Cooking Challenge: Sweet Potatoes



  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    How about whipped sweet potatoes with cranberries? Mmmmmm....

    Woah! That sounds awesome! Might have to try that for Thanksgiving... (not sure I can wait that long, though) :wink:
  • cmlewis86
    cmlewis86 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey is it too late to submit a recipe for the sweet potatoe challenge? I just stumbled on this thread and would love to join in.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    My recipe for this challenge: Sweet Potato Pie (with a nutty twist!) - Serves 8

    *Disclaimer -- I have never made pie before, nor have I ever made pie without a recipe. It's not called a challenge for nothin'! :bigsmile:

    This is the exact list of the ingredients I used. Following the recipe, I'll list my suggested changes. Since this was total trial and error, the recipe is far from perfect!

    12 Christie Honey Maid Graham Crackers, ground coarsely in the food processor
    1 cup large flake oats
    6 Tbsp PB2** (see note)
    2 egg whites
    2 Tbsp maple syrup
    Cooking spray

    Pie filling:
    2 medium sized sweet potatoes, about 3 cups cooked
    2 whole eggs
    1/2 cup skim evaporated milk
    1/4 cup brown sugar
    2 tsp cinnamon
    1 tsp pumpkin pie spice

    1/4 cup chopped walnuts for topping

    Preheat oven to 425F
    Cook sweet potatoes until soft using whichever method you prefer. I pricked mine with a fork several times and nuked them on high in 3 mins intervals until they were cooked through. Leave aside to cool for 5-10 mins.

    Using a food processor, break the graham crackers and oats into a coarse meal (I barely ground my oats). Combine graham crumbs, oats and PB2 in a medium sized bowl. Add egg whites and maple syrup. Using a spoon, combine mixture until it forms a wet crumble. Lightly coat a 9inch pie dish with cooking spray and line the bottom and sides with the crumb mixture. It will be quite sticky so wet your hands slightly to make this easier. Bake at 425F for 8-10 mins, or until slightly golden.

    Lower heat to 350F
    Remove the skin from your cooked sweet potatoes and mash in a bowl, or pass through the food processor, until smooth. In a separate medium sized mixing bowl, combine eggs, skim evaporated milk, brown sugar and spices for filling. Add potatoes and mix thoroughly. Fill the pre-baked pie shell and bake for 45 minutes, topping with chopped walnuts for the last 10 minutes.

    ** Note: If you are not familiar with PB2, it is a powdered peanut butter product that can be purchased through - They have removed most of the oil from traditional natural peanut butter and turned it into a powdered form, which is ideal for mixing into dry ingredients. I just ordered and received this product and this is my first foray into baking with it. It has only 45 calories and 1.5g of fat per 2 Tbsp serving, making it a great addition to this low cal dessert!


    Per serving
    Calories 238
    Carbs 36
    Fat 7
    Protein 9
    Fiber 4
    Sodium 153

    I still have no idea how this recipe tastes - The pie is cooling in the kitchen and I'll wait until after dinner to dig in. Looks great though and will comment on the taste in a later update.

    As for what I would change... When I was making the crust it was a lot of trial and error. Initially, I had intended on using only 1/2c of oats but the mixture was too wet. In the future I would use only 1/2c oats, 1-2 egg whites and 1 Tbsp of maple syrup (again, trial and error, really). If you wanted to cut down on calories and that, you could substitute the evaporated milk for skim or soy milk (adding 1/4 cup instead of 1/2 cup) or use sugar and egg substitutes. You could also omit the walnuts entirely.

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I tried to make the pics smaller in photobucket, but no such luck. Sorry! I'm a bit computer illiterate, sometimes.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Update: Just had a piece of the sweet potato pie after dinner with some chai tea...

    The filling was delicious! It paired so well with the walnuts and was definitely sweet enough - a very nice treat. The crust on the other hand was a bust. It turned out very hard and was really not that great. I am not sure whether that should be attributed to the egg whites or PB2, since I've used neither before in this capacity, but I imagine they could have both contributed. In the future I would use neither. Instead, I would use:

    12 graham crackers, ground
    1/2 cup oats, coarsely ground
    2 Tbsp maple syrup
    2 Tbsp apple sauce
    1 tsp cinnamon

    Mix together and bake at 425 for 8-10 mins. Should make for a decent crumble, and the pie could easily be turned out upside-down onto a serving plate, since the filling is quite solid (like a pumpkin pie, really). Overall, still calling this a success, but the recipe needs some tuning!
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    NAME OF RECIPE: Sweet Potato Fritters with Blackberry-Mustard Sauce
    Here's where I got it from!
    Instead of limes as garnish, I dipped fritters in a blackberry-mustard sauce. (Combine 1 cup blackberries, 1.5 tablespoons of mustard, 1 tablespoon of honey until it looks like chunky sauce)


    * 1 large sweet potato (about 1 pound)
    * 3 tablespoons olive oil, divided
    * 1 medium onion, chopped
    * 2 large poblano peppers or small green bell peppers, chopped
    * 1 1/4 teaspoon paprika
    * dash of salt
    * 3/4 cup fine yellow cornmeal
    * 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
    * 3/4 teaspoon baking powder
    * 1 large egg, lightly beaten
    * 1/4 cup water


    1. Preheat oven to 425°F. Coat a baking sheet with cooking spray.
    2. Prick sweet potato in several places with a fork. Microwave on High until just cooked through, 7 to 10 minutes. Set aside to cool.
    3. Meanwhile, heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and peppers and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened.
    4. Whisk cornmeal, flour, baking powder, paprika and salt in a medium bowl.
    5. Peel the sweet potato and mash in a large bowl with a fork. Stir in the onion-pepper mixture, egg and water. Add the cornmeal mixture and stir until just combined.
    6. Form the sweet potato mixture into eight 3-inch oval fritters, using a generous 1/4 cup for each. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Cook 4 fritters until golden brown, 1 to 2 minutes per side. Transfer to the prepared baking sheet. Repeat with the remaining fritters and oil.
    7. Bake the fritters until puffed and firm to the touch, 8 to 10 minutes. Serve the fritters with lime wedges, or blackberry mustard sauce (my preference!) if desired.


    Calories (321) Carbs (28) Fat (14) Protein (21) Sodium (297) Fiber (3)


    Makes 8 Fritters, 2 Fritters per Serving = 4 Servings!


    This was a bit out of my comfort zone for cooking - but sweet potatoes are something that I cook with a lot, and I wanted to try something different! Using the poblano peppers, I thought that the fritters would be hotter than they were. There is definitely room for more spices in this recipe (although, if you know me, you know I'm a spice-nut and will ALWAYS add more!) I would stick with the pepper-type of spices (cayenne pepper, black pepper, chili, more paprika). It still had a muted sweet taste, and I loved the combo of the fritter taste with the tartness of the blackberry sauce.

    PICTURE (optional):


  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Your pictures are always SO enticing, stuartme123!! I want to eat everything you make! haha Neat recipe find.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I got this recipe from here:

    Maple Roasted Sweet Potatoes

    12 servings, about 1/2 cup each

    Active Time: 10 minutes

    Total Time: 1 hour 10 minutes

    2 1/2 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1 1/2-inch pieces (about 8 cups)
    1/3 cup pure maple syrup
    2 tablespoons butter, melted
    1 tablespoon lemon juice
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    Freshly ground pepper, to taste

    Preheat oven to 400°F.
    Arrange sweet potatoes in an even layer in a 9-by-13-inch glass baking dish. Combine maple syrup, butter, lemon juice, salt and pepper in small bowl. Pour the mixture over the sweet potatoes; toss to coat.
    Cover and bake the sweet potatoes for 15 minutes. Uncover, stir and cook, stirring every 15 minutes, until tender and starting to brown, 45 to 50 minutes more.

    Per serving: 96 calories; 2 g fat (1 g sat, 0 g mono); 5 mg cholesterol; 19 g carbohydrates; 1 g protein; 2 g fiber; 118 mg sodium; 189 mg potassium.

    Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin A (230% daily value), Vitamin C (15% dv)

    My changes: I halved the recipe for my family of three and left out the salt. I didn't have pure maple syrup but used some that was 1/2 maple and 1/2 canola. I wish I had made the whole recipe! We only got about 5 1/2-cup servings out of halving the recipe, and my husband and I loved these. They were very easy to make as well... I just let them cook along with some chicken I was roasting. Yum!
  • Boring as it is, I make the best baked sweet potatoes!

    I bake them skin on in a 350 degree oven for 2 hrs. They come out so creamy you can't beat them!
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    How about whipped sweet potatoes with cranberries? Mmmmmm....
    Boil and mash peeled and diced sweet potatoes, whip them with just a little light butter or margarine, and add boiled cranberries. If you can't find fresh cranberries to boil, you can usually find the Ocean Spray Craisins in the dried fruit aisle. Just boil them for a couple of minutes to re-hydrate them and mix them into the sweet potatoes. Delicious!

