Starting Over October 25



  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    It's great that you found a way to eat right and just follow your own ideas! I am generally not eating that bad. No fast food not much chocolate etc. I was just eating a lot of white carbs if that makes sense...potaoes and pasta etc. I just did not feel great with doing that but didn't quite know how to substitute that is why I chose the South Beach Diet for me. We will see how it goes but as I said before I am feeing great with it at the moment.

    And I finally managed to exercise today. Did the Start it up dvd of the Slim in 6 series. I liked it but I didn't feel great so was a bit weak. It is was harder than it looks. I gonna stick with that for a couple of days and then move on. Just to get back in the habbit and so on.

    Hope you are having a god day :smile:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Good job getting started again on your workouts! I am sure that you will build up your strength fairly quickly as long as you stick with it. Don't ever give up and try not make any excuses that you will regret later!

    I finished my workout for the day and burned 681 calories. I did Cardio Power and Resistance. I think that I was able to get through it easier than last week, which is a relief. I still have to take breaks here and there, but I am getting farther into these workouts without takingthe amount and the length of breaks that I was taking before, so I believe that I am doing great.

    Tomorrow's workout is Pure Cardio, and so far I think that one is the hardest even if I don't burn as many calories doing it compared to other workouts. Maybe that's because I am taking too many breaks? I don't know. But I still get an awesome burn from it, and as long as I stick to my goal of 1400-1599 calories, I should be doing fine. I won't be measuring again for about 3 more weeks, but I am expecting some good results!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I almost didn't exercise today. I woke up a lot later than usual because this week, I have just been more tired. Perhaps my body is responding to all this exercise by trying to get decent sleep, something that I was deprived of when I wasn't working out like I should. :wink:

    But I pushed through my workout anyway, albeit late in the day, and burned off 651 calories doing Pure Cardio! WOO HOO!!!

    Is it the end of the month yet? I wanna check my stats and get the ticker on this website to finally MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I didn't get off work on time yesterday because I had some training to go to in the morning after working my shift, so when I woke up after sleeping all day I didn't have enough energy to even think about attempting an Insanity workout. I did workout, though, and I did Cardio Axe from Brazil Butt Lift. I still think I look like a goon trying to dance or shake my butt around, but I had a lot of fun anyway. And I burned off 480 calories from it as well! I took out one of my snacks, though, because I didn't want to stay awake long enough to have both. Also, since the burn from exercise was slightly lower than usual, I didn't want to eat as much as usual so I could keep the same calorie deficit. All in all, I think the day turned out OK.

    Today I have lots more energy to spare. I will be doing Plyo Cardio Circuit again, and I would really like to get through all those plank moves at the end. I want to build the muscles in my upper body, and push-ups are a great way to do that. It's just harder putting push-ups into the cardio workout near the end of it because your body is already tired by that time...but, yeah, I guess that's the whole point: to make us work harder and get stronger. :bigsmile:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Today's workout is done! Plyo Cardio Circuit, 663 calories!!!

    I just can't wait to start seeing results. I know that it takes more than a few days to get the results that I am looking for, so I am going to keep going no matter how I feel on certain days. I want to go all the way to the end and see that my midsection shrank. :flowerforyou:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I haven't been doing so well the last couple of days, but I am still plugging along. I didn't workout yesterday at all because I was sooo tired. I didn't much sleep, and I felt like I could have slept all day if I wanted to do it. I did OK on the food, but I did splurge on some cookies. If I didn't have those cookies, it would have been a great day. I don't think it took me back though, cause I feel like I am really doing well right now. I probably won't be working out today either since I am not going to be home. I might even go out to eat. I have been wanting to do it for a week but I haven't been able to.

