SBF 2, Reboot Boogaloo, Oct 25



  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I'm fried. That's all I have to say. :laugh:

    I am exhausted. We were at the air show for 6? hours. It was good, just very tiring. Chilling out now, watching the World Series.

    Tomorrow: church, lunch with friends and hopefully a quiet relaxing afternoon. Goal for the new week: no wheat. I don't feel horrible but I can tell I'm not quite as energetic.

    Short post boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Butt officially kicked - and I have the intermediate/advanced class today - yikes.

    The morning class (of 3 hours), started with 40 minutes of sun salutations. It got so hot in there, the mirror fogged up. I thought I was going to pass out. I finally had to ask (after taking two breaks to get fresh air) for the air to circulate, and a door was opened. I felt much better. I was worried that the afternoon class would be just as hard, but it wasn't. Did a 5 minute headstand - which is a great thing because it's usually one of the requirements for going to an intermediate class in the main style (Iyengar) that I do. So now, if Patricia Walden comes to town, I can go to her class.

    Today is more backbends and arm balances. My wrist hurts - which is bad for both of those. Oh well, I enjoy watching.

    Intermediate, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Got lazy/pouty/lonely last night and ordered a pizza for dinner. Ugh. Threw the leftovers away this morning in an attempt to remind myself that I'm more powerful than the food. I had even bought food to make for dinner, but didn't. I was pouty because I was home studying instead of going out, and lazy because I'm tired. I think I'm on the verge of burnout, but I keep reminding myself I can see the (temporary) finish line. I have the overwhelmeds, because instead of thinking about finishing this current project, I'm freaking out about what comes after it. Lame.

    Goals for the day:
    Zumba at noon (with my fave. teacher...yay!).
    Home to finish a few little research things (dates, mostly) and practice the actual giving of the presentation.
    Cooking myself food, and not giving into eating crap because I'm lazy and it feels indulgent.
    If I can accomplish my goals, then I might go out for a bit. (providing I don't feel exhausted afterwards)

    Eating junk is not self care, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:

    p.s. Sunday baking project this week: coconut flour chocolate chip cookies (wheat free and refined sugar free). I'll report back.:wink:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Sunday bakefest report back.

    They are pretty good, but not overly (or much at all) sweet. I happen to really like coconut and chocolate, so they're a hit with me, but are almost more biscuit-y than cookie-y.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Mary, hope you wrist holds out and your classes are good! I have a hurt wrist too so push ups are out for me. It stinks.
    V, I hear ya, on all counts. Good for you throwing the pizza out this morning. Definitely post cookies recipe if they are good! They sound good!

    I am SO sleepy. It's a lazy Sunday afternoon. I told Steve I don't want to do anything this afternoon that I don't want to do. :tongue: Well....I don't want to nap but I may have to. I have been painting Alex's biplane and I plan to do some needle work while watching the Rangers game. A nice afternoon to chill is what my spirit needs, although my body really needs a rear kicking.
    Getting a little tired of hearing, "Heard anything yet?" NO! N.O.! Okay so I'm not that mean, but we are getting a little tired of it. But it means people are excited with us...or I should say for us. At this point we are drained, done, toast. Excitement is not a word in our vocabulary.
    I need to get back on track this coming week. I'm failing this weight loss thing. I admit that I am probably struggling with depression and frustration. I'm human and life is hard.
    Suck it up boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    MM, I posted the recipe link above your post (we were posting at the same time I think) I think I might use sucanat instead of the honey next time, but I'm not sure.

    My heart goes to you, MM. You'll hear when the time is right. You're allowed to be tired, depressed, frustrated and burned out. This has been a long, narrow twisty and steep road for you.:heart: