Hate making lunch- help!

So I absolutely HATE deciding what to have for lunch..sick of sandwiches and wraps and salads!! and I don't like taking a bunch of time to prepare something..anyone have any ideas what I could eat besides cereal? lol!!! thanks!!


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Make more dinner, have dinner leftovers for lunch.
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    I take a few veggies, I prep them the night before, but you could just use frozen, warm in microwave and add tuna or salmon.
    A tin of soup can be tasty but not so healthy, I add veggies and tofu, you can add chicken if you eat meat. I add mushroom if its not a thick soup, for texture, and cottage cheese for creaminess and protein.
    I like plain old cottage cheese, just add flavours, fruit or cocoa and cinnamon if you have a sweet tooth. I like Mexican food, so I add a few beans and some salsa.
    Eggs, if you have a microwave, can be poached, omelette, scrambled. Or you can cook them at home and take them with you. I make a thick veg omelette, serve it cold at lunchtime, like a frittata.
    If you are bored of salad, make a new one. I was over the old lettuce cucumber and tomato last summer, so I took out the lettuce and I started to add beetroot and low fat fetta, or sundried tomatoes, or mixed beans and salsa, and suddenly salad was interesting again.
    I have also been known to make overnight oats and use for lunch instead of breakfast!
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    I always have leftovers from dinner the day or 2 before. Just make more for dinner and presto...instant lunch.

  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    So I absolutely HATE deciding what to have for lunch..sick of sandwiches and wraps and salads!! and I don't like taking a bunch of time to prepare something..anyone have any ideas what I could eat besides cereal? lol!!! thanks!!

    - Cook the 3-5lb bags of chicken on a Sunday and have them throughout the week (top with mustard, mayo, barbecue sauce, hot sauce, etc.

    - Hard boiled eggs with hot sauce or a homemade egg salad with light mayo

    - Get takeout from Subway a few days

    - scrambled eggs / rice / and soy sauce
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    left overs.

    I cook 2 times a week and just eat that.

    And eggs and bacon- I eat a lot of eggs and bacon.
  • soxobsessed
    soxobsessed Posts: 130 Member
    I make 3 big healthy meals on Sunday night, then eat the leftovers for lunch and dinner
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    I'm a lazy bum regarding lunch. So what I end up doing is keeping about a weeks worth of progresso soups at work, and when I'm hungry I nuke those. Pretty bad for my sodium intake, but handy and keeps me under calories while also contributing to my laziness. LOL!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I split my lunch into two mini-meals totaling about 450 calories. Today I'll be having tuna with Greek yogurt instead of mayo and a serving of Special K Multigrain crackers at 12ish. At 3ish, I'll be eating a hard-boiled egg, light string cheese, and a cup of flavored Greek yogurt.

    My 3:00 snack usually stays the same from week to week, but here are a couple other non-sandwich non-salad lunches I bring with me to work:
    - Homemade McDonalds-style egg white delight - English muffin with canadian bacon, egg whites, and white cheddar with some grapes on the side.
    - Chicken tacos - 2 corn tortillas with 3 oz shredded chicken, 1/4 cup fat-free refried beans, and a slice of avocado

    Other ideas - chili, soups/stews, leftovers, "healthy" frozen meals, combination of snack foods
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Burrito bowl! I always grill or cook extra chicken, beef, pork for dinner so I have leftover meat to toss in a bowl with black or pinto beans, rice if I have it, a little cheese, avocado :love: , plain Greek yogurt or sour cream, and salsa. Sometimes I'll add some lettuce if I have it washed and ready to go. With the left overs, it's quick to put together, heat the beans, meat & rice, then top it with everything else. Easy and delicious and filling. And much cheaper than Chipotle! :tongue:
  • MomforNoah
    MomforNoah Posts: 76
    I cook up a lot of chicken Sundays and hard boil eggs. I eat dinner left overs mostly. It's so much easier to do it for a week on Sunday for me. If I fail to bring anything I grab a Subway veggie salad.
  • purplemurfy
    purplemurfy Posts: 95 Member
    Cook some type of casserole/one pot meal on Sat or Sun and portion out for the week. I do this every week and now I even have several to choose from in my freezer so that I don't get tired of eating the same thing. Depending on what I make, it usually only takes 15-30 mins and then oven time. This is the way I have been succesful! You have to make the time if you want results.

    Examples of my lunches: Turkey fricassee, baked beef and brown rice, mexican casserole, beef and cabbage stir fry. All have a bunch of veggies in them and keep me full.
  • fittoday14
    fittoday14 Posts: 128
    Buy frozen dinners that are low in sodium and high in protein. I love Amy's, Lean Cuisine and Garten of Good Eatin. I also love eating Sushi for lunch.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    I eat sliced deli meat, and cheese - maybe a few crackers - I just keep this in the fridge at work so I don't have to think.

    Usually its leftovers from dinner the night before - just a smaller portion.

    Soup, salad, etc.
  • amethyst7986
    amethyst7986 Posts: 223 Member
    I say try Pinterest.....I usually find some good simple and healthy recipes on there. I don't know if you have a fridge at work, but I make sure to keep snacks there too incase I forget to bring food or need something simple.

    I'm also a huge fan of cooking and preparing one day a week-- this helps me during the school year, when I am in school and still working full time.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I definitely DITTO the leftover dinner for lunch. Just put it in a microwavable container portioned for lunch when you are clearing dinner.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    left overs.

    I cook 2 times a week and just eat that.

    This :)

    also I'll make salad and put tuna and feta on it

    and greek yogurt mixed wtih fruit.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    I'm into couscous right now. I make up enough for 5 portions on a Sunday and divide it between 5 takeaway containers so I can take it to work. It's the easiest thing in the world to cook - you literally pour boiling water over the couscous (I sometimes add a vegetable stock cube to add extra flavour), cover the bowl with a cloth and leave it 10 minutes. What could be easier!!

    I then throw whatever I have in the fridge or cupboard into the couscous - things like tomatoes, spring onions, cheese, ham, leftovers, tuna, anything really!
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 673 Member
    I cook in bulk on Sunday and eat for lunch all week. Or like others said make more for dinner and have leftovers from that for lunch!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    left overs.

    I cook 2 times a week and just eat that.

    This :)

    also I'll make salad and put tuna and feta on it

    and greek yogurt mixed wtih fruit.

    yup yup- sounds like my day exactly (today I have with me)
    > 1 original Fresca
    > 4 hard boiled eggs
    > 2 homemade chocolate chip cookies
    > 8 oz low fat greek 1/2 teaspoon honey (the following mixed in at work)
    >2.5 oz black berries
    >2.5 oz raspeberries
    >15 grams of Vanilla Whey
    > left over 7 up marinade chicken
    > roasted cauliflower

    not consumed in that order.
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    I buy a few of those tuna/cracker deals at the grocery store for those days that I just do NOT want to fix stuff.
    I know it isn't the best thing, but they do have a lighter version, at least there is some protein in there.
    I also am one that buys the protein bars and will take one when I am lazy.

    Otherwise, not a lot to give you except my "there, there, I understand."