    But tomorrow I will be back on track eating the way that I am supposed to and working off those 600 or so calories a day! :bigsmile:

    I hope everyone else is doing great too. I think we all need to step back sometimes and realize that it is a lifestyle change and just a couple of thingies aren't going to completely kill us. :flowerforyou:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I sure am glad that I am able to motivate myself since I seem to be the only posting here. :wink: But that's OK, cause I'll just use this thread as a sort of journal for myself to make sure that I am staying on track. :bigsmile:

    Today I have the second Fit Test for Insanity. I will be using this as the "middle" Fit Test since I am only doing it 3 times. I honestly do not have enough time in the day to do both the Fit Test and another workout on the same day, so I will just do it today since it is the only one on the schedule and once again on the last day of my program. I know you are supposed to do it every 2 weeks, but I would rather do the other workouts on the schedule since I need to be taking one of them out on those "double" days.

    I have a lot of leftovers in the house that should last me at least 2-3 days. Some of it is not the healthiest stuff in the world since I splurged and went out to eat yesterday. I will be having the "not-so-healthy" leftovers today AFTER I workout, and then they will be out of the house. Then I will have some healthy chicken and some healthy pasta leftover for the next couple of days. I didn't have time to go to the grocery store this weekend, so I will be stretching the leftovers until at least Wednesday...which is both my day off work, and Justin's day off work, so we can go together. I like to go grocery shopping with him because he prevents me from buying stuff that I should Reese's. :happy:

    Have a great day everyone! I will update later after I finish my Fit Test with some results as well as total calories burned! :flowerforyou:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I didn't do the Fit Test yesterday as I had planned because I was flat out exhausted again. I am so sick of being tired all day long, but that's what working third shift does to me. :grumble: I didn't even wake up until dinner time so I literally didn't even have time to workout. Wake up, eat, go to work, go home, sleep all day...BLAH!

    At any rate, I did the Fit Test today and I got some good results! Here's how I did on both October 25 (starting day) and today:

    Switch Kicks: 109 120
    Power Jacks: 42 51
    Power Knees: 90 90
    Power Jumps: 25 47
    Globe Jumps: 9 10
    Push-up Jacks: 15 18
    Low Plank Obliques: 43 47

    I am not sure what happened with the Power Knees that I didn't make that number go up at all, but at least everything else was a good improvement. I am really happy about the Power Jumps because those are really hard.

    I burned 409 calories in today's Fit Test, which is weird since it is 10 calories less than last time. Maybe if I would have tried a little harder on the Power Knees I could have knocked out that extra 10 calories. :bigsmile: But I still think that it is a great burn. I will have over 600 calories burned tomorrow anyway since I will be doing Plyo Cardio Circuit, and I seem to burn the most so far with that workout than the others.

    I also couldn't stand the wait, so I hopped on the scale just to see if it was going in the right direction after all this exercise and valiant attempts at eating right, haha. I was excited to see that I have already lost 3 pounds! That just gives me more motivation to continue and to keep trying harder with every workout. It is obviously working if I am losing an average of 1.5 pounds per week!!!

    Time for me to jump in the shower. I hope everyone else out there is doing great. Feel free to join me on this journey. :flowerforyou:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Plyo Cardio Circuit is done, and 695 calories are done for! I haven't even eaten 695 calories yet today, lol! So I am working a major deficit already. I was going to get a 6" sub from Subway this afternoon, but I am now planning on getting the whole footlong and eating the second half as a "snack" so I get all my calories today. I want to workout again later on since it is only noon right now, and I feel like eating the entire 700 calories from the sub will prepare me since that plus breakfast is about 1000 or so total...then I will have another snack and dinner to bring me up to around 1600 or so. Not too bad. I just have some energy to expel today. I was sooo lacking on energy yesterday, and I guess my body was just saving it up for today. That's why I decided to do a double workout. Double that calorie burn!!! :flowerforyou:

