Starting Over October 25

Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello everyone! :happy:

For those of you that don't know me yet, I wanted to give a little bit of background on me...don't worry, it's painless and I will keep it short, lol. :laugh: My heaviest weight was 191 pounds and I wore size 18 clothes (even though I should have worn a 20, but I was prideful and didn't wanna get the bigger size). I had literally tried everything to lose weight, including so many different weird pills, shakes, etc. and nothing really worked for me. I saw Power 90 (the basic one, not the X) on tv and decided to give it a go. With Power 90, I got down to around 145 pounds and a size 12. Then I did Turbo Jam and then P90X. At my smallest I was 126 pounds and wearing a loose size 6. That was back in 2008. Since then my weight has bounced around and fluctuated weekly for different reasons.

I have recently gone through classes to become a certified personal trainer, and I have also become certified to teach group fitness and Turbo Kick classes. I pretty much know what to do to lose weight and keep it off, but my lazy bones loves to cheat on the food thing and would rather play Warcraft than exercise lately...:angry::mad: :sad:

So, using the knowledge that I have concerning exercise, I have decided that I am going to be doing the Insanity full schedule and adding the ChaLEAN Extreme weight lifting workouts on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Because Insanity lasts 9 weeks total, I will be doing each ChaLEAN phase workouts for 3 weeks including the Insanity recovery week.

Food will be a challenge for me, as it always has been. According to MFP, I should be eating 1210 calories plus my exercise calories...and I don't even know what these workouts are going to burn. I have a HRM which I will use everyday. I plan on using that first week's measurements as a way to estimate the calories burned for the rest of the first half of the program because I like to plan my food first. I have planned to eat around 1600 calories or so each day which basically is letting me eat back 400 exercise calories. Since we are not really supposed to eat back ALL of the calories, I am hoping to get a burn of about 500 or more per day. If I don't, then I will adjust the food next week. :wink:

I will be measuring my success with a variety of things...first, I have this *thing* for before and after pictures. We see ourselves everyday in the mirror, and of course we can't see the differences like that. But, once a month, we can tell a difference. Also, I will be weighing myself on the scale ONCE A that's just 3 times during the program (tomorrow, mid-program, at the end). I also will be measuring inches from my waist around my belly button. And finally, I am going to measure body fat using calipers. I don't like to just go by the scale because that thing is frustrating! All the water weight gain/loss, daily fluctuations, TOM's easy to see why so many women stress over it, but that's why I decided long ago to use more than just the scale.

At any rate, I will be measuring and taking those dreaded Day 1 pictures tomorrow. I most likely will NOT be posting those profile picture was taken back in 2008 at my lowest weight...and I can't wear those shorts right now without sucking it in. :sad: :sad: :sad: But, one of my goals for this program is take another picture wearing that exact outfit and have it look just as nice. :happy:

I plan on posting here everyday with updates and for accountability. I would love to have you join me or stop by once in a while to say hi. I can't wait to get started, especially during the "fattest" season of the year!


  • FORGET October 25th, why don't you start over now, October 24th. That's one day sooner you can reach your goals, think about it.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    FORGET October 25th, why don't you start over now, October 24th. That's one day sooner you can reach your goals, think about it.

    I would do that, but I always rest from exercise on Sundays. :flowerforyou:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    It's going to be a long day. I work 3rd shift and get off work at 7am, but I don't get to go home and sleep at that time. I have to stay at work so I can go to court at 9am, and I have no idea how long I have to stay there. I wish they had night court for us third shift officers.

    At any rate, when I wake up sometime in the afternoon or early evening I will be taking my pictures and day 1 measurements. I am not looking forward to seeing what those are going to be, but I am looking forward to getting starting on making those reduce! I am also curious to see what my HRM is going to tell me about Insanity Fit Test and ChaLEAN Burn Circuit 1. I have never worn my HRM for either of these programs. I am hoping that I did OK making my food plan this week!

    I'll be posting those horrible day 1 measurements later today as well as my calorie burn for my workouts. Time to wave bye-bye to fat forever!!!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Insanity Fit Test complete! In 26 minutes, I burned a total of 419 calories!!! And here's my stats for the Fit Test:

    Switch Kicks, 109
    Power Jacks, 42
    Power Knees, 90
    Power Jumps, 25
    Globe Jumps, 9
    Suicide Jumps, 12
    Push-Up Jacks, 15
    Low Plank Obliques, 43

    I can see already that I have a lot of work to do because those are really low compared the numbers I was pulling last year when I did Insanity. That will really teach me to take such a long hiatus from working out!!! I have to build up my muscle because my legs felt really weak, and so did my chest and triceps during the push-up movements. Today is just the first day, though, and I have lots of time left.

    Time to go drink my protein shake and let my muscles calm down!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Circuit 1 is finished! I couldn't find my thigh toner band, so I used the yellow band that came with Brazil Butt Lift instead. It seems to have worked as my heart rate got up and stayed up the whole time. In the 36 minutes I worked out, I burned 595 calories!

    I would say that I am off to a great start with this new program. I am about to go eat another meal and then relax for a while playing Warcraft making sure my muscles get plenty of rest.

    I can't wait to see how my body changes at the end of this program. :happy:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    It's been awhile since I have done Plyo Cardio Circuit and it sure did show! I had a very hard time getting past the different moves in plank at the end, but I did the best that I could. I ended up burning 618 calories so I feel that I did great. So this is two days in a row that I have done my workouts and eaten all that was on my food plan. Hopefully I can keep this up!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Wow, I felt really out of it today! I did the best that I could, but I was working out on less sleep than I prefer. I had a dentist appointment this morning, so I had to try to sleep at night (which is actually harder than you might think for us 3rd shift workers!). I got *maybe* 4 hours of sleep before the appointment. When I got home, I laid around on the couch for a while and didn't even eat breakfast because I was going to try to get a little more sleep. I finally ate breakfast around 1:00 or so, and then I took a nap for about 2-3 hours. After that, I filled up with some water and went to work.

    Considering that I was not at my optimum for working out, I still think I did really well. Obviously there are lots of places where I want to improve, especially where the push-ups are concerned. I can do push-ups easily, but when they are thrown in the middle of a cardio workout, they are all of a sudden much, much harder to do cause you are already out of breath before you start!

    At any rate, I did Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance for 39 minutes and burned off 560 calories! When I get some more food and some more rest, I will do ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Circuit 2 to strengthen the muscles some more.

    I am going to be sooo tempted to weigh myself at the end of the week, but I must resist! New exercise programs normally show no change or a slight gain at first before the weight loss comes, and I don't want to see that on the scale and get upset. So the scale will stay in the closet until it is time to weigh in at the end of the first half of the program in a month from now.

    I'm sure that this has to be working with all the calories burned and the good food I am eating. :flowerforyou:
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    It was interesting to read your post. I was wondering if I could join you? I am going to start Slim in 6 on Friday and I just today started the South Beach Diet. I was looking for a group to join as I like it to have others to keep me accountable and to motivate each other. At the moment nothing seem to come up. Also I will be doing ChaLean Extreme next year so it will be interesting to see how you are getting on!

    Let me know if it is ok to join you and we can support and motivate each other :smile:

  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Of course you can join! I was hoping to have even more join as time went along since I just got started this week. There's nothing better than people to help you along the way and stay accountable, cause I have found out that for myself, if I go alone, I don't normally make it to the end.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    So, I realize that it has only been 3 days since I started, but I am already feeling some results! Tonight when I put my uniform on, it wasn't nearly as tight as it has been the past month or so and it's actually on the verge of being "comfortable," if you can really say that about all the gear I have to wear, lol. :bigsmile:

    I didn't have time to do Burn Circuit 2, but I would like to try to get it in there this week. I might do it tomorrow and then skip a day til Saturday to do Burn Circuit 3 cause I don't want to do weight training 2 days in a row. I need to give my muscles time to recover.

    I'm just so excited that I am already getting results!!!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi and thanks fro letting me join :smile:

    Great to hear that you are already seeing results. That will make it easier for me to move my bum tomorrow :wink:

    I finished the 2nd day of the South Beach Diet and I am loving it at the moment. It just seems exactly what I wanted. Back into exercising tomorrow!!

    Keep it up

    Have a good day
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Wow, I feel like a laxy bum today. :cry: When I got home from work, I had a splitting headache and I also was very tired, so I took a Goody's PM right before going to bed. I was so groggy when I woke up it wasn't even funny. I was tired and draggin' all day! I am at work now and will be leaving halfway through the shift because I am still not totally awake.

    So that means I didn't cook what I planned, I ordered a stupid pizza and ate 1475 calories worth of that crap. :cry: I had a healthy breakfast, though, and I have been drinking water...but because I was so sleepy today I didn't workout. :brokenheart: So that means I am 555 calories over my limit.

    But here's the good news! Haha, even though I am going home early tonight, I am actually getting over the grogginess guess what? Yep, that's right! I will be getting my workout in after all when I get home. :tongue: I will be doing ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Circuit 2 which was actually supposed to be yesterday's second workout. When I wake up tomorrow, I will be right on schedule to do Pure Cardio in the morning and Burn Circuit 3 in the evening. I didn't get Cardio Recovery in, but I will be making that up on Sunday ("rest day") and counting today as my rest day from Insanity. So I am going to log in that exercise and see how many calories I burned...thank you HRM...and hopefully I will come close to breaking even for the day.

    I know it's not a total loss, but it is sooo early in the program! I was hoping to make it to Thanksgiving before having a big ol' oopsie like this.

    Next time, I will take the Goody's without the PM medicine in it!!!

