Polite ways to tell people to mind their own business



  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    Tell them when they start paying for your food and other bills, then they can decide what you should eat.

    ^^I like!!

    Maybe it's my age, maybe it's my life experiences but to be honest - I do not care that much about being polite to those who are not polite to me. I work with ladies who complain constantly about my lunches or my eating pattern. I have said things like "Oh what are you having? Some shut the f#@* up, I hope."

    Be kinda to yourself by not caring what they think about your foods. They are obviously not your friends. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    When someone's butting in your business that's rude. Then you get to be rude back.
    If you'd rather not you are still within your rights to point out how rude they are being.
    If thats still distasteful you can inform them they are bordering on impolite.
    If you still can't manage that I have a used doormat to sell you on ebay.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    the comments are really about them - they know they should be eating salad and don't want to - and because you are, they are feeling insecure....all about them - their issue. Remember this. So, ignore and keep doing what you're doing.

    oh and listen to RDJ...

    you can't see me but I'm on my knees praying to this man right now. He is my new idol. I knew he was divine, but had no idea he was omniscient as well. Muah! RDJ! Muchos besos!:smooched:
  • MyRummyHens
    MyRummyHens Posts: 141 Member
    By "polite" if you mean not personally offensive then here are some options.

    1. Dust off your acting skills and fake sincerity. Hit them with "oh but I just can't get away with eating like you ladies can, it goes straight to my (insert body part), I'm so jealous you all look so gorgeous and can eat what ever you like", followed by a swift change of subject. No one can argue with a compliment, even if you don't actually mean it.

    2. Tell them you have some hideous bowel condition and that the grease in the foods they are eating set you off. Be graphic, be detailed and keep going on about it. Let me tell you that after 45 minutes of listening to you harp on about poo, pooping, exploding poops, the exact amount of time you have after the first cramp to make it to the bathroom before it all comes out regardless, and consistency of poop they will NEVER ask again.

    3. Say you're highly competitive and a family member/BFF has challenged you to see who can lose the most weight in 6 months and make up a prize. If they think this is just a short term thing they might stop worrying that you're going to show them up with your weight loss and that you'll pile it all back on again afterwards. By the time you're 6 months in hopefully they'll have lost all interest, if not then you can bounce around telling them how FABULOUS you feel for losing weight, how you're going to keep it up and constantly offer them dietary advice/recipes to help them feel fabulous too. It'll soon get boring.
  • NS81
    NS81 Posts: 192 Member
    Ignore. Ignore again.

    Change subject. Aggressively.

    Go sit somewhere else.

    Be really obnoxious in telling them exactly why THEIR snacks are so bad for them and so on...

    hehe Ok I'm half kidding with these, but yeah that has gotta be extremely annoying. The worst coworker issues I've had in the past were A) thinner people commenting how HEALTHY I ate with the insinuation that it was weird that I was 100+ lb overweight when I ate vegetables and not just Big Macs and B) women on restrictive diets or fad plans talking all day about how wonderful their weight loss solution was.


    I have the same problem at work as well - I work in a small office, and my co workers tend to go grab some form of fast food for lunch, just about every day, then complain that I am lame for bringing my lunch and never going out with them, or state "You know you would rather get french fries than eat that sandwich" etc etc... I've told them if they bring theirs back to the office, we could all sit outside, enjoy the beautiful weather (lately) and eat together... but, sigh... not the right answer ... eh, oh well...
  • roxywho42
    roxywho42 Posts: 165 Member
    I have done the reflective questions, the asking if they'd like to try it and giving details of what it is, I've done ignoring them, and I've done rude. I have found that what works best is to tell anyone questioning me that my doctor/nutritionist has told me that I should eat what I eat. They hush.