Am I a horrible father?



  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    You aren't a horrible father or husband. You have wonderful intentions

    Make sure your wife doesn't feel alienated or judged. Because I'm sensing a bit of that and that may be where her actual issue lies.
    Also have her watch you and daughter workout, to calm any fears she may have.

    Good luck!!
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I didn't make this post to make her look bad I wanted to get opinions from like minded people simply on my daughter's excersize and involvement. I was frustrated because something I thought was awesome took such a crappy turn. I mean she seems perfectly fine to me, but she has complained mildly about her tummy.

    Your first post was good, I just personally think you may have a gone a tad overboard with the second. Just trying to save you the trouble of a mix up over an internet vent. Not a biggie. It's pretty clear that your heart is in the right place. At least IMHO.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    lol, kindof stacking the deck against your wife coming to a fitness site for support. lol
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    My 7 year old daughter decided yesterday that she wanted to excersize with me. I did just a mild set consisting of jumping jacks, running man's, seal jumping jacks, crunches, bicycles kicks, and I did some burpees which she was intriqued by and did them with me. She mimicked me and had a blast doing it. Today she says her stomach hurts (abs) and my wife is all ticked off at me for letting her do the workout with me. I didn't force her to she just wanted to do it with me. Is this terrible? I don't think so, but I guess I could be wrong.

    No, you are an OK father.

    You are HORRIBLE at husband though. The proper answer to your wife is as follows:

    Daughter: My tummy hurts.
    Wife: See husband! You shouldn't have had her do that stuff with you yesterday, I told you so.
    Husband: Pffft! It was your lousy cooking.
  • Fat2FitMyDrive
    Fat2FitMyDrive Posts: 83 Member
    I didn't make this post to make her look bad I wanted to get opinions from like minded people simply on my daughter's excersize and involvement. I was frustrated because something I thought was awesome took such a crappy turn. I mean she seems perfectly fine to me, but she has complained mildly about her tummy.

    Your first post was good, I just personally think you may have a gone a tad overboard with the second. Just trying to save you the trouble of a mix up over an internet vent. Not a biggie. It's pretty clear that your heart is in the right place. At least IMHO.

    I appreciate that. I'm not trying to stack the deck, but entertaining this idea on Facebook or a childrens rights site may have taken a drastically different turn. Which is why I chose to post it here with many like minded individuals. It is tough sometimes putting everything I have into obtaining my fitness goals and seeing her on the sideline so to speak, so you could be correct she may feel alienated a little, but I hope not as that's never my intention.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    You aren't a horrible father or husband. You have wonderful intentions

    Make sure your wife doesn't feel alienated or judged. Because I'm sensing a bit of that and that may be where her actual issue lies.
    Also have her watch you and daughter workout, to calm any fears she may have.

    Good luck!!

    Just trip her.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I didn't make this post to make her look bad I wanted to get opinions from like minded people simply on my daughter's excersize and involvement. I was frustrated because something I thought was awesome took such a crappy turn. I mean she seems perfectly fine to me, but she has complained mildly about her tummy.

    Your first post was good, I just personally think you may have a gone a tad overboard with the second. Just trying to save you the trouble of a mix up over an internet vent. Not a biggie. It's pretty clear that your heart is in the right place. At least IMHO.

    I appreciate that. I'm not trying to stack the deck, but entertaining this idea on Facebook or a childrens rights site may have taken a drastically different turn. Which is why I chose to post it here with many like minded individuals. It is tough sometimes putting everything I have into obtaining my fitness goals and seeing her on the sideline so to speak, so you could be correct she may feel alienated a little, but I hope not as that's never my intention.

    Don't you wish there were an "ignore" feature IRL?
  • Fat2FitMyDrive
    Fat2FitMyDrive Posts: 83 Member
    My 7 year old daughter decided yesterday that she wanted to excersize with me. I did just a mild set consisting of jumping jacks, running man's, seal jumping jacks, crunches, bicycles kicks, and I did some burpees which she was intriqued by and did them with me. She mimicked me and had a blast doing it. Today she says her stomach hurts (abs) and my wife is all ticked off at me for letting her do the workout with me. I didn't force her to she just wanted to do it with me. Is this terrible? I don't think so, but I guess I could be wrong.

