Any guys having problems bulking up? I am haha



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    2 weeks is to early.

    Keep adding in calories till you find your sweet spot.....

    I will, I just don't want to lose too much definition in the process (I live in San Diego, it's summer all year haha), my goal is a 185 as lean as you man haha

    you are looking ripped!

    get over it.

    just bulk- and then cut. Bulk's come with fat gain- trying to put a cap and really minimize the fat gain is like saying you want to run a 5K in one sneaker and one stiletto- it's nonsensical and counter productive.

    You're making this process so much harder by going through a "long lean bulk"

    just eat more- lift all the things. and go for it.

    3000 isn't enough for a guy bulking. It should be higher- eat more- whatever it takes- but if you aren't seeing gains- it's because you aren't eating enough.
  • Nanierh85
    Nanierh85 Posts: 118
    There is no need to increase any fat weight with adding muscle weight.
    Increase your protein ratio in your cals, and make sure your training is periodized to your specific goals.

    Nearly impossible at least from the majority of people wanting to bulk.

    Answer to OP: Get those calories up. I'm 6'3" and usually cut down to 205-209 range and bulk up to 225 depending on how much fat I gain. Get your protein and fats filled up on your macros, and a good way to bulk if you can drink milk like its water.

    Thanks man, I love milk, I'll drink half a gallon a day.

    @JoRocka I am not really in a hurry to gain weight. I agree with you to an extent, I need to be eating more because I am burning a lot and I don't have that surplus. But like I said, I am not in a hurry, even if I could gain 1/4 of a pound a week I am ok. I am getting stronger, so I know I am not losing muscle which is always good :)
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    Used to have the same problem. For me the solution was peanut butter, or almond/cashew/hazelnut butter if you're allergic to peanuts. Eating 1 spoonful of peanut butter per meal can give you an additional +500 calories a day and you don't have to change your lifestyle or schedule.

    Another option is olive oil. Liberally toss it on anything you eat. Put it in your shakes, pancake mix, on your noodles, in your rice, over your goes well with just about anything. It's about 80-120 calories of healthy fat per tablespoon.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    2 weeks is to early.

    Keep adding in calories till you find your sweet spot.....

    I will, I just don't want to lose too much definition in the process (I live in San Diego, it's summer all year haha), my goal is a 185 as lean as you man haha

    you are looking ripped!

    But weight wise, I am very small.
    6'1" @ 168 lbs.
  • superhippo95
    superhippo95 Posts: 21 Member
    carbs are nonessential
    a caloric surplus is what is needed to promote muscle growth
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    carbs are nonessential
    a caloric surplus is what is needed to promote muscle growth

    Would you care to expand on this? You've already had some of the fittest and hottest body builders to walk the planet disagree with you, but maybe there's a reason you couldn't read the other thread properly....
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    There is no need to increase any fat weight with adding muscle weight.
    Increase your protein ratio in your cals, and make sure your training is periodized to your specific goals.

    I think we are ALL in agreement that some fat gain is unavoidable. But you can minimize it if you have worked out your numbers right and are super diligent.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I am 5'10", currently weight 179lbs but want to get to a lean 190lbs, I will even settle for a very lean 185 haha. I am consuming about 3,000 calories a day and I still seem to be burning fat. I started at 2,500 and have slowly increased the calories with the help of my trainer but I only seem to get stronger and not bigger :(

    Just venting I guess lol

    anybody else on the same boat?

    You should be right on track're doing cardio right? Or tracking food wrong(overestimating).

    Cardio complicates the bulking procedure by stopping the repair in between the 3 lifting days (you're doing 3x pw full body yes?)

    You must eat all the exercise calories back, and they can quite often screw with the numbers if they are wrong(the MFP ones are).
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    Could I see some more pics from you guys so I can better evaluate? :bigsmile:
  • Fujiberry
    Fujiberry Posts: 400 Member
    You're almost 6 feet and you're bulking at 3,000? OP, just enjoy the bulk and eat! :)
    You need much more than that. Try increasing it slowly. I increase mine 100-200 cals every other month of so. I'm at 2,500 now and I'm 5'2" with less muscle than you.
  • mRoss27
    mRoss27 Posts: 33 Member
    Just stick to 1g protein per/lb, .3g fat per/lb, and just give increasing carbs by 25g each week until you start gaining. You might need 4000 calories but when you hit the right number, trust me, you will start gaining.
  • cwoyto123
    cwoyto123 Posts: 308
    3000 calories isn't all that much mate, bump it up to 3500-4000.