    Besides, I want to see more of a poundage drop. I am very happy with the 3 pounds I lost so far...time to make that 3 pounds into 5 pounds for the end of this month's workouts. That would mean that the scale would be nice enough to tell me that I weigh 138 on November 21. Oh, let's hope, let's hope!!!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Wow, anyone that thinks that Insanity won't work you, think again! I burned off 948 calories doing Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs which was slightly less than an hour of working out. I don't think that I have ever burned that many calories in a workout! I love Turbo Kick, but my burn is far less doing those workouts. I also love P90X, but I think 600 is the max I burn with those. I hate sounding like an advertisement, but if you are looking for a cardio workout that will annihilate your calories, you gotta try Insanity. WOW!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Well, I've been at it for about 3 weeks now, and I can honestly say that I know for a fact that my cardiovascular efficiency and endurance have both drastically increased in this short period of time. I know that doing cardio everyday will always give you increases, but I have never seen as much improvement than when I have been doing Insanity. It truly is the best cardio workout that I have ever done, when the goals are improved heart and lung functions. I have also seen my resting heart rate drop dramatically as well. Back on October 25, my resting heart rate was around 90 when I was just lying around on the couch. Last week I noticed that it was consistently around 80. This week it was even lower than that, and before I started exercising while I was putting on my shoes, it was only 68. I didn't think that was correct, so I checked it a couple more times...the highest it was before exercising was 73 and that is when I got up to put the DVD in the player. My max heart rate and average heart rate while exercising stayed the same as usual, but I also noticed that I am definitely able to push through more of the video with less breaks. So all in all, I see this as a great success in bettering my health! And I have 6 more weeks to go before I am finished with the program. :bigsmile:

    Today was Cardio Power and Resistance, and I burned a total of 571 calories. I also worked off the soreness that I was feeling in my hip flexors after doing Cardio Abs last night. I want to get to the point to where when I do ab exercises, my hip flexors don't get so sore as they do now. As your core gets stronger, this will happen, because those muscles are connected to the core...and even though you can't get flat abs by doing a million core exercises, I feel that it is important to strengthen all your muscles anyway. So it all works out in the end.

    I still just can't wait to see my final results...or even just those at the end of next week which is the "mid-term" of my program. Hopefully not just my weight went down, but I wanna see a reduction in body fat percentage and that hideous waist measurement. :flowerforyou:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I didn't have as good a workout as normally today, but I still was able to get rid of 610 calories with Plyo Cardio Circuit. I felt a little nauseous during the plank moves in the second circuit, so I had to take a few breaks. That's why my calorie burn was a little lower, but I still did good burning all those calories!

    I think I burned off quite a few more calories cheering for my COWBOYS today! It's about time we started acting like a real football team. A little too late in the season, though, but it was still a good day to be a Dallas fan. :bigsmile:

    I did pretty good with my diet as well, so I should see some good numbers when I step on the scale and take my measurements right before Thanksgiving. I am hoping sooo much that my weight will be under 140. I don't even care if it says 139, as long as it is 130-something that's cool with me. :flowerforyou:

    Tomorrow I have that big calorie burner again...Pure Cardio followed by Cardio Abs. That demolished a lot of calories last time, so I am hoping for much of the same again. I am going to kick up the intensity this week to get maximum fat burn right before stats day...shoot, I mean even burn 1000 calories total. That would be nice. :happy:

    I hope you guys had a great weekend!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I burned 820 calories today Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs. I was thinking that I might burn more today since I was able to get through more of the workout with less breaks. I think that my cardio health is vastly improving, so my max heart rate and average heart rate are just not as high as they were even a week ago while doing these workouts. That's a good thing, because I have more goals than just weight loss. I want to be in the best shape of my life!

    I am not disappointed with the calorie burn at all, though. I mean, wow, 820 calories! :bigsmile: That gives me a huge calorie deficit so I can still eat a good bit of food.

    This is the last week of the month 1 workouts on Insanity. Next week is "recovery week" when I get to do Core Cardio and Balance each day (and also take my measurements and hope for a good return!). And then after Thanksgiving I have to turn it up a notch and blast out those month 2 workouts which I have heard are really killer! I know they are huge calorie burners, so depending on how I do the first couple of days I might need to adjust my food intake. I certainly don't want to be caught not eating enough. I have gone that route before and am glad that I have the tools on this website to help me out and make sure that I am eating the right amount of food on a daily basis.

    Time to hit the shower! I need some relax maybe it's time for a nice bath instead, lol.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I took the day off. I had my cheat meal for the week, and I also did not exercise. It actually felt pretty good to do nothing, as weird as that might sound.

    For the previous 6 days I had been under my calorie goal (except for one day when I hit it right on the nose, which is weird) and I had also burned lots of calories each of those days with insane exercise. So even though today wasn't my normally scheduled rest day, I turned it into such so my body could get a break.

    I have no idea how many calories I ate, lol. I went to China Buffet, so it was packed with calories and I have no way of counting them. It was good and I have no regrets. And I like to take a break from working out every 6 days, so this works out great for me since it was technically right on schedule.

    I will be back to eating "right" and exercising when I wake up, though. I just feel that cheat meals once a week have actually been a vital part of my weight loss journey since I am basically telling my body that I am not depriving it of the foods it loves, and I am also not allowing starvation mode to ever set in cause once a week I go way over my calorie limit. But since my metabolism is in hyperdrive due to the exercise I have been doing, those extra calories will be zapped faster than if I had a cheat meal while just dieting (which I believe sabotages success in that case cause it is exercise that increases your metabolism, so if you are not exercising those cheat meals are hurting you just like before).

    I will be doing Cardio Power and Resistance, and hopefully burning at least 600 calories...just a week or so left before I weigh-in again. Please let me be under 140! I would jump up and down for simply 139. :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Well, I am back at it again in force! I burned more calories with today's Cardio Power and Resistance that I have all of the other times. I demolished 669 calories!!!

    I slept at night last night...because it's my days off work from horrid third shift...and I have found that when I am on a first shift sleeping schedule not only do I sleep better, but my workouts are better and I am more willing to stick to healthy eating.

    I am still praying hard to get on a better schedule than this stupid third shift garbage...

    But on the plus side, at least I am finding ways to make it work so that I can lose weight, inches, and ultimately body fat!!!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I worked out again last night because I not only had some cake, but I also had some left over energy. So I did Turbo Kick Round 39, and I burned a ton of calories. 857 to be exact. I had heard that you can burn up to 1000 calories per hour doing Turbo Jam and Turbo Kick, but I guess I never really believed it until now. I didn't ever use my heart rate monitor with those workouts before, either. But last night's workout only lasted 47 minutes because I skipped the legs section and the abs section (I just wanted the cardio, not the toning parts) and I burned 857!!! WOO HOO!!! Of course I had to eat a little extra last night to compensate for that big burn, but I still did great.

    I just can't wait until that annoying stomach kangaroo pouch is gone for good!!!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I knew that I had to get that measuring in before Thanksgiving because that is the ultimate cheat day for me...but I didn't know when else I would have time, so I went ahead and did it today. I lost 1 more pound and 1.5" from my waist!!! I am so excited about that!!! :happy: :bigsmile: :happy:

    And while I know that this is supposed to be a recovery week, I haven't done the Core Cardio and Balance video at all. I have done Turbo Kick a couple of times wiping out over 800 calories each time. I think next time I will be doing Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs because I actually want to do some push-up and plank moves...I guess that makes me weird or something. :ohwell:

    So far so good. I know that I have been cheating much more than I should, but then again, I am still getting good results. :flowerforyou:

    I recently bought the Biggest Loser cookbook, and there are quite a few items in there (especially breakfasts) that I want to try very soon. They look really good, and I am always looking for more recipes. I can't stand having the same things over and over again. I get bored too easily, lol.

    I haven't calculated my body fat percentage yet, but I will tomorrow. I look forward to seeing how much it went down since my inches and weight both went down and I know that it will be a good result! I hope you are doing well, too!!!
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