The perfect woman



  • Laraleigh1035
    Laraleigh1035 Posts: 1 Member
    Awe that was nice!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    If anyone claims perfect, I immediately assume Uncanny Valley.

    Say what about my valley?
  • I do not want to be the leader. I refuse to be the leader. I want to live darkly and richly in my femaleness. I want a man lying over me, always over me. His will, his pleasure, his desire, his life, his work, his sexuality, the touchstone, the command, my pivot. I don’t mind working, holding my ground intellectually, artistically; but as a woman, oh, God, as a woman I want to be dominated. I don’t mind being told to stand on my own feet, not to cling, be all that I am capable of doing, but I am going to be pursued, f***ed, possessed by the will of a male at his time, his bidding.
    Sounds like you stole one of my vampire smut books.

    Isn't it a quote from Anais Nin? Yes, she wrote a lot of smut. In real life though very few men actually want a woman like this and it isn't safe to get that emotionally involved with someone who you're not committed to -- pivoting your entire life around them. And if you are going to be committed to them you're probably going to want to be friends (and equals)
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I wish this could be a legit conversation and not just another "make me a sammich" joke. This topic has potential.

    I am on board with the sex part. I like dominant men. The problem I have with the quote is that it seems to suggest a woman's life, work, and goals should be subordinate to a man's. I would do anything I could to make life easier, happier, better for the man I love. But I will damn well demand that he do the same for me. If you want a woman with no ambitions of her own, well, there are plenty of those out there. But calling her "perfect" because she doesn't want things you can't give her, things that she will actually have to work for and give herself? Get serious.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    No thanks @ that.

    I enjoy being dominant but I want a woman who is strong... who can lead others... someone who challenges me... pushes back... I don't want a wilting willow. I don't want someone whose meaning is to push my narrative... i want someone who has her own story to tell... her own life worth living made better by my presence but still amazing even without me

    I bet I could trade a woman like that for a LOT of chickens and horses!!!

  • frannieshack
    frannieshack Posts: 327 Member
  • koosorlose
    koosorlose Posts: 186
    I wish this could be a legit conversation and not just another "make me a sammich" joke. This topic has potential.

    I am on board with the sex part. I like dominant men. The problem I have with the quote is that it seems to suggest a woman's life, work, and goals should be subordinate to a man's. I would do anything I could to make life easier, happier, better for the man I love. But I will damn well demand that he do the same for me. If you want a woman with no ambitions of her own, well, there are plenty of those out there. But calling her "perfect" because she doesn't want things you can't give her, things that she will actually have to work for and give herself? Get serious.

    People can't have a real conversation about it because things like this make them feel uncomfortable or threatened, thus a joke is made to ease the tension. Women, biblically and historically, have always been seen and not heard, so anything otherwise is blasphemy. I'm sure you know this, though. I truly wish all people thought like you. You're awesome!
  • frannieshack
    frannieshack Posts: 327 Member
  • I'll drink to that.

    Now please...bring on the femi-Nazis.
    You know most feminists are pro-kink, right? Because someone's sex-life shouldn't determine their rights, career, or safety. Many feminists also choose to be submissive in their relationships, or foster traditional families; they just realize that shouldn't be the ONLY option.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I want to make it clear that I am not on some feminist crusade here. I do respect and admire men who are capable leaders, and I have never personally felt like being female doesn't work to my advantage more often than not. I am not threatened by men. I don't want or need men to apologize for being male. And I don't think it's true at all that women have always been seen and not heard. There are plenty of examples of women in the Bible and throughout history who were celebrated for doing a great deal more than just being someone's arm candy. I also think any man worth his salt will freely admit that having a good woman in his life makes him a better man.

    That being said, I don't like the implication that the ideal woman is one who keeps her mouth shut and strives only to satisfy her husband's every wish and whim. If you can't handle a woman who has things in her life that aren't entirely about you, you don't sound like much of a man to me.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I'll drink to that.

    Now please...bring on the femi-Nazis.

    Errrr, that is a feminist *cough* position *cough* - the right of a woman to freely express her sexuality with self awareness in the way she chooses.

    Even if it is BDSM...
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    wait wait wait... someone mentioned "Adult Chat."

  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I also think any man worth his salt will freely admit that having a good woman in his life makes him a better man.

    This is one of those self congratulatory statements women make that men aren't supposed to challenge because it sounds very PC. Kind of like when women say being a mom is the most difficult job anyone could have (hello, coal miner, space ship captain, cage fighter, lumberjack). While I will agree that having a good woman can make your life better IF a good woman is what you are looking for it in no way has any impact on how good of a man you are.

