RANT POST: I am NOT too skinny!



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    "Thank you, love the hair!"

    "Thank you, is that a new dress?

    "Thank you, how was the surgery?"
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    stop caring so much what other people think!

    ^ This
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Can I just say... you are my hero!

    My stats are about the same as yours. You have worked hard for your body and you deserve to enjoy it. Ignore the haters. No one cares about their opinions because they are just that... opinions. And you know what they say about those.

    Keep staying awesome!
  • gotolam
    gotolam Posts: 262 Member
    When people make a comment about my weight, I just tell them..."Yea...I got sick of being fat....oh, sorry."

    That pretty much ends that conversation.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I just need to vent a little. I am soooooo DAMN tired of ppl telling me I need to stop working out because I am already skinny. I am 176 lbs and 6 feet tall. It took me so long to be OK with myself and my "skinny" size when my entire family was big. There was something always wrong with me because I can't gain or keep weight on. These people are sounding like I am a size 0. I went from a size 12 to almost an 8. I am loving the fact that I see abs coming out, I see my core and arms are stronger. My calf is not jiggly and my Butt... my butt is uplifted. WHAT does these ppl want from me!. I am doing this for me not for them......... Grrrrrrr! (continuing rant offline)
    It doesn't matter what people think.

    I get told I don't even look like the same person anymore, I've gotten so tiny, I'm skinny, blah blah blah. Well, when I was fat, they never said I was fat, which unhealthier than being thinner and fit. Whatever they going to say if I dye my hair or get a wart on my nose?

    It's plain rude for people to comment about our bodies. It's all about them and has nothing to do with us.
  • kid_amy
    kid_amy Posts: 10
    It's difficult in our society for people to see other people's success and be happy about it. Snarky becomes a way of life. The people with nicer clothes and cars and accessories become a target for snarky comments, and so do those who appear to be successful with weight loss and fitness when everyone else is not. That's really the heart of it, in American society.
    This becomes a problem when people speak without thinking. making comments about someone becoming too thin without knowing why can lead a person to foot-in-mouth syndrome. I'm struggling a bit to keep my weight at a healthy level myself recently because my cancer has made it difficult for me to eat many of the foods that will help me maintain my weight. Recent stress caused me to lose a few pounds and I haven't been able to gain them back. I've had a few people make comments within earshot about how skinny I am and how I should "go eat a cheeseburger" and that type of thing. I don't say anything but I can imagine the people who are judging simply based on appearance would feel bad if they knew it was cancer making me thin.

    I'm so sorry you've had to deal with ignorant people feeling entitled to make judgments about your weight without having any clue about your condition. People can be so nasty sometimes. Don't let it get you down. They don't know you or your situation, and they don't deserve to anyway :)
  • traceywoody
    traceywoody Posts: 233 Member
    You are doing great. Do not engage. Give them only vague answers. Eventually, some of them will back off.

    This. It works.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    I just need to vent a little. I am soooooo DAMN tired of ppl telling me I need to stop working out because I am already skinny. I am 176 lbs and 6 feet tall. It took me so long to be OK with myself and my "skinny" size when my entire family was big. There was something always wrong with me because I can't gain or keep weight on. These people are sounding like I am a size 0. I went from a size 12 to almost an 8. I am loving the fact that I see abs coming out, I see my core and arms are stronger. My calf is not jiggly and my Butt... my butt is uplifted. WHAT does these ppl want from me!. I am doing this for me not for them......... Grrrrrrr! (continuing rant offline)
    I agree. You are not too skinny. Read into that however you want.
  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    In competitive endurance sports, what people say about your weight is a good guide to how close you are to race weight:

    Too skinny? Getting there.
    Are you sick? Almost.
    Staging an intervention? Bingo, your at race weight!

    In all seriousness, I used to get it in high school, but not now. I was/am 6'. From 16 to at least 22, I weighed 138.5 lbs, 6% BF, 55s 400m, 2:05 half, 18:00 5k. People told me all the time, in HS, I was too skinny (even though in 7th/8th grade, I was 5'9, 80 lbs).
    Now at 150-60, I've only got one comment, as a joke. I was told to stop bicycling, in jest (guy who said so was a joker and spend most of his 20-40s bike commuting)
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    and people DO say this to people who have lost weight as a compliment and not in a hurtful way.
  • salvyhead
    salvyhead Posts: 66 Member
    I hear this all the time and consider it a compliment. After all, they're just jealous. :)
  • MargaretSobers
    MargaretSobers Posts: 167 Member
    Hey, don't worry about what people think of your body if you know you are healthy enough, then it is OK, try to gain weight only if you think that you have to. But if you like your figure, then no need to gain weight, It is I'm [portent to be healthy, but it doesn't mean you have to be overweight. Check your body weight and energy level make a diet plan and eat according to it.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    You are beautiful, and if you are happy with your health the way it is, great for you!
    Family can be brutal, tho, so I can certainly understand your anger towards their rudeness.
    I am guessing that a big part of this is cultural, if your family is all much larger.
    That doesn't give them the right to be rude to you.
    I learned a few years back that you teach people how to treat you. I had to speak up and tell some members of my family to back off and keep their comments to themselves about my life. When they continued to treat me and my family poorly, then I simply did not go around them. One of my siblings got the message and has lightened up, but the other one will never change, and that's too bad for him.

    Stand your ground, and be proud. :drinker:
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    It's hard at first - I got loads of snidey comments throughout my weight loss and maintenance....and I guess even now (But I don't choose to notice). Oh and I got feeders too. People nagging you to eat cake and rubbish that they had brought (e.g. into the office).

    I'm quite small so I shrank down to a size 6 (UK) which is quite small compared to my other friends in their 30's.

    I think in the end, I just loved being slim more than having to appraise their thoughts or justify why I am the size I am. I eat like a horse (my boyfriend can verify that) and I'm happy and healthier than I have been in years. So don't them bother you; rise above it.

    I'm now getting into strength training and meeting a new influx of bizarre comments about bulking and looking too muscly...and, yep, just ignoring it all.

    Why my body is of interest to anyone other than my boyfriend or Doctor is not my problem.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    ok. yer not.

  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    If you want to reply to them (personally I wouldn't bother), you could say
    'According to my BMI which is a standard measure recognised by the US National Institute of health, my weight is considered healthy. Why do you think that it isn't ?'
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    There will always people that are jealous of you so just ignore them. You're not doing it for them, you're doing it for yourself and in my opinion you've done brilliantly so well done :D
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    You have nothing to worry about! People like to talk - and your stats sound perfect (you are the same height and weight as me :-))
    Don't bother about what people want from you; think more about what you want from yourself
  • chmtastic
    chmtastic Posts: 178 Member
    You look great and have worked hard!! Keep doing what you're doing and try your best to ignore them politely LOL

    Don't engage in the negativity because it will only upset you. When they say something, just know that you're working hard to take care of yourself and that's all that matters! :smile:
  • Andrew_peter
    Andrew_peter Posts: 94 Member
    Might be some genuine concern behind comments as losing weight is often tied to a perso being sick more often than putting in the effort and hard work required nowadays it seems.

    I had family and friends who were convinced I was seriously ill until I explained the process I was undertaking to them.