Hate making lunch- help!



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I usually go home for lunch and eat with my husband so we have leftovers or meals that are fairly quick to prepare. However, on occasions that I do bring my lunch to work I actually like to just bring a ton of random foods. Example might be - boiled egg, square of dark chocolate, a bit of hummus, carrots, a pear, and a tiny container of leftover pasta.
  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    Chicken sausage is fast and easy to make the night before. I add it to salads, pasta, or make a quick lunch of quinoa (which I cook Sunday’s for the rest of the week), the sausage, and frozen veggies. All you have to do is heat it up come lunchtime. Today I have Boca burgers (15g of protein for 120 cals) and all I have to do is heat it up and assembly. Turkey burgers work as well, but of course, you have to cook it the night before (it only takes a few minutes to make and it’s about 180cals each / 21g of protein.)
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    I take "snack" type stuff that requires no cooking or reheating. I'll usually have: a Greek yogurt, an apple, 125g of baby carrots and 1 serving of hummus (sometimes 2 servings of hummus and I'll throw in 30g of crackers too). Sometimes a protein shake, an apple, and some carrots and hummus. Some days it's a serving of roasted unsalted almonds, a yogurt, and an apple. My diary is open so you can look through if you want. You can pick several smaller things and just eat them all at once for your lunch - no one says you have to eat a sandwich every day :). I find that I'm more full after my lunches now than I used to be before MFP when I was making sandwiches for lunch.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    So I absolutely HATE deciding what to have for lunch..sick of sandwiches and wraps and salads!! and I don't like taking a bunch of time to prepare something..anyone have any ideas what I could eat besides cereal? lol!!! thanks!!

    - Cook the 3-5lb bags of chicken on a Sunday and have them throughout the week (top with mustard, mayo, barbecue sauce, hot sauce, etc.

    - Hard boiled eggs with hot sauce or a homemade egg salad with light mayo

    - Get takeout from Subway a few days

    - scrambled eggs / rice / and soy sauce


    Batch cooking is the way to go. I grill enough chicken breast for the week. Portion it into ziplock baggies. That way I can have a chicken salad sandwich, or chicken on a salad (so many varieties.....Asian (chow mein noodles, mandarin oranges), SouthWest (grill some peppers & onion), Harvest (apples & craisins). Make wraps fun.

    Make a crockpot of soup. Portion it out & freeze for later. Soups & stews freeze really well.

    Friday is my "no-pack" day......really it's just an easy to pack day. Typically a WW or Lean Cuisine meal, veggies & fruit.

    This is a lifestyle change too. Get into a habit. When you lose the weight, you're still going to have to eat healthier....that won't go away.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Buy frozen dinners that are low in sodium and high in protein. I love Amy's, Lean Cuisine and Garten of Good Eatin. I also love eating Sushi for lunch.

    Lean Cuisine's site let's you search by sodium if necessary.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    Friday is my "no-pack" day......really it's just an easy to pack day. Typically a WW or Lean Cuisine meal, veggies & fruit.

    Friday has become my no pack day as well- mostly because the cafeteria dude gives me crap that I never come visit- and they do make a mean tuna plate. And have tasty pickles. LOL
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    I make different batches of mason jar salads every week. I know you said you are sick of salads, but maybe expanding your variety would help. I especially like making some kind of meat in the crockpot for sandwiches for dinner (like shredded bbq chicken) and then using some to make salads. My favorite varieties are taco salad, BBQ chicken salad, buffalo chicken salad and chicken cesar salad. I try to make a new salad combo at least ever other week and am currently trying to incorporate more vegeterian salads.

    I make all my salads on Sunday for the week. As long as you layer the ingredients to keep the dressing and leafy stuff seperated it stays fresh easily for 5 days. Key is dressing on the bottom followed by anything that can sit in dressing without getting icky (meat, beans, cucumbers). Then other softer stuff like tomatoes and cheese and last the lettuce up to the top. Shake and eat.
  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    This is a great topic for me, because I'm a teacher who eats in her classroom and gets bored thinking of what to take, how to pack it, etc.
    I have one more month off, and this is what I had for lunch. The other half of sandwich will be a snack. I have to fill my plate, or this will be just another diet, instead of a way of life.
    It's in my food diary. Anyone is free to look.
    I'm trying to stay with food instead of food-shaped objects. I really forgot what food is.
  • jillian_fan2425
    jillian_fan2425 Posts: 167 Member
    I have leftovers when there is enough for it, like many others here.

    I also do simple salads, broccoli and cheese rice, simple pasta and veggies. One of my favorites (and what I had today) is to make a veggie quesadilla and bring a mini Tupperware of salsa to dip the pieces in. I used to do the multiple snack things described by others here, typically a piece of fruit (ex. apple and peanut butter), protein bar, yogurt (or string cheese) and something sweet for dessert. Now, I try to have a small lunch and multiple snacks during the day in order to keep up with my cravings while I'm at work.
  • KM0692
    KM0692 Posts: 178 Member
    Amy's frozen meals are pretty good, and a lot healthier than the other stuff you see at the store. Kind of pricey though.
  • emmooney235
    emmooney235 Posts: 85 Member
    On a day you will be home, cook up a big crock pot meal or two. I usually do soups and stews, I'm also starting to hoard healthy alternatives to my normal favorites. :) At the end of the cook time, let it cook a bit and portion it out. I LOVE the Ziploc twist top containers! Let it cool completely put the lids on and pop into the freezer. When I'm doing a cooking day like this, I'll try to do one in the crock pot and one on the stove top. I then have grab and go lunches and dinners for several weeks. I also pack some up in a care package for my Grandpa.