Hello from the UK!



  • katmil
    katmil Posts: 31
    I'm lucky as I'm on the edge of London, so in fairly easy reach of horses! Although would love to take on a share one day, not many of those around!
    Katie :o)
  • Sheepdoglady
    @ SIM247

    I bet that was upsetting for her, bless her. My son found a dead cat on the grass verge whilst walking back from the school bus stop and I had to see if it was the feral tabby we've been feeding. Luckily it wasn't, but I just couldn't leave it there, so brought it home and buried it. I've put a notice on our village web-site about it, but no-one has claimed it yet. Real shame.

    @ Katmil

    That's cool living within reach of geegees! Means you can get your "fix" quite regularly, even if not riding! You'd be surprised how many people would like help with their horses, have you considered maybe putting a note in the local tack shop/feed merchants? Quite a lot of people, myself included, wouldn't advertise for a sharer, but would love someone to come along regularly and ride their horse not even ask for financial contribution or work in exchange. I've had a few kids come along and get bored after 2 or 3 visits, which is really frustrating. They say they love horses, but when you give them a brush to groom or even sit them on the pony, they realise it's more than just sitting there looking pretty!
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Sheepdoglady - At least it wasn't one of the cats you have been feeding. You were very kind to look after the poor cat and I am sure that the owner's would have appreciate your kindness if they ever knew.
  • Sheepdoglady
    Thanks Simone that's nice of u. and thanks too to everybody it's lovely to feel welcomed by u all
  • naughtydoguk
    I'm from Cheshire and just getting into MFP. Seems pretty rock-on so far!
  • Bikeminx
    Nice to see lots of UK peeps! I'm in Cardiff. Sheepdoglady, your dogs are beautiful! My dad has a long haired collie and he's adorable, so loyal!!! I really want a dog but my house is too small so I have to make do with visits from my dads hehe!
  • Sheepdoglady
    Hiya Naughtydoguk, cool name!

    Thanks Bikeminx, I have 3 collies but the day that pic was taken the other one didn't come out with us cos she was in season. I also have 2 Border Terriers, which are great fun. Your Dad's dog sounds lovely, that's handy if you can get cuddles when he visits, and not have to put up with all the hair and dirt 24/7!!!
  • gingajoy
    a belated hello from Manchester:-) Yes, lots of UK folks here, but the yanks are nice too ;-) Good luck and feel free to friend me if you want support. FYI, have got two cats, Alice & Brian:-)
  • Sheepdoglady
    Hi Ginajoy, added!