My girlfriend said I have Moobs :-( Help please!

Help!!! I am turning 40 and am skinny with a little belly. Also my GF said I had moobs!!!

Where do I start? I have started with MFP do track what I eat and exercise I do. I cycle to work 30 mins each way and that is about it.

What do I eat? What exercise do I do. I don't want to be massive but I do want a strong core and flat belly and to be a bit bigger.

MFP said 2300 calories a day is my aim, but what should make up those calories. I just bought some kettlebells so I can use them in the garden and a pull up bar. going to the gym is difficult as it is far away. I can't afford a personal trainer. Do I need one?

Help please.


  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Help!!! I am turning 40 and am skinny with a little belly. Also my GF said I had moobs!!!

    Where do I start? I have started with MFP do track what I eat and exercise I do. I cycle to work 30 mins each way and that is about it.

    What do I eat? What exercise do I do. I don't want to be massive but I do want a strong core and flat belly and to be a bit bigger.

    MFP said 2300 calories a day is my aim, but what should make up those calories. I just bought some kettlebells so I can use them in the garden and a pull up bar. going to the gym is difficult as it is far away. I can't afford a personal trainer. Do I need one?

    Help please.

    Reasonable calorie deficit. Men would be able to help you judge better than I. Weight lifting for muscle and calorie burn while you rest, Cardio to burn more calories while you do them and heart health. If you can't get to gym I suggest buying a weight set used off Craigslist or something like it.

    As for the girlfriend... wow, dude. I'd gnaw my tongue off before I said something like that to someone I cared about. I'm helping my DH get in shape (I pretty much am). I just keep telling him he's getting MORE sexy. Damn that's harsh.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    I don't know that I would obsess about anything the GF says. I find I get along SOOO much better with my spouse if we just refrain from talking to one another all together.

    If you really want to do something about it, anything that tightens up your upper body should help a bit. Pushups, pullups, dips are all things you can do at home without a gym and all of them can be made harder or easier depending on your skill level. The little bit of belly fat is probably the hardest to get rid of, at least when I was skinny it was. A lot of people obsess on ab exercises to flesh it out but the reality is you abs are already under the fat, if you make your abs bigger the fat just pokes out more...

    An easy thing to do in your situation would be to "ride" to work and "race" back home. Take it easy on the way there for obvious reasons unless there is a shower but make the ride home a real workout. One of my favorites is to put the bike in the hardest gear and then push like a madman the whole way home. If you can handle it, keep going the full 30 minutes even if you start making it home in 20.

    Most folks don't think the food composition itself matters too much, just the calories in and out. In general though its not a bad idea to make sure you are eating a well rounded diet. One of the most frequent "surprises" once you start tracking food is just how much sugar and salt is in most people's diet. Getting those two back into a more reasonable proportion for a healthy life might be worth it.

    Personally I wouldn't obsess though. Be healthy and active and you'll live longer. If she says mean stuff about your body start bringing Playboy's to bed and ask her how come she doesn't look like the girls in the magazine... should stifle the body image discussions for a while.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    A. Dump girlfriend (that's rude!)
    B. Lift and eat healthy
    C. get new smoking hot girlfriend
    D. Revel in your awesomeness..

    A & C are optional... B&D are not.

    :drinker: :smokin:
  • dapperd2014
    She is hot and sometimes you need to hear it as it is. It definitely was a wake up call.
  • healthyscratch1978
    Yeah, I am prone to them too. If I get too heavy, that's where the fat accumulates! Terribly emasculating, and a good reason to get motivated to not have them. Can't have that.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    You will need to start lifting and take up a strength training regime.

    You should find out your body fat percentage and then determine the appropriate course of action.

    If it is high, say like 20% to 25% you should see about a calorie deficit while strength training to help reduce the fat some. After that, or if the body fat percentage is already pretty low, go to a caloric surplus and continue lifting weights (progressively lifting heavier and heavier).

    There are many strength training programs you can choose from.

    For more advice, you'll need to give plenty of details on numbers and programs you're interested in.
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    My boyfriend has moobs too. And I have an *kitten* made purely out of cellulite. And we both rag on each other because of these little 'faults'. :laugh:
    I suggest you lift while eating at maintenance (if you don't have any significant amount of fat to lose), you'll tighten up.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    (If the genders were reversed in this scenario, there would be a dozen women advising her to get out of this toxic relationship ASAP... I guess I'm just in to see if this thread goes the same way.)
  • BaldheadSlick
    BaldheadSlick Posts: 51 Member
    Yeah, I am prone to them too. If I get too heavy, that's where the fat accumulates! Terribly emasculating, and a good reason to get motivated to not have them. Can't have that.

    Same here...

    Be glad that she told you the truth and get your body fat in-check. I hold weight in my jugs like a water in a camel's hump. As I get older, the problem gets worse, so keeping my body-fat low is even more important. We all hold body fat in advantageous/disadvantaged areas, and this one isn't on our side.
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    (If the genders were reversed in this scenario, there would be a dozen women advising her to get out of this toxic relationship ASAP... I guess I'm just in to see if this thread goes the same way.)
    I think that advice has already been given a couple of times. :laugh:
  • BaldheadSlick
    BaldheadSlick Posts: 51 Member
    (If the genders were reversed in this scenario, there would be a dozen women advising her to get out of this toxic relationship ASAP... I guess I'm just in to see if this thread goes the same way.)

    You're so right...
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    First of all dump the girlfriend. OK a little harsh. Maybe she did it in a loving way? My husband has moobs and I'd never in a million year tell him! Geeze. I encourage him to join me with healthy eating and being active and if the moobs go great if they don't I don't care. I sure wouldn't want him to start critiquing my figure.

    All one needs to do is greatly lower their simple carbs. Eat more veggies than fruit. Get the protein up probably and do some cardio and lifting. I know all you need to do. Right. Make it a habit for life and you'll feel great and look great. Maybe it's something you two could do together.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    (If the genders were reversed in this scenario, there would be a dozen women advising her to get out of this toxic relationship ASAP... I guess I'm just in to see if this thread goes the same way.)
    I think that advice has already been given a couple of times. :laugh:

    But only a couple of times...

    ...and thirty minutes later, we're still on page one.
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    (If the genders were reversed in this scenario, there would be a dozen women advising her to get out of this toxic relationship ASAP... I guess I'm just in to see if this thread goes the same way.)
    I think that advice has already been given a couple of times. :laugh:

    But only a couple of times...

    ...and thirty minutes later, we're still on page one.
    I'll get my popcorn, just in case...
  • jjplato
    jjplato Posts: 155 Member
    Let me guess - you're fairly trim, but the relatively small amount of fat you have is around your belly button, your chest, and you've got mini love handles.... Those are the last little bits to go, and they can be stubborn. You may have to get your body fat down below 10% before you really start to see it disappear. Also, chest exercises - especially those that develop the upper part of the chest - will help eliminate the droopy "moob" appearance.
  • jmangini
    jmangini Posts: 166 Member
    If you're skinny, your problem is probably more lack of muscle. If you haven't trained before at least start with push-ups, pull ups and sit ups. Maybe do 5 sets in circuit. Then if you want move on to weights. I was born with same issue and I was able to change my body by building muscle and losing body fat. As I know, if you don't have muscle, no matter how skinny you get, you'll still feel like you have a saggy chest.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    She is hot and sometimes you need to hear it as it is. It definitely was a wake up call.

    In my cousin's neighborhood they have this saying and they don't hesitate to use it.

    "You ain't that hot!"

    Dump. Her. Why should you be scrambling around tryna figure out what you should do. She has you racing in here running around like a chicken with no head wondering exaclty what foods to eat? A real woman would have not only had the problem and stated it in a much less emasculating way but would have had the solution as well.

    Moderation. Eat most of those cals as good food. Eat enough protein for your size and LBM. Eat sweets and other indulgent snacks sparingly. I'll tell you one thing you should never ever eat again. Her.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    just go to a gym, if you care, then a long gym drive is no big deal. I used to drive 40 minutes to my gym even though a gym was a mile away just bc i liked the gym that was 40 minutes away much more.

    Claiming it's too far is just a weak minded excuse.
  • dapperd2014
    thanks for the advice everyone. Lifting and healthy eating are top of my mind and I am going to try the ride to work and race home. That is a great one.

    I am going to show my girlfriend this :-) I think she was more worried that I was getting bigger than her!

    Where can I post to give updates of how I am doing?