Which is better??



  • tameka1220
    tameka1220 Posts: 517 Member
    and is 12minutes really enough

    Warm up for 5 minutes first by walking fast or jogging slow and make sure you cool down as well, that would extend the workout to 22 min (5 min warm up, 12 min workout, 5 min cool down)

    thanks! ok, now... if my slow jog is at 4.5 should i use that for my 40% speed and my fast 5.7 speed is my faster run (i'm sure thats not my 100%) so what should i set my 100% speed at?
  • tameka1220
    tameka1220 Posts: 517 Member
    It depends on your fitness goals and what you want to accomplish. The HIIT is great for a quick burn but will burn less total calories than the 50 min, the 50 is better for preparing you to run a 10k, but the HIIT can shock your system and kick your metabolism up higher for longer after you finish the workout.

    Yes i mean HIIT. and i'm still in the "losing" stage. So i wanna do the best, most effective to lose. I've been doing the 50 mins for almost 2 months now: altenating between walking at the incline or alternating the faster jog with a lower jog if that mkaes sense.
    And i do think i need to shock my body right now.

    Great job on the 2 month committment! That's sweet!

    Keep in mind that although you are in the losing stage, you want to build muscle because it helps you lose without effort. I'm sure you know this, but muscle is a fat burning mechanism all on its own! The speed helps with cardio and sustainability; inclide helps with muscle. So even though you may not actually lose "weight", you are still helping your body kick fat's butt! :)

    Hope this helps!

    Yes strength training is the shiz-nit! I work on a different part of the body each day!!!
  • tameka1220
    tameka1220 Posts: 517 Member
    I would think either is good. You could split these. Do #1 2 days (M&F) and then #2 a day in the middle (W). Week 2 swap with #2 twice and # 1 once etc..I would consider tweaking. #1 to 15-20 minutes. I do like your #2 to provide some lower inpact cardio in the mix..Guess that depends on how strong your joints are. Inclines / hills are great and will help your endurance. Also suggest running/ jogging with incline at 1 for #1. Thats the suggested inclination to simulate outdoor running.

    ok so do the 12min HIIT at 1.0 incline? and I am going to do it 2 times a week.
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    Yes, do #1 twice per week for 15 - 20 minutes and leave at 1 on incline and #2 once for 40-50 minutes as you have it. I'd put a rest day between each HIIT day, rest day would be a good time to get upper body workout with some wieghts. I say 15-20 minutes since i'd think you want to work up to 20 minutes. You could do 12 minutes week 1, 14 minutes week 2, until you work up to 20 minutes. Warm up for 5-10 minutes but do not count that as part of the HIIT time.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    One of the beauties of P90X is you do a schedule like this

    With this schedule you build muscle and muscle burns fat.
    You also get your 3 days of cardio. (Yoga cardio, right. YogaX might not be sucking wind cardio but you sure do burn a ton of calories)
    So a sample schedule for you would be
    Mon - Resistance
    Tue - HIIT
    Wed- Resistance
    Thur - HIIT
    Fri - Resistance
    Sat - HIIT
    The above is a great schedule to get you in great shape.