One free night a year



  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I don't share things very well to start with, so I am going to go with a no.

    I know many people who have alternative lifestyles that work for them but for me... nope.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    Your marriage has serious problems and is probably already over.

    I don't judge others' relationships though, so whatever works for them.

    Those two kinda contradict each other.


    "He doesn't love you and never has. Your relationship is a joke and you're everything wrong with society.

    Not that I judge..."

    I suppose it looks like a contradiction since you edited out that first bit about it being MY OPINION on what works for my marriage. I'm not judging anyone.

    But you seem to think it's acceptable to throw quotations around your interpretation as if I said it and then call it absurd. Please.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    Oh Lawd.... I just googled them. If you ask me - she has nothing to worry about... him on the other hand... um yeah.... 'Bleep'... Ooopsy my mom said if you have nothing nice to say - say nothing....
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Your marriage has serious problems and is probably already over.

    I don't judge others' relationships though, so whatever works for them.

    Those two kinda contradict each other.


    "He doesn't love you and never has. Your relationship is a joke and you're everything wrong with society.

    Not that I judge..."

    I suppose it looks like a contradiction since you edited out that first bit about it being MY OPINION on what works for my marriage. I'm not judging anyone.

    But you seem to think it's acceptable to throw quotations around your interpretation as if I said it and then call it absurd. Please.

    judgement is opinion. - I get what you mean, though. I'm just being catty.
  • TheGreatBeyond
    I think that open relationships work as long as you are both honest about limits and expectations as well as secure in your relationship. I don't see sex and intimacy as the same thing... I think that one can have sex without being intimate and one can be intimate without sex. For me, an open SEXUAL relationship is actually fine as long as everyone is safe, clean, and clear about the circumstances. There is no such thing as open intimacy.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Would this be considered a cheat meal or a cheat day?

    Those aren't the same thing? S**t, I have some explaining to do...
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    My husband and I both like the idea of a more open relationship on paper, it's the actually putting it in to practice that becomes the issue. He'd have to figure out what to do with the body after I cut a b*** :happy: .

    Seriously though, more power to you if you can make it work. I'm far too petty and jealous and my husband is too, not going to happen.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    What's his wife look like and what day of the year is it?

    I guess she is some famous singer in russia.

    I looked. The crime ain't worth the time.

    You have better at home, anyway.


  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    it took me quite a while to find a man who meets my unique set of requirements. I'm sure as *kitten* not gonna share.

  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    My opinion: If you're seeking sexual/romantic gratification from someone OTHER than your wife/SO, then you're cheating. I don't care if it's "approved" by the spouse... If you truly cared for and loved your spouse, you wouldn't want to be with ANYONE else.
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,284 Member
    Don't like sharing... a deal breaker for me. If you wanna be with someone else-- don't let the door hit ya on the *kitten* on the way out!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Oh. Hail. No. :angry:
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
  • MichelleAymond
    had an open marriage b4 and f'd us both up so no, not with thisun, hes all mine.
  • AllMyUsernamesRTaken
    AllMyUsernamesRTaken Posts: 91 Member
    Nope because if its good it will not be a one time thing.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    i dont have the self esteem required for a situation like that.

    i know it works in many relationships, but it's not for us.
  • Platform_Heels
    Platform_Heels Posts: 388 Member
    well considering I am in the lifestyle one free night a year means you need better friends
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    if you feel you need to be with someone else, ever, then your marriage has serious problems and is probably already over.

    I don't judge others' relationships though

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    no, not many alt lifstylers here fo sho. :smh: too bad...

    i would totally do it. *****************IF********************* my spouse and i were on exactly the same page. rarely does that ever happen with such an issue. most ppl can't even comfortably talk about such things, let alone agree on them.

    etr pronoun fail
  • FraggleRockerFitnessLover
    If he gets one night a year to do that my guess he's going to do it more than one night a year. Just sayin'