking, drinking, not spleeping well, and a bunch of other things that i dont do.

    Thanks for all the replies.
  • Firehawk734
    Firehawk734 Posts: 132 Member
    Im not trying to get that low, but id like to get to about 8%. My body has really been fighting me lately. Im around 15%.

    I wish u the best. Its good u have goals. Always important to have some purpose in ur training.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I am nowhere near 5%; maybe you can update this thread or start a new one as you progress. The sacrifices to make a single digit BF number will be interesting and for the vast majority of people something they will only read about. Best of luck, very ambitious goal.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,725 Member
    Whatever you do, DON'T take any advice from ccf_trainer (who claims to be at 5% body fat and maintaining). He'll just try to sell you Herbalife supplements.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Don't listen to some of these people, getting down to that % is not as bad as people make it seem. It is really awesome you're trying to push yourself to the limit, just ensure you don't stay at that low of a % .. I'm sure you know that of course :) I'm gna hit you a FR, because your goals seem similar to mine in some ways :)

    Whether or not it's bad is going to be quite individual.

    I think it's very fair to say that the majority of people will suffer in some way getting to that level of leanness and that's not a price many people should be willing to pay under non competitive circumstances.
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    Most that get that low use drugs to achieve those result... At 8% body fat you will look extremely shredded!! You don't look to be 20% in those pics...

  • iPlatano
    iPlatano Posts: 487 Member
    The question here is:

    Are you going to compete?
    And are you willing to feel like **** and sluggish with no energy?

    Oh and the testosterone drop as well? ;)
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    I m we people sometimes do foolish things but i believe once i get there i will know what it is like and how does it feel. Like a said i do not plan on staying, but maybe if it suits my lifestyle i will. But i will only be able to decide once i get there.

    For anyone that are under 10% how does it feel.?????

    No offence to my fellow MFP's, maybe this is the wrong board. Most of us here are above our weight and fat targets!

    Some groups I know that consistently hit (as a group) below 10%:

    Olympic wrestlers
    Lightweight rowers
    Nordic skiers

    Take a look at their communities, regimes and strategies. Maybe you'll find something that works for you.

    I am about 13% right now, and having a rough time trying to make 10.
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    Hi philipe
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Felipe and im right now around 20% bodyfat trying to get to 5% bodyfat.

    I dont want to stay at 5%, just want to get there to know i can.

    Im looking for any tips, suggestions, and observations, from people that are in the same goal or achieved it already.

    My standard approach was: Low carb, high protein, moderate fat diet, 12-16 weeks long, an hour of moderate cardio (back then it was a stationary bike) a day, lifting for about 2 hours a day and the last week was a carb depletion/carb up process. I did it to compete, but my best was only 7% body fat.
    5% is attainable IF you're willing to do what it takes to get there.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    ^^^^This gentleman's advice on these matters is usually spot on... I cannot remember the last time I disagreed with him ... and it was probably me that was wrong.. LOL> While doable, remember that you will be only 2-3% from essential fat. Again, this is a short term goal and staying closer to 10% to 12% would be a more recommended maintenance level... Best wishes on your every success.^^^^
  • kennymacro
    kennymacro Posts: 3 Member
    Hey man,

    I have tried got to be about 9% before i gave it up as it simply wasn't worth it 2hrs of cardio 6x a week, hungry all the time, brain fog, tired, moody. The tips i can give you however is

    1) Make sure your metabolic rate is healthy enough to diet down to those bodyfat levels
    2) Commit yourself hard, as a natural unenhnaced athlete it could take more than 6 months to cut down to those levels.
    3) If you choose to proceed make sure you are OCD as possible with your macros

    Good luck my friend
  • la_te_ra_lus
    la_te_ra_lus Posts: 243 Member
    I've done it before. It wasn't the most enjoyable thing. I started playing around with my carb intake and it took me quite a bit of time. When I had gotten my bf% that low I was really irritable.. I had no sex drive literally none.
  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member
    Just a smidge over 9%. I started 6 weeks ago at about 15% and was hoping to get to 8% in 6 wks. Didn't make it, still have 4.6 lbs to go.

    I've lost 60 lbs before..took me 4 months back in Feb 2012.. Super hard...but not nearly as hard at this has been. You can do everything right, cardio every day, hit weights six days a week, eat under maintenance..and expect a weight loss the next day and're up 2 lbs and you are at a total loss on why. But you stick to it and 3 days later goes back off. At the lower BF% the normal "weight loss laws" don't seem to apply (and yes, this is life according to own experience, can't speak for others).

    How does it feel???...well..pretty fantastic actually. I've been "big" before, but never "shredded". It freaks you out to feel and see your rib cage when you lay down. When you rest your hand on your legs, you can feel the indentions. Your triceps sticks out without flexing.

    My face has gotten very thin..almost too thin according to the wife. And for me it's true, when I'm covered up, you can no longer tell I least comparied to when I was 30lbs heavyier..but when I take my shirt and sweats off...let's just say that isn't the case. To be honest, I never thought I'd actually achieve it. The hunger pains were off the chart sometimes and you sometimes feel like saying F it and go "cheat". All my favorite foods have been long ago left behind like choc milk, pesto, pizza and don't even think about booze. And yes I know I could put those in my log and work around them, but I preferred to go a bit more hard core...high proteins, low(er) carbs but keeping my fats reasonable. Lots of chicken, salmon, coffee and water.

    Had a lot of support from my peps on this journey including MightyMax.

    As in any post, you run into people that will disagree with what you say/post. So let me say, this is my story and I'm sticking to it. and yes, tomorrow I post pics. :tongue:
  • Taiser
    Taiser Posts: 81 Member
    It's doable... I was around that for a bit back in college. By no means fun since I was basically eating nothing but "seaweed" and water. Zero carbs, lots of fluids and LOTS of gym work/cardio (and I hate cardio!! :( ).

    I don't see the point anymore of going that low unless you are going to some form of competition. Anything under 10% for a man is a pretty heavy shredded look IHMO. I'm at about 16-18% and my wife thinks that is fine, LOL but I'm looking for around 12-15% and I'll be happy. That level is fairly easy to maintain with my current intake/workout routine, while allowing a some comfort cheating. I just have to work a little longer to reduce, but I'm almost there...

    If you do go down to 5% don't stay there too long, it's really hard on the body, but if you want to just see if you want to do it, go for it, take some pictures and go back to a "healthier" range! Good luck!! :)
  • Taiser
    Taiser Posts: 81 Member
    Here's a couple of charts I found that are interesting.... :)


    Damn, can't get the embedding to work... :(
  • Taiser
    Taiser Posts: 81 Member
    Try this again...



    That worked!!! Man they have to update this forum... should be this hard to embed a photo! :(
  • fcgfit
    fcgfit Posts: 10
    I appreciate everyone for the great advice and especially for the experiences which i think it is the most important. Now i have a clue of what this journey is going to be like.

    Every week i will post a progress picture, and update my weight.

    I m also excited in how hard it will be, maybe i m to face my hardest challenge yet.

    Like some other reply said does the weight loss laws apply at this level of bf%. Like caloric deficit and cardio

    Thanks Again Everyone
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,725 Member
    Hey man,

    I have tried got to be about 9% before i gave it up as it simply wasn't worth it 2hrs of cardio 6x a week, hungry all the time, brain fog, tired, moody. The tips i can give you however is

    1) Make sure your metabolic rate is healthy enough to diet down to those bodyfat levels
    2) Commit yourself hard, as a natural unenhnaced athlete it could take more than 6 months to cut down to those levels.
    3) If you choose to proceed make sure you are OCD as possible with your macros

    Good luck my friend
    This ain't no lie. I was moody all the time and felt spent especially the last couple of weeks. All I did was sit at home and veg out after work. It's not fun especially if you like to eat and when the foods are so BLAND everything you eat gets to be a chore.
    It may be slightly easier now because their are more options with seasonings and spices that don't carry as much sodium.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    honestly, I would be happy to get to 10% and then re-evaluate from there….right now i am moving around 12% but I think i may have dropped another half percent with this cut, as i am down about seven pounds….