    EDIT: grammar fail

    It's not self-congratulatory. It's reciprocal. If the woman you are with doesn't make you want to be a better man in some way, why you are with her? I'd personally have no use for a man who doesn't inspire me to be better. This doesn't mean you shouldn't want to be a better person every day already, but that's kind of an abstract concept. Surely, having the right person in your life gives you some focus in that regard.
  • koosorlose
    koosorlose Posts: 186
    I want to make it clear that I am not on some feminist crusade here. I do respect and admire men who are capable leaders, and I have never personally felt like being female doesn't work to my advantage more often than not. I am not threatened by men. I don't want or need men to apologize for being male. And I don't think it's true at all that women have always been seen and not heard. There are plenty of examples of women in the Bible and throughout history who were celebrated for doing a great deal more than just being someone's arm candy. I also think any man worth his salt will freely admit that having a good woman in his life makes him a better man.

    That being said, I don't like the implication that the ideal woman is one who keeps her mouth shut and strives only to satisfy her husband's every wish and whim. If you can't handle a woman who has things in her life that aren't entirely about you, you don't sound like much of a man to me.

    I wasn't trying to implicate that women, as a whole, have never accomplished anything worthwhile except being arm candy. I thought that was a given due to my response that was encouraging and supportive in nature. I was simply saying that, majorly, throughout history, women have been discredited and/or ignored for the things that they HAVE accomplished due to the simple fact that they are female. Keyword: majorly.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    No thanks @ that.

    I enjoy being dominant but I want a woman who is strong... who can lead others... someone who challenges me... pushes back... I don't want a wilting willow. I don't want someone whose meaning is to push my narrative... i want someone who has her own story to tell... her own life worth living made better by my presence but still amazing even without me

    :drinker: I think this goes both ways. This is pretty close to the way my husband and I feel about our relationship.
  • I wish this could be a legit conversation and not just another "make me a sammich" joke. This topic has potential.

    I am on board with the sex part. I like dominant men. The problem I have with the quote is that it seems to suggest a woman's life, work, and goals should be subordinate to a man's. I would do anything I could to make life easier, happier, better for the man I love. But I will damn well demand that he do the same for me. If you want a woman with no ambitions of her own, well, there are plenty of those out there. But calling her "perfect" because she doesn't want things you can't give her, things that she will actually have to work for and give herself? Get serious.

    could you do me a favor and not paraphrase my quote

    typical woman

  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    wait wait wait... someone mentioned "Adult Chat."


    it's a snooze :yawn:
    Giff and I couldn't keep it afloat and he bailed. :sad:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I wish this could be a legit conversation and not just another "make me a sammich" joke. This topic has potential.

    I am on board with the sex part. I like dominant men. The problem I have with the quote is that it seems to suggest a woman's life, work, and goals should be subordinate to a man's. I would do anything I could to make life easier, happier, better for the man I love. But I will damn well demand that he do the same for me. If you want a woman with no ambitions of her own, well, there are plenty of those out there. But calling her "perfect" because she doesn't want things you can't give her, things that she will actually have to work for and give herself? Get serious.

    could you do me a favor and not paraphrase my quote

    typical woman


    You know... I don't know whether to laugh or rage or tip my hat to you for the blatant irony of this post.

    I'm so confused. :frown:
  • I wish this could be a legit conversation and not just another "make me a sammich" joke. This topic has potential.

    I am on board with the sex part. I like dominant men. The problem I have with the quote is that it seems to suggest a woman's life, work, and goals should be subordinate to a man's. I would do anything I could to make life easier, happier, better for the man I love. But I will damn well demand that he do the same for me. If you want a woman with no ambitions of her own, well, there are plenty of those out there. But calling her "perfect" because she doesn't want things you can't give her, things that she will actually have to work for and give herself? Get serious.

    could you do me a favor and not paraphrase my quote

    typical woman


    You know... I don't know whether to laugh or rage or tip my hat to you for the blatant irony of this post.

    I'm so confused. :frown:

    hah... I apologize for the confusion

    "/s" = "sarcasm"
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I wish this could be a legit conversation and not just another "make me a sammich" joke. This topic has potential.

    I am on board with the sex part. I like dominant men. The problem I have with the quote is that it seems to suggest a woman's life, work, and goals should be subordinate to a man's. I would do anything I could to make life easier, happier, better for the man I love. But I will damn well demand that he do the same for me. If you want a woman with no ambitions of her own, well, there are plenty of those out there. But calling her "perfect" because she doesn't want things you can't give her, things that she will actually have to work for and give herself? Get serious.

    could you do me a favor and not paraphrase my quote

    typical woman


    You know... I don't know whether to laugh or rage or tip my hat to you for the blatant irony of this post.

    I'm so confused. :frown:

    hah... I apologize for the confusion

    "/s" = "sarcasm"

    LOL! No... that was the only part that made sense. :laugh: