What Has Been Your Biggest Issue Losing Weight?



  • trufurnace
    trufurnace Posts: 8 Member
    When I would start losing weight, i wud be great at first then usually after losing 2-4 kg id get excited and start eating junk and skipping gym weird ryt?!!!:sad:
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    My biggest issue was thinking that to lose weight you have to suffer--I have in the past, when I went on diets and resticted my food alot. MFP has been a liberation since I have lost over 20lbs (10 to go) without any pain at all. Yes, I have hit plateaus and this leads to frustration, but reading the posts I understand that I have to be patient and tweak here and there to find what works. I am finally in control of my calorie intake and know exactly how much I need to eat per day for my needs. I am happy. :smile:
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    cookies, cupcakes, ice cream.
  • sadiebea25
    sadiebea25 Posts: 72
    My love of chocolate and wine. I have learned there's just no benefit to eating 4 candy bars and a bottle of wine. No benefits and a whole lot of consequences.

  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    Alcohol. Which is why I'm quitting drinking during the week. After just three days, the bloat is gone, I've lost several pounds, and my clothes are much looser. I can only imagine how far I'll go if I can just keep it up.
  • bkk40in2011
    bkk40in2011 Posts: 72
    Hi everyone, I've struggled for 20 years to lose weight, when I finally cracked it for myself. My biggest issue was that I began to believe that I was just destined to be fat. That's what everyone told me and I had come to believe it. So, when I'd start losing weight, upward of 50 or even at my peak 100 pounds, I'd look at my body, still saggy and fat, and think, it's never going to change and sabotage myself.

    I finally changed all that. I snapped that mentality and formed a new one about living a fully expressed life and reaching my bodies maximum potential, since then, the weight has fallen off, and I'm stronger, faster, and healthier than ever.

    I'm just curious for all you out there, what's been your biggest issue with weight loss?

    Amazing! Good for you! I am at the beginning of my journey and I find that now when I would reach for food when I am angry I will out loud say I am not going to torture myself for what someone else has done. It stops it in its tracks!
  • LuvDarkChocolate
    LuvDarkChocolate Posts: 145 Member
    For me the biggest issue was for my health. I have Crohn's Disease which is tricky as trying to find the right foods that wont trigger flare ups are hard. With the logging of foods on MFP it has made it easier. If I get any stomach issues I can easily refer back to what has caused them. I haven't had any problems now for nearly 6 weeks...and am seriously thinking of getting off/lowering my meds. But I know my doctors will have a fit , as they love it when patients stay on medications. (Keeps them rich)
  • monkeypantz
    monkeypantz Posts: 288 Member
    Weekends and socializing - mainly because I was ashamed of the fact that I was losing weight, so around friends I was just eat like I use too; then I would get depressed about going over my calorie allowance, and emotionally binge.

    To break this; I've let people know I'm losing weight. Not hide it from others - and everyone has been supportive and lovely about it!
  • tcbs99
    tcbs99 Posts: 23 Member
    Maintenance, I loose the weight, but it used to always come back. This time I plan to continue to weight once a week and stay on MFP. If I see a 5lb weight gain, I will go back to my 1200 cal a day.
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    Finding the balance btwn over- & under-eating... then STAYING THERE. I have struggled w/ ED in the past & convinced myself that if I thought about what I ate at all, I would relapse. My goal is to be *healthy* not *thin* - I have to remind myself of this constantly!

    Also, as a shorter (5'3") med/large framed female w/ wide hips & a DD/DDD chest, I struggle w/ feeling that even when I do get to a weight that is healthy for me & that I feel good at, others will always consider me "heavy"... At the height of my ED people were suddenly noticing me in a positive way & I started to become popular (high school). It made it 10,000x harder to break the cycle! I will never be one of those delicate, nymph-like petite women. I have to accept that.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I've got lots of them.

    One of them is a hormone imbalance that manifests itself in making it harder to lose weight than it might normally be otherwise.

    The bigger issue is the "poor pitiful me" syndrome. It just bugs me to no end that it seems like "everybody else can eat whatever they want whenever they want without consequence". My head knows it's horse hockey, but the heart still aches like it's true. Same old story about how it's not the same for me for a variety of excuses.

    The inner child loves to get into the game: I don't want to have to log everything for the rest of my life. This is boring. Nobody else has to do this like I do. Nobody else's family gives them grief like mine does me. It's easier for everybody else. Yadda yadda yadda.
  • zma412
    zma412 Posts: 1
    I have been struggling to lose weight what seems like forever. Within the past 7 months I've actually put some effort. Back in November I started working out, biggest loser powerwalk. After working out 3 days straight I got a cold which turned into bronchitis. Took some meds and just rested. When I was finally feeling better I started back again with my powerwalk dvd and on the second day I was coughing up a storm again. Ended up with bronchitis again. This time it was a lot worse. I was wheezing and ended up in the er having to receive all kinds of meds and breathing treatments. Well moving forward I just started back again last week with my powerwalk dvd and you guessed it. I got sick. This time I actually started taking vitamins and being very cautious. I feel better now but a little hesitant to start using my powerwalk dvd. I've lost a pound during this time. I am looking for suggestions. I have a bad knee and need to loose 100 pounds but would be happy with 75 pounds lost.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    My biggest issue was not taking the time to educate myself on the scientific facts behind weight loss many years ago. Without the facts, it's like chasing a wild goose or a bunch of stray cats.
  • jennk5309
    jennk5309 Posts: 206 Member
    My love of chocolate and wine. I have learned there's just no benefit to eating 4 candy bars and a bottle of wine. No benefits and a whole lot of consequences.

    Heck to the yeah......chocolate and wine!!!! Wish I could have some :(
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I know my problem. I don't love food like a foodie but I eat a lot. I never feel full so I always have to eat. :(
  • tatecass
    tatecass Posts: 38 Member
    I like food. I obsessed over it and revolved my life around it. I let little excuses give me an excuse to overheat or indulge. I'm slowly coming out of that thinking and overcoming it, but it's definitely a struggle. I also am supper busy, I work full time, I go to school full time, I am married and I have a feisty almost 3 year old daughter. I used them as excuses for a long time, but no more. No matter what, it's ultimately my poor choice in foods that lead me here and eating right and exercising is now just part of my life!
  • Egon9123
    Egon9123 Posts: 44 Member
    Quitting soda and cutting down sugar. Also, I am so less determined to work out now that I don't have a workout partner :(
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 851 Member
    Complacency I'll do really good drop some weight then I'll think I can stop working as hard to keep getting results.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I'm very limited in what types of workouts I can and can't do because I have to work out at home with limited equipment and I always have to be ready to drop what I'm doing to help mom out with something since she can't really live independently. Basically, there's no such thing as "uninterrupted workout time."

    That and I am limited in what types of exercise I can safely do as a result of a neurological dysfunction that impairs basic motor control, balance, and spatial awareness.
  • patfriendly
    patfriendly Posts: 263 Member
    Social occasions are my biggest issue. Everywhere I go, everyone wants me to eat everything. I maintain very healthy diet the whole week when I am just working and not going out and then on week ends its binge all the way