    I will post later on with the calories burned and re-submit my daily journal with those calories factored in. YAY for making good decisions when the day started out so crappy! :flowerforyou:

    Daisy, I have heard some good things about the South Beach Diet. I have never done it, but some people that I am friends with have lost a lot of weight with it, and when you get to the point where you can gradually add in more carbs, you will see your energy level skyrocket. I believe it works the same as the P90X diet which I have actually done. Tear up that exercise, and lets burn some fat together!!!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    OK, well, poo...I didn't get to go home early today because there was a horrible accident that I had to respond to and it took up most of the night. So, what I decided to do was Pure Cardio and Burn Circuit 2 tomorrow (later today for you first shifters), save Burn Circuit 3 for Saturday evening, and then do Cardio Recovery on Sunday starting Week 2 on Monday as normal and moving along with regularly scheduled workouts. This way I am not doubling more than I had previously planned anyway even though I am not doing the CLX workouts right when I wanted to. I am using today as my rest day instead of Sunday so I am swapping the "do nothing" with "Cardio Recovery." No extra workouts, just moving stuff around to fit them all in safely.

    Whew. What a night at work. I will be so ready for bed when I get off.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Insanity Pure Cardio is in the bag, and 597 calories have hit the dust. I felt like I had more energy today than previously in the week, so perhaps that rest day yesterday was a better thing than I had thought. I am still going to try to squeeze in Burn Circuit 2 this evening before heading off to work. I am sooo tempted to step on the scale this weekend, but I have to keep my feet away from that thing and wait until the end of this first month of workouts! Cause then I will be even more happy with the results as the difference in numbers will be bigger.

    I hope everyone reading this is doing great with their workouts and food as well. I am so glad that I found this website to help me along!!!
  • cjbranson
    cjbranson Posts: 121
    Great job! Insanity is an awesome program and you will LOVE your results!! Keep it up and I look forward to reading about your journey :)
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    Well done you keeping it up!! You are keeping really busy! I haven't done any exercise today! I hope I'll find the energy tomorrow. I just have to get started!!

    I really like the South Beach Diet as I was looking for a way to eat more healthily and eat less carbs and it really helps me. All the recipes are so tasty! I love it!

    What are you eating? Are you following the ChaLean Etxreme diet plan? And how are you finding Insanity? I would love to try it one day but this will be still quite a while off...

    Have a good day!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Great job! Insanity is an awesome program and you will LOVE your results!! Keep it up and I look forward to reading about your journey :)

    Thanks. :flowerforyou: I'm really looking forward to seeing my results!!!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member

    Well done you keeping it up!! You are keeping really busy! I haven't done any exercise today! I hope I'll find the energy tomorrow. I just have to get started!!

    I really like the South Beach Diet as I was looking for a way to eat more healthily and eat less carbs and it really helps me. All the recipes are so tasty! I love it!

    What are you eating? Are you following the ChaLean Etxreme diet plan? And how are you finding Insanity? I would love to try it one day but this will be still quite a while off...

    Have a good day!

    I'm actually not following ANY diet plan. After doing lots of research and also learning what my own body responds to the best, I have decided to eat about 50% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fat per day. I also discovered that eating around 1500 calories seems to work best for me...MFP puts me at 1210 calories per day without exercise, and when I add some (but not all) of the exercise calories back to it, my regular goal of 1500 or so works out fine.

    I never stick to any diet plan and it causes too much stress for me to do it. I just learn the good foods to eat, what to stay away from, and then plug it all into my diary so that I can plan to have my 50/30/20 ratio around 1500 calories. I like to get recipes from everywhere, and as long as they work into my ratios, that's good enough for me.

    I refuse to restrict anything completely because when I deny myself Reese's on Halloween, then come November I will be pigging out on more than I should. :flowerforyou:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    And I forgot to mention one more thing. It seems as though I don't have enough time in the day to do both workouts when I have to go to work. I am going to put the ChaLEAN workouts on my days off of work and not count them as part of the program. I will still use those exercise calories when calculating food totals, but I can't plan on doing those workouts because third shift just sucks. :blushing:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Holy cow, I worked so hard today!!! I was able to get through much more of the workout (Plyo Cardio Circuit) without having to take breaks and rest. I had my heart rate up to 191 during the warm-up! I stayed between 180 and 191 through the whole workout. I was completely pooped when I finished and definitely needed a quick pick me up. I was literally shaking I worked so hard. I drank my protein shake right after finishing...and I burned a total of 753 calories in that luscious 41 minute workout. :tongue: I don't think that I could possibly muster enough strength to workout again later in this day, so it's a good thing that I decided not to do the ChaLEAN workouts unless I wasn't working. Even if I was off today, I still would rest. Who REALLY needs to burn 1200 calories from workouts a day anyway??? That just leads to overtraining unless you are an athlete, and even though one of my goals is to become as fit as an athlete, I am not there right this second. :noway:

    I am simply going to relax for the rest of the day sitting here at this computer or in front of the TV until it is time to go to work. I need to veg out after working off all those calories!!! :flowerforyou:
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