    No, you are an OK father.

    You are HORRIBLE at husband though. The proper answer to your wife is as follows:

    Daughter: My tummy hurts.
    Wife: See husband! You shouldn't have had her do that stuff with you yesterday, I told you so.
    Husband: Pffft! It was your lousy cooking.

  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    so you mean to tell me you actually spent time with your child and performed an activity that would ultimately lead to bettering their life?

    dude. worst father of the year award material.
  • coretemp
    coretemp Posts: 1,796 Member
    No way! Now you can teach her what recovery periods are for! : )
  • Fat2FitMyDrive
    Fat2FitMyDrive Posts: 83 Member
    No way! Now you can teach her what recovery periods are for! : )

    That's funny I honestly just had this conversation with her. I explained to her that tomorrow she may be a little more sore and that if she wanted to we could excersize a little easier again on Tuesday she was like ok daddy!
  • coretemp
    coretemp Posts: 1,796 Member
    No way! Now you can teach her what recovery periods are for! : )

    That's funny I honestly just had this conversation with her. I explained to her that tomorrow she may be a little more sore and that if she wanted to we could excersize a little easier again on Tuesday she was like ok daddy!

  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    Sore abs is not a bad thing for a 7-year-old to experience. Explain to them both that it means her muscles are getting stronger.
  • MzFyreKitty
    MzFyreKitty Posts: 93
    NO, you are setting an excellent example by getting her involved in a healthy lifestyle at a young age and teaching her to love exercise. I wish that my Mom had done that... Are you teaching her to "warm up"' prior to exercising too?

    I remember in elementary school doing all these exercises and being sore after doing some...but it was good for me. No pain, no gain, huh? :) Good luck with the exercising:)
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I agree with everyone else .. mostly. The only real thing that you did wrong .... too much too fast.

    I think that she will likely be more positive going forward if you took it a bit easy for the first while .. and I think that your wife would
    be more receptive too. So relax and try again.

    Good luck .. and yes, overall it is a great thing if you can start them off in a healthy way. You just have to look around to see that this is not happening.
  • Fat2FitMyDrive
    Fat2FitMyDrive Posts: 83 Member
    NO, you are setting an excellent example by getting her involved in a healthy lifestyle at a young age and teaching her to love exercise. I wish that my Mom had done that... Are you teaching her to "warm up"' prior to exercising too?

    I remember in elementary school doing all these exercises and being sore after doing some...but it was good for me. No pain, no gain, huh? :) Good luck with the exercising:)

    Absolutely, we stretched and jogged a few laps around the house before we started. She does stretching and warmups at dance class so she is pretty well versed with that.
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    I think you're being a terrific role model to her! Exercise is good for children--plus, they are more resilient than adults. The extreme soreness will gradually ease off after a few sessions. Just make sure she is hydrated and has some recovery time between strenuous activities. Stretching is a good thing, too, but only after your body temp is up a bit.

    BTW, I coached gymnastics for decades and firmly believe in body weight exercises. If she wants to do it, let her--7 is a great age to start. She's much too young to be a couch potato. Maybe the two of you can inspire your wife to join you.

    Edit: I just saw the above comment. Stretching is good!
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    If you are a horrible father then I am a shockingly awful mother..

    I drag my girls along to yoga classes with me

    and my boy has to swim laps with me in pool.

    The end result is that I have slim healthy teenage daughters and a beanpole son (slowly going to encourage muscle building when he a little older). All three swim like fish and are confident ocean swimmers too. Middle girl just went snorkelling off Rottnest Island. Had the best time.

    Good habits take time to build.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    some of the replies in here make me uncomfortable...nothing like putting your own body hate/body expectations on your children
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    That is adorable.