    Sounds great, and soooo simple, plus, it has one of Dr. Oz's favorite ingredients: cranberries!! Thanks!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Make sure you enter your sweet potato recipes by tomorrow at 5 PST if you want to be considered in the voting!
  • tessjordan88
    tessjordan88 Posts: 201 Member
    How about whipped sweet potatoes with cranberries? Mmmmmm....
    Boil and mash peeled and diced sweet potatoes, whip them with just a little light butter or margarine, and add boiled cranberries. If you can't find fresh cranberries to boil, you can usually find the Ocean Spray Craisins in the dried fruit aisle. Just boil them for a couple of minutes to re-hydrate them and mix them into the sweet potatoes. Delicious!

    Sounds great, and soooo simple, plus, it has one of Dr. Oz's favorite ingredients: cranberries!! Thanks!

    Yeah, I love the simple reipes the best! To make something that invigorates your tastebuds with the fewest ingredients possible is the most fun! ( K-I-S-S = keep it simple silly! )
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    I'm just gonna butt in and bump........
    I LOVE sweet potatoes!

    Did you know the picture you posted is of a yam, not a sweet potato?
    Yams have the reddish skin with an oranger (is that a word??? lol) inside.
    Sweet potatoes have a light brownish/tan skin and a much lighter inside.

    I cube sweet potatoes, butternut and acorn squash, sprinkle with
    olive oil, a sprinkle of dry onion soup mix and roast in the oven.
    Love the crunchy exterior and soft interior.

    No food counts, so not in for the judging!
    Love all of your other posts and recipes!!

  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I'm just gonna butt in and bump........
    I LOVE sweet potatoes!

    Did you know the picture you posted is of a yam, not a sweet potato?
    Yams have the reddish skin with an oranger (is that a word??? lol) inside.
    Sweet potatoes have a light brownish/tan skin and a much lighter inside.

    I cube sweet potatoes, butternut and acorn squash, sprinkle with
    olive oil, a sprinkle of dry onion soup mix and roast in the oven.
    Love the crunchy exterior and soft interior.

    No food counts, so not in for the judging!
    Love all of your other posts and recipes!!


    I realized that after I went out and bought sweet potatoes. Silly google giving me the wrong pictures :P
  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    Yum! They are so good for you!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I'm just gonna butt in and bump........
    I LOVE sweet potatoes!

    Did you know the picture you posted is of a yam, not a sweet potato?
    Yams have the reddish skin with an oranger (is that a word??? lol) inside.
    Sweet potatoes have a light brownish/tan skin and a much lighter inside.

    I cube sweet potatoes, butternut and acorn squash, sprinkle with
    olive oil, a sprinkle of dry onion soup mix and roast in the oven.
    Love the crunchy exterior and soft interior.

    No food counts, so not in for the judging!
    Love all of your other posts and recipes!!


    I realized that after I went out and bought sweet potatoes. Silly google giving me the wrong pictures :P
    Where I live, the orange yams are actually sold as sweet potatoes and proper sweet potatoes are really impossible to find. So we don't have much of a choice!
  • Where I live, the orange yams are actually sold as sweet potatoes and proper sweet potatoes are really impossible to find. So we don't have much of a choice!

    Me too! Except it is yams that are harder to find unprepared, I think... XD
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Voting has been posted for this challenge! Go here:
    Vote for which sweet potato dish you think has been the best! Voting will end on Wednesday at 5PM PST! Make sure to get your votes in!

    The next challenge will be up in about an hour.
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    Update: Just had a piece of the sweet potato pie after dinner with some chai tea...

    The filling was delicious! It paired so well with the walnuts and was definitely sweet enough - a very nice treat. The crust on the other hand was a bust. It turned out very hard and was really not that great. I am not sure whether that should be attributed to the egg whites or PB2, since I've used neither before in this capacity, but I imagine they could have both contributed. In the future I would use neither. Instead, I would use:

    12 graham crackers, ground
    1/2 cup oats, coarsely ground
    2 Tbsp maple syrup
    2 Tbsp apple sauce
    1 tsp cinnamon

    Mix together and bake at 425 for 8-10 mins. Should make for a decent crumble, and the pie could easily be turned out upside-down onto a serving plate, since the filling is quite solid (like a pumpkin pie, really). Overall, still calling this a success, but the recipe needs some tuning!

    Meag, this sounds awesome!! I don't really make desserts while I'm at school (barely enough time to make a proper dinner most nights...) but I definitely want to try making this for Thanksgiving at the end of Nov - usually my father has a monopoly on the desserts, but this seriously sounds too good not to try!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Thanks! And the revised crust would actually be healthier than the original! haha good luck :)
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