Pet Peeves



  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    LOL - I relate to sooooooo many of these! My biggest pet peeve is inappropriate use of turn signals. Is it really rocket science??? Either people don't use them at all or they drive down the street for 5 miles with their turn signal patiently blinking waiting for them to actually turn. The worst is when the person just drove 2 miles down Main St with their turn signal on then they turn it off and 1 block later turn. Arrrrrgh.

    *geez - guess that really gets me! LOL

    Oh, and when my daughter messes with the setting on the fridge and I have to throw out food either because it was too warm and spoiled quicker than it should or she cranked it up and they froze. Totally p*sses me off!! Daddy usually gets hollered at for not watching her more closely when I'm at work . . .
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    for me
    gum cracking(how low class)
    gas prices
    skinny(sickly anorexic looking)girls who whine they have to lose wt
    stupid people
    rap "music"
    very obese people who whine they are fat and need to lose while eating fast food with great abandon and never ever do anything about it

    probably more but thats all for now
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    People who aren't "REAL"
    People who suck their teeth

    the list is endless I am sure if I put thought to it...
    and I am sure I am on someones list LOL

  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    My hubby does this all the time...

    (Note: I'm not a phone all) :grumble:

    {Calls} "Hey, what's going on?"
    Me: "Not much, what's up?"
    Him: "Nothing................................................................................(crickets chirp)
    Me: "okay...I'll see you later tonight..."
    Him: "What's up?"
    Me: :explode:
  • jamie77
    jamie77 Posts: 101
    people who rush to get on an elevator before they let those inside the elevator get off.....grrrrrr
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    Note: I'm not a phone all)

    Oh me either and those who know me get it...those who don't just think I am rude...

    I have a cell to txt...LOL

  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    for me
    gum cracking(how low class)
    gas prices
    skinny(sickly anorexic looking)girls who whine they have to lose wt
    stupid people
    rap "music"
    very obese people who whine they are fat and need to lose while eating fast food with great abandon and never ever do anything about it

    probably more but thats all for now

    Ohhhh - gum cracking, smacking and popping really gets my goat!!! I just wanna slap someone . . .
  • jcummings69
    jcummings69 Posts: 183
    hooo.. here i go !

    people reclining their seat in an airplane, i dont recline mine out of respect for the person behind me so i get squish, i then start pushing my knees up the seat ...

    I thought I was one of the only people who thought that it was incredibly rude to recline your seat. Everyone says "Well that's what they are there for!" I'm sorry, but I personally don't enjoy having a stranger in my lap through a 6 hour plane ride. I also don't enjoy trying to get out of my seat with their seat in my lap! Airplane seats are small enough as it is!

    I also HATE when people feel that they have to come to a complete stop to make a right hand turn (like into a parking lot)

    When people pull out in front of you and don't know how to press the accelerator!

    Being put on hold

    People who do not take care of their animals.


    I could go on and on but then I'll just be in a bad mood!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Here's another one. People who get on the Metro bus at the bus stop before letting passengers get off. :angry:
  • tracypaprocki
    cashiers who do not acknowledge your existence when checking you out
    stupid people
    slow drivers in the fast lane
    people who act as though the world owes them
  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member

    Young people, especially males and men (oh well, it's my old school upbringing) who won't give their seat on the bus for their elder or for a female who has to stand. My son knows better than to not offer his seat.

    Yes I'm sure I'll get slammed over that. :ohwell:

    NO slam here. You are absolutely right. Hey all you other guys out there. Let's prove to these ladies that chivalry is NOT dead. I've been married to my wife for 23 years. She's still the most beautiful woman on earth to me. I always open her car door, seat her at restaurants, and make sure that I treat all women like they were my sister, mom, aunt, granny....You guys up for the challenge?
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member

    Young people, especially males and men (oh well, it's my old school upbringing) who won't give their seat on the bus for their elder or for a female who has to stand. My son knows better than to not offer his seat.

    Yes I'm sure I'll get slammed over that. :ohwell:

    NO slam here. You are absolutely right. Hey all you other guys out there. Let's prove to these ladies that chivalry is NOT dead. I've been married to my wife for 23 years. She's still the most beautiful woman on earth to me. I always open her car door, seat her at restaurants, and make sure that I treat all women like they were my sister, mom, aunt, granny....You guys up for the challenge?

    Thank you Cowboy. When I first started dating my late boyfriend he made it very clear to me on our first date that I wasn't to open doors, that was his job. He told me "chivalry is not dead". God bless him. I miss him so much. :cry:
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    When I see a guy with saggy pants, I just tell them, "Hey!! Don't you know crack kills???" and 9 times out of ten they sheepishly hitch up their pants.:embarassed:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That's a good one. I'm using that one.

    off tune violins
    socks with no mates (where do they all go?)
    finding the toilet seat up when there's no time to put it down
    It's Feb Ru Ary, not Feb oo wary
  • jaxkipi
    jaxkipi Posts: 233
    ~Slow people in the FAST lane.
    ~Impatient people (is that like the opposite of the 1st one? What an oxymoron--> me).
    ~People that tempt you into eating bad foods when they know you're on a diet, but they ask you anyway....and they too are on a diet. It's like it makes it better for them if you cheat too. There is a girl that I work with that does this ALL THE TIME. It's annoying. I've been really good tho...:bigsmile:
    ~People who stare....especially when I'm eating.:tongue:
  • jaxkipi
    jaxkipi Posts: 233
    I've done the lunch thing too, Ali! LOL

    Also, the "you're so special/loved emails & forward this on to 87 friends & you'll be blessed in 6 minutes" emails!! ARGH!!!!!!! :explode:

    Ah yes....chain letters...or e-mails...I HATE those too...:mad:
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    socks with no mates (where do they all go?)

    I think I might have them...

  • BigCityKittyz
    BigCityKittyz Posts: 378

    Bathroom Pee ---ves!
    People who talk on cell phones in the bathroom stall next to you....
    Co-workers who "try" to talk to you in the next stall while doing their "business"....UGH!
    No TOILET PAPER in the stall.....and you didn't friggin' check first....
    People who DON'T wash their hands after using the restroom....ewwwww!
    People who DON'T FLUSH! C'mon....that's what the handle is for!
    People letting their kids EAT in the public restroom.....what the heck!

    Road - Rage!
    Getting cut off....and then they make the first right turn....inches from you ramming their como' se llama....and then THEY FLIP you off!

    People who don't give the right away to pedestrians in the cross walk.....

    Red light cameras....there have been soooo many rear end accidents since those things went up and the FREAK me out!

    People who have their music turned up so dang loud that it makes your own car vibrate....

    Creeps staring you down like you should WANT the red light....or anywhere for that matter.

    Neighbor Peeves....

    The neighbor who does yardwork @ 7:45 in the morning....on the WEEKEND....and they're retired!

    The one who let's their dog do it's bizzness in YOUR yard....

    The one who takes my morning paper on occasion....because it fell in FRONT of the curb....

    The one who comments on the way my yard is getting overgrown....and weedy.....well Mr. wanna fix that for me while I'm at work?

    And a pretty big one for me....

    Everyone watching what I'm EATING either because they think I need to go on a diet or they KNOW I'm on a diet...GET A LIFE!

    Whew...that felt good!:tongue:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    LOL - you go girl!! :laugh:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    That woman in my spin class who text messages the whole time.

    Anyone on a quiet subway car or bus that is blabbing on their cellphone.

    People who post on boards or write emails IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. I want them to please stop yelling at me. Thank you.

    "Free range children" whose parents let them run all over the place in Starbucks. My coffee is hot, and I really don't want to scald your precious little snowflake because you're not controlling them. (this is huge in my neighborhood)
  • LightenUp_Caro
    LightenUp_Caro Posts: 572 Member
    the girl who was on the treadmill next to me today in jeans and UGG boots (sweetheart, its like 80 degrees need for that) and full make up and curled hair walking at 2.0 mph talking on the phone.

    i hate you whoever you are.