She F***ing Hates Me



  • wife2mikejh
    I have been in this situation before as well. I worked for a supervisor that was absolutely horrible. I dreaded going to work and would cry on the way home. Everyone said she was jealous of me because she thought I would get her job eventually. I wasn't the only one she was mean to either. I still have nightmares about this woman! I did end up quitting there because I was pregnant and my blood pressure was spiking during all this. After I quit, I never had any BP problems the rest of my pregnancy! I've moved onto better jobs since then and no longer have that stress!!!!
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    That is super uncomfortable! Sorry that's your work enviornment!

    Personally, I would mostly ignore her unless it's work related. Take the high road and don't let her get to you! You're there to work.

    Also, delete her from facebook. If she's not someone you consider a friend, she shouldn't have access to your outside life. Keep it profesh in the workplace.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Like everyone said, it's her, not you. If kindness and trying hasn't helped it won't. I've had jobs like this, and I've had jobs where everyone is working together and profesional. It makes a HUGE difference both ways! Try your best not to let it color your entire life, because it can seep in to your personal life, too. Which is totally unfair. I agree with keeping it professional and courteous, while doing your job in a way no one could pick out things like using cell phones too much at work. I've also had the "talk" with a difficult co-worker. That went nowhere. Because it was her issues, and I can't change other people. I can only change myself.

    Wait her out, maybe she'll leave if she's so hateful! Maybe not. So put up a emotional wall and keep it her issues, not yours, where it belongs. Those that matter won't mind, those that mind don't matter.

    Be aware of toxic people and try to let them be toxic alone!
  • nanger1
    nanger1 Posts: 70
    Whatever you do - unfriend her from facebook. Lots of good advise here. I personally would keep everything business professional. I you have no business to discuss with her, don't talk to her, she's just waited to make you look bad. As far a cell phone activity, keep it to the bare minimum. Tell your mom to leave a message and then go somewhere private on your break. Do this and your work will speak to itself.
  • buggaboo73
    No offense, but who cares what she thinks? I had I coworker I didn't like, when she spoke to me, unless it was work related, I literally ignored her.

    Well....apparently the OP cares.....which is why she posted. I know you wrote "no offense" but honestly, it's not cool to dismiss someones feelings when they are in need of support. You would have been better off not posting at all, IMO.
  • buggaboo73
    Oh, and you do know she only friended you on FB so that she could make nasty status updates and be sure you're seeing them. Talk about immature. Cut her loose on there, ASAP. Someone that immature will most likely not have the cajones to ask you why you did it anyway, they don't deal with the straightforward, only game playing.

    This will also make it much, much easier for you to dismiss her from your mind, if you're not reading her hateful remarks.

    I stand by my theory, as a former addict, that facebook is the devil! :devil: It allows people to be passive aggressive, insensitive and nasty on whole new levels and it will mess with your head if you let it. So defriend, block and don't speak to her unless it's genuinely professional.

    Hang in there!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    No offense, but who cares what she thinks? I had I coworker I didn't like, when she spoke to me, unless it was work related, I literally ignored her.

    Well....apparently the OP cares.....which is why she posted. I know you wrote "no offense" but honestly, it's not cool to dismiss someones feelings when they are in need of support. You would have been better off not posting at all, IMO.
    I wrote that because long ago I realized that there are miserable people out there and it seems their goal in life is to make everyone else miserable. Another person's words and actions only have the power you give them. There is no way someone like that will have power over me.
  • buggaboo73
    See, now THAT is a good answer. :wink: Sorry if I sounded cranky, I have not had my full cup of coffee yet.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    See, now THAT is a good answer. :wink: Sorry if I sounded cranky, I have not had my full cup of coffee yet.
    I made it through college via I tend to write that way. :flowerforyou:
  • millermichellelea
    Sometimes people are just going to look for reasons not to like you. First take her off your Facebook, she doesn't deserve to see inside your personal life. Step 2, ignore her except for politeness when required to do your job. Nothing you do will please her and she is bad mouthing you to the supervisor. You need to appear to be the one of perfect calmness and gentleness and let her be the complaining, dramatic person.

    She will not change, it is up to you to let her problem, be her problem. This solely resides with her, leave it there and continue the way you were. If you are on the cell phone too much, you need to correct it because your supervisor will now be looking for all the things she pointed out. Loud typing is not fixable, lol. Good luck and remember -- HER PROBLEM not yours!!!!
  • buggaboo73
    Stop killing her with kindness and just plain kill her.

    I'm kidding of course.

    Get a spade and bury her under the staff car park, it's a great cardio workout :laugh:

    Hahahahha!! I wonder how you would log that.